接力版三年级下册Lesson 9 I can draw a car.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:32d1e).doc

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1、1 接力版三年级下册接力版三年级下册Lesson9Lesson9 I I cancan drawdraw a a car.car. Look,Look, listenlisten andand saysay & & LookLook andand saysay 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Lesson9Lesson9 I I cancan drawdraw a a car.car. Look,Look, listenlisten andand saysay & & LookLook andand saysay 执教者执教者 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识与技能 1、能够在语境中理解新单词 can

2、、cake、man、fly、read 的意思,并能够 正确发音。 2、能在对话情景中感知“I can ”以及“I cannot ”在实际情景 中运用。 过程与方法 在学生中心教学法、情境体验法、活动探究法、多媒体教学法、任务教学法 中熟练并运用知识的词句。 情感与价值观 在日常生活中让学生懂得做力所能及的事,不能胡乱模仿以及盲目做自己能 力范围外的事情。 教学资源教学资源图片、录像、网络资源、课堂现场的学生资源 教学重点教学重点 1、能够用句型“I can draw a/an?”表达自己会画或者不会画的东西,并能用句型“I can ”以及“I cannot ”表达自己能做或者不能做的事情。 2

3、、能够在语境中理解新单词 can、cake、man、fly、read 的意思,并能够正确发音。 教学难点教学难点能够在情境中运用句型: “I can ”以及“I cannot ” 解解 读读 方方 法法 教学准备教学准备多媒体、PPT、四线格磁铁条 教学方法教学方法学生中心教学法、情境体验法、活动探究法、多媒体教学法、任务教学法 学习方法学习方法体验感悟、自主学习、合作探究 教学手段教学手段多媒体辅助教学 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1.Greeting (20 秒) Howareyoutoday? Boys and girls. Im fine,too.

4、 Im fine. Thank you. What about you? 互相问候增进师 生之情。 2 教教 学学 过过 程程 2. Warming up ( 1-3 分钟) 3.Presentation Teacher presents what theyvelearnedfrom Lesson 5 “I can” Lets review the content of Lesson 5 Play the video. “Icannod,nodmy head. I can touch,touch my nose. Icancross,crossmy arms. I can stamp, sta

5、mp my foot.” Show them a picture of anapple,askthem, “whats this?” , Emphasizethe phrase,”a apple” or”an apple” theyfollowthe teachertodothe action. An apple, Of course an apple 先着重肢体动作引出 学过的单词“can”并 以巩固和开展已经学 过的内容, 激发学生的 学习兴趣。 为了引进新单词的学 习, 教师先用学过的单 词进行导入学习, 以便 进行新单词的教学。 3 Step 1 (415 分钟) Step 2 (16

6、20 分钟) Step 3 (2130 分钟) Show them the drawing process of an apple and retell the sentence, “I can draw an apple.” Here is a question, “can you draw an apple? Yes or no? They will draw an apple on the paper then show it to the others and say “I can draw an apple.” loudly. Show them the drawing proces

7、s of a cake and retell the sentence, “I can draw a cake.” Here is a question, “can you draw a cake? Yes or no? Theywilldrawa cake on the paper then show it to the others and say “I can draw a cake.”loudly. Gametime,draw whatever they want and make the sentences with thephrse”Ican draw.” Combinetwo s

8、entences” I can draw”. “I am a man.” to lead to the new one “A man can draw.” Theywilltryto memorizethe questionsafter watching how to draw an apple and answer theteacher together.“Yes” They feel very happy todrawsomething funny on the paper, after that and say“I can draw an apple.” Feeling the same

9、 way todrawsomething funny on the paper, after that and say“I can draw a cake. Thisisthe consolidationfor them.Theyfeel interestedwhile playing the game. 先简单画简笔画, 然后提出反问问题, 引 导学生领悟这节课从 画画到英语知识学生 的渐进性和从娱乐中 或者知识的重要性。 学生通过观看课 件能完成回答问题, 教 师要解释一下新单词 “cake、man、Fly”的 意思,不做重点。 画图游戏, 意义在于训 练学生快速记忆句子 以及应用的能力。

10、 4 Step 4 (30-35 分钟) 4.Summary (3640 分钟) 5.Self-valuation Then show them a question “Can a bird draw? Yes or no.” Put up a new word and emphasize “cannot” Abird can fly. Teach the new word”fly”, Then show them a question “Can a man fly? Yes or no.” The same way to teach the sentences“I can read”“A m

11、onkey cannot read.” and the words “read.” Game time, saying can or cannot while seeing the pictures which are about our daily life. A quick time to review four setences A bird can fly. A man cannot fly. I can read. A monkey cannot fly. Game time “Whack-a-mole game” Draw what the teacher ask on the s

12、creen by four students from different group. Tell them what they can do and dont do whatever they cannot do in daily life. The first time they get to perceive the new word “cannot” with the action of the teacher They totally understand the differences “cannot”and “can” After the game, they can compl

13、etely read the main content by themselves. They still feel so easy to perceive the knowledge. This part mainly aims to consolidate and extend what theyve learned today. Just tell them to chill out and have fun! 强调 cannot 这个 单词的重要性, 通过直 观的对比方式呈现单 词的意义。 说can和cannot的游戏 让学生能很快的理解 出生活中能做和不能 做的事情, 并且及时的 复习让学生一下子能 消化新知识。 四人随意在屏幕上画 画住要在放轻松心情, 意在学与玩想结合。 情感价值观的教 育,做力所能及的事。 5 作作 业业 Use“can”“cannot”make sentences then read to your parents. 板书板书 设计设计 Lesson9Lesson9 I I cancan drawdraw a a car.car. I can draw a cake.can A bird can fly.cake A man cannot fly.man fly I can read.read A monkey cannot read.


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