教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 3 Textbook p.56-57-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:70bd8).zip

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-Hows the weather in spring? -Its. Dear Lucy, How are you?This is my picture in Wonderland .It is spring here.And it is warm and sunny .I like spring best,because I can ride my bike.Thats fun.Now Billy is riding his bike,and I will join him.Will you tell me something about season in Guan now?Hows the weather in Guan?which season do you like best?And why do you like it?Please write to me. Yours Sandy Which season does Sandy like best?And why does she like it? go skiing swim at the beach go on a picnicgo hiking Dear Lucy, How are you?This is my picture in Wonderland .It is spring here.And it is warm and sunny .I like spring best,because I can ride my bike.Thats fun.Now Billy is riding his bike,and I will join him.Will you tell me something about season in Guan now?Hows the weather in Guan?which season do you like best?Please write to me. Yours Sandy 1.What is the season in Guan now? 2.Hows weather in Guan? 3.Which season do you like best? 4Why do you like the season? Homework: Write a letter about the weather in your city. 备课科目:英语 备课内容:Unit6Unit6 HowsHows thethe WeatherWeather inin YourYour Country?Country? 备课人: 课时分配: _5_课时备课时间: 单元教材分析:本单元选自教育科学版五年级下册英语。主要目的 在于培养学生能够运用英语谈论天气,学生能够正确作用形容词对 天气进行描述,乐于投入到英语学习中。 单元学情分析:五年级学生已经学习英语 2 年多,听说读写方面有 一定的基础。但是自制力不够,需要加强自我调控,听说读写方面 还是比较薄弱。教师在教授本单元中既要抓住其优势,也要有针对 地对他们进行引导。 单元教学目标:能够听懂并能问答最喜欢的季节;能够听懂并能问 答我能做某事;将本单元的重要语言功能体现在有情境的图片中以 归纳本单元重点句型,让学生在交流和体验的基础上理解和掌握本 单元重点语言表达。 课时教学设计 课题:Unit6Unit6 HowsHows thethe WeatherWeather inin YourYour Country?Country? 课时:第_3_课时 备课人: 赵程程 授课人:赵程程 教学目标: 1认知目标:听懂会说会认 sunny,sunny, cloudy,cloudy, warmwarm , , rainyrainy 等表 示不同天气的单词,学会 HowsHows thethe weatherweather there?there? WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?Ibest?I Like.best.ILike.best.I can.can.等句型,并能 大方自然地运用于交际中。 2能力目标:培养学生的探究意识和协作精神,培养学生的想象力、 动手能力和综合运用的能力。 3情感目标:增长学生的日常生活知识,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点: 1. 学生能根据实际情况进行对话:HowsHows thethe weatherweather there?there? HowsHows thethe weatherweather inin summer?Whichsummer?Which seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?best? 2. 重点单词: seasonseason ,sunny,sunny, windy,windy, cloudy,warm,hotcloudy,warm,hot 教学难点: 1. 难点:能听、说、读、写单词 sunny,sunny, cloudy,cloudy, rainy,rainy, snowy,snowy, windywindy 2. 能听说理解句子 HowsHows thethe weatherweather inin _?_? 教具学具课件准备: 天气卡片,随堂 PPT 教学过程: S 热身复习(Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision) 1. GreetingsGreetings andand freefree talktalk T:T: Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. HowHow areare you?you? S:S: Hello,Hello, Ms.Ms. ImIm fine,fine, thankthank you,you, andand 个性添加 you?you? T:T: ImIm fine,fine, too.too. ThankThank youyou veryvery much.much. (Say(Say hellohello toto thethe teachersteachers together)together) T:T: WhatsWhats thethe datedate today?today? WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike today?today? (不断的用一些日常用语和孩子们进行对话,能 温故知新,锻炼提高孩子们的口语能力,并引出 这堂课所要学习的单词 summer,为下一环节做 铺垫。 ) 呈现新课 (PresentationPresentation) 1 1、ShowShow picturepicture oneone byby oneone toto students.Askstudents.Ask studentsstudents toto guessguess whatwhat areare theythey ?Point?Point toto thethe sunsun andand say:say: “Look“Look class!class! ThereThere isis a a picture.picture. WhatWhat seasonseason isis it?it? ItIt isis spring.spring. SaySay “spring”“spring” withwith me.me. AndAnd itsits warmwarm andand sunnysunny inin spring.spring. ( 利用 图片比较直观,便于理解,而且在谈论这些图片 的同时,不断的说一些日常用语,能够扩充学生 的词汇量) 2 2、PlayPlay a a guessingguessing gamegame toto practicepractice thethe newnew words.words. (学生们喜欢边玩边学,游戏能够尽量避免学习 的单调性,激发学习兴趣。而且猜猜的游戏,更 能够让孩子们说出他们能想到的单词,从而也更 好的了解他们对新知识的掌握程度) 3.3.ShowShow fourfour picturespictures toto studentsstudents whichwhich showshow thethe seasons.Askseasons.Ask thethe studentsstudents toto readread thethe sentences“Howssentences“Hows thethe weatherweather in.?in.? Its.”Its.” 小组合作反复操练上述 2 个句型,引出重点单词 cloudy,windycloudy,windy 等词。 4 4、OK,OK, class,howsclass,hows thethe weatherweather inin WonderlandWonderland ?Do?Do youyou know?Iknow?I knowknow .Because.Because I I havehave a a penpen palpal inin WonderlandWonderland ,her,her namename isis SandySandy whowho wrotewrote a a letterletter forfor meme . . (书信形式比较新颖,一方面可以引起学生的兴(书信形式比较新颖,一方面可以引起学生的兴 趣,另外一方面通过读书信可以巩固学生新学的趣,另外一方面通过读书信可以巩固学生新学的 知识)知识) 5 5、SudentsSudents readread thethe letterletter allall togethertogether andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions. Q1:HowsQ1:Hows thethe weatherweather inin Guan?Guan? Q2Q2:WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?best? Q3:WhyQ3:Why dodo youyou likelike it?it? 找几名学生回答问题,让学生充分了解 HowsHows thehe weatherweather ?和 whichwhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?Ibest?I like.best.Ilike.best.I can.can.的用法 ( (通过任务型教学,学生能够更好地理解本课所通过任务型教学,学生能够更好地理解本课所 要学习的重难点要学习的重难点) ) 引入课堂第二部分。 5、要求学生听音跟读课文 6、PairPair work.work. 引入课本 57 页课文,要求学生 听音跟读课文。教师对 57 页课文加以适当的解 说。然后要求学生们模仿书上的对话。 (在听过 地道的英语以后,让学生模仿练习,能够不断的 提高他们的诵读能力,而且通过听读,能让学生 自查自己在发音方面的欠缺,从而查漏补缺) 7、在足够练习对话的情况下,教师根据上述 3 个问题的回答,教授学生如何写关于天气方面的 信。先小组讨论,然后以小组为单位一一展示。 (让更多的学生参与对话,而且能活跃课堂气 氛,也更能巩固句子和单词) 五、ClassClass closing.closing. Homework:1.Homework:1. WatchWatch thethe weatherweather forecastforecast tonight,tonight, andand thenthen telltell meme thatthat howshows thethe weatherweather inin Guan?Guan? 2.Write2.Write a a letterletter toto SandySandy aboutabout thethe weatherweather aboutabout Guan.Guan. (各种特色作业能及时了解孩子们的掌握情况, 而且变化多样的作业形式更能调动学生的兴趣) 3.Say3.Say goodgood byebye 板书设计 HowsHows thethe weather?weather? SummerSummer springspring fallfall winterwinter Sunny/cloudy/windy/warmSunny/cloudy/windy/warm WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?Ibest?I like.best.Ican.like.best.Ican. 教学反思:
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