教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 2 Textbook p.45-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:1027b).zip

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教科版(三起点) 五年级下 Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop? 第2课时 Lead-in Sing a song Listen and say Presentation Who are they? What are they talking about? Presentation Listen and answer She wants to go to gift shop. Go straight two blocks and turn right. Its on the left. Where does Sandy want to go? Where is the gift shop? Practice Listen and Speak Listen and imitate 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Sandy: Excuse me. Is there a gift shop near here? Man: Im sorry? 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Sandy: Where is the gift shop? Man: Oh, the gift shop! Go straight two blocks and turn right. You can find it on your left. 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Practice Listen and Speak Listen and imitate 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Man: Well, lets see Can you see that white building? Sandy: Yes, I can. 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Man: Its next to that building. Sandy: Thanks a lot. 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音 频 Read it by yourselves for two minutes. 自己读对话两分钟。 Tips: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不 明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它 圈起来,请教同学或老师! Read by yourself Practice 小组合作,声音洪亮,有感情地 正确朗读课文。 C 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,脱离 课本,口语表达较准确流利,感 情与肢体语言较丰富。 B 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,能结 合已有知识或生活,对内容有创 新,口语表达准确流利,感情与 肢体语言丰富。 A Good Great Excellent 角色扮演,小组先进行练习,然后展示,其他同学评价 。 RoleRole playplay Practice Lets learn Presentation go straight Please go straight! Lets learn Presentation block Go three blocks. Lets learn Presentation leftright Lets learn Presentation turn leftturn right Lets learn Presentation building There are so many tall buildings in the city. Lets learn Presentation next to My school is next to the red house. Sandy: Excuse me. Is there a gift shop near here? Man: Im sorry? Sandy: Where is the _? Man: Oh, the gift shop! Go _ two _ and _ right. You can find it on your left. Practice Read and Complete gift shop straightblocks turn Man: Well, lets see Can you see that white _? Sandy: Yes, I can. Man: Its _ that building. Sandy: Thanks a lot. Practice Read and Complete building next to Ask and answer PracticePractice A: Is there a near here? B: Yes. Go straight and turn right/ left. Its in front of/between/ next to Talk together Practice a Is there a _ near here? Yes. Go straight _ and turn right. Its in front of _. two blocks the bookstore theater Talk together Practice b Is there a _ near here? Yes. Go straight _ and turn right. Its between _ and _.the gift shop post office two blocks the blanks Talk together Practice c Is there a _ near here? Yes. Go straight _ and turn right. Its next to _.the supermarket library one block A. Listen and number the pictures. Practice 答案答案 1 2 3 B. Listen and check the picture. Practice 答案答案 D. Read and write the correct word. Practice 答案答案 The car is in front of the gift shop. The gift shop is between the library and the photo shop. The theater is next to the library. theater gift shop photo shop E. Look and fill in the blanks. Practice 答案答案 welcome stand go turn smile excuse Stand smile Go turn Welcome Excuse E. Look and write the words in the blanks. Practice 答案答案 in front of next to between 1 2 3 The restaurant is _ the library. The bike is _ the library. next to in front of The gift shop is _ the theater and the photo shop. between Summary Is there a gift shop near here? Yes. Go straight two blocks and turn right. Where Is the Gift Shop? 一、学习目标一、学习目标 Function:能够听懂并能问路及应答。 Expression:- Is there a gift shop near here? - Yes. Go straight two blocks and turn right. Its next to that building. Vocabulary:straight, block, turn, right, left, building 二、教学步骤与建议二、教学步骤与建议 Warm-up 1. 教师与学生互相问候。 2. 教师与学生一起复习上一课时的重点表达。 (1)教师可以利用学生周围的一些物品引导学生练习如何表述感叹句。 T: The pen is nice. Ss: What a nice pen! T: The schoolbag is big. Ss: What a big schoolbag! T: The window is clean. Ss: What a clean window! (2)教师请一名学生独立说感叹句,班级中其他学生在练习本上书写感叹句。 Listen and Speak 1. 复习巩固上一课时所学课文。 (1)教师播放教科书第 44 页课文内容,让学生跟读。 (2)教师让学生以全体、小组、个人等形式朗读课文或者分角色表演课文内 容。 2. 重点理解教科书第 45 页课文的知识内容。 (1)教师播放第 45 页课文的录音。在听录音之前,教师先简单明了地以预 设问题的形式提示学生关注重点学习目标,然后让学生们带着问题有针对性地 听录音。 图 1 中桑迪向陌生人问路时的第一句话是什么? 图 1 中桑迪想去哪里? 图 1 中的外星人没有听清楚桑迪说的话,他说了什么? 图 2 中外星人是怎么为桑迪指路的? (2)在听完录音之后,教师和学生一起讨论听录音之前的预设问题。教师可 以根据学生的认知水平和预设问题的难易程度,适当地用中文句子或者简单明 了的英文句子向学生提问,引导学生尽量用英文回答问题,同时鼓励学生大胆 地说,敢于用英语表达自己的想法。 在讨论预设问题的过程中,教师可以进行词汇教学,将本课时的新授词汇 放到完整的句子中,从而让学生掌握词汇的发音、语义和用法。 词汇教学:straight, block, turn, right, left, next to straight,在本课时出现在动词 go 之后,词性为副词,修饰动词。straight 也可为形容词,如 straight line (直线),straight hair (盘发)。 block 与 clock 对比学习能够让学生更好地掌握 block 的发音。 turn left 和 turn right, “向左转”和“向右转” ,教师可以用肢体语言解释 left 和 right 以及 turn left 和 turn right 的意思。 next to,以教室中一组同桌为例,教师走到他们身边向全班说出 S1 is next to S2. 教师还可以运用身边的物品解释 next to 的意思。例如,This pen is next to the book. (3)教师根据和学生讨论的情况可以了解学生对知识的理解程度,并给予有 针对性的讲解或者必要的翻译。 3. 教师再次播放教科书第 45 页课文的录音,让学生进行跟读训练。 (1)教师鼓励学生大声跟读。让学生在跟读的过程中整理所学词句并发现和 纠正自己的不足之处。 (2)在全体跟读之后,教师鼓励学生以全班、小组、个人等形式朗读课文。 4. 以小游戏的形式巩固本课重点内容。 活动一活动一 活动名称:问路 活动目的:练习关于问路指路的相关表达。 活动方法: (1)教师先在黑板上画出一个街区平面地图。 (2)教师将班级学生分为四人一个小组。 (3)教师让一组的四名学生都站到黑板前,在短时间内观察并记忆该图中字 母所在的位置。 CD AE BF CH (4) 教师让这四名学生都背对黑板。教师指向一个场所,全班学生用句式 “Excuse me! Where is C?”黑板前的四名学生根据记忆抢答。 S1: Go straight one block and turn right. Its next to B. (5)在一组学生完成抢答之后,教师变换字母的位置并与学生进行下一轮的 抢答活动。 活动二活动二 活动名称:Find the letter 活动目的:通过找字母的游戏,帮助学生熟悉掌握本单元指路的表达。 活动方法: (1)教师在黑板上画出网格并标注英文字母。 EPRK QZ YJ WI TF AOCX (2)教师找一名学生与其示范游戏规则。 T: Im letter A. Where is my friend W? Ss: Go straight two blocks and turn left. Its next to T. 教师根据学生的答案带领大家沿着路线走一走,看看能不能找到字母 W。 (3)教师将两名学生分为一组进行找字母的互动练习。 Wrap-up 教师设计一些书写活动让学生熟练本课时的重点知识内容。 1. 教师为学生提供场所名词的提示,让大家在练习本上为建筑物标注名称, 自己制作出简单的地图,同时在另一页纸上准备没有标注建筑物名称的地图, 然后展开小组练习的活动。 shop hospital bookstore Park library 2. 小组展开问答练习 S1: Is there a near here? / Where is the . ? S2: Yes, go straight . and turn . Its . 学生在听到对方的回答后,在自己空白的地图上做标记,继续进行问答直 到找出对方地图上所有建筑物的名称。看看哪一组学生用最少的问题找到同伴 地图上的所有地点 3. 教师让学生将活动中涉及到的句子写在各自的练习本上。
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