冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 10 Exercise-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:80069).docx

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1、Lesson10 Exercise 知识技能目标: 1、 听懂、认读、口头和书面运用单词 minutes,hours,exercise 2、通过情景教学,让学生在交际活动中灵活运用 How often /How many,以及动词短语作主语的用法。 情感态度目标 1、通过教师有效评价激励,学生能勇于开口,表达中不怕出错; 2、通过 chant等 多样化活动,学生能体会到学习英语的乐趣; 3、通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。 学习策略目标 1、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流; 2、能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 教学重难点: 1动词短语作主语 2How often /

2、How many.?句型 3小练笔 exercise 教学用具: PPT, 篮球,跳绳,钟表,卡片 教学过程: Step1: Review Hello, boys and girls . How is the weather today? How do you feel ? Did you have good breakfast this morning ? What did you eat ? Ill show you some pictures.( read it one by one ) I ate a bowl of millet conge, some steamed stuffed

3、 buns .But Jenny ate a glass of milk ,some bread . Do you know the differences between Chinese food and Western food ? These are vegetables and fruit . What is good for you ? Vegetables are good for you .Fruit is good for you. What else is good for you ?(引出新授课) 设计意图:设计意图:问候和复习考查学生 How 的句型。了解中西方饮食文化

4、差别;知道吃更多蔬菜水果对你身体是有好处的。引出加强体育锻 炼对你身体有好处。 Step2. Look at these pictures . 1 Picture one What is Danny doing ? Riding a bike . TwoWhat is Li Ming doing ? Walking . Three What are they doing ?Playing ping-pong. FourWhat is Kim doing ?Running Riding a bike is exercise .Walking is exercise .Playing ping-p

5、ong is exercise. Running is exercise . 2 What else is exercise? What is it ? Basketball. Xx, Catch it .Give it to somebody . What are we doing ?Playing basketball. Playing basketball is exercise. This is a skipping rope .Can you skip? Skipping is exercise . 设计意图设计意图:通过表演打篮球,跳绳等体育活动,让学生从实际活动 中感受体育锻炼。

6、 3.Listen to the tape. 4. Practise. 设计意图设计意图:在练习中巩固学生对动词短语的应用。尤其注意 run- running skip-skipping ride riding 的变形。 Which exercise do you like best ? Step3 Part2 1. Look at this chart .Imagine this is yourself. How often do you _? How many minutes do you _? Make a dialogue in your groups.准备钟表讲解,时与分的概念。 设

7、计意图:设计意图:通过表格呈现生活中的体育活动。加强句子 How often ? How many ?练习。学习来源于生活,利用生活中活动,学习来源于生活,利用生活中活动, 物品讲解课本中内容。物品讲解课本中内容。 2.How about Danny? Listen to the tape and answer these questions. 设计意图设计意图:让学生带着问题听录音,加强学生听力。 Who wants to be “Danny ”? Who wants to be “ Mr. Wood”. Make a dialogue in your groups . 设计意图设计意图:设

8、立情景对话,让学生分角色朗读,锻炼学生朗读能力。 让学生敢说英语,爱说英语,乐说英语。 How about Li Ming ? Step4. Read Part3. Write the chart . 学生问,学生答。在对话中考查学生对“How often does.? How many ?”句型的应用。 Step5.Practice . 设计意图:让学生在模仿中学写作。 Step6.Lets chant. 设计意图设计意图:活动身体,加强锻炼。 Step7.Homework. Lesson 10 Exercise What is exercise ?How often do you -?oncea day Riding a biketwicea week Walkingthree times a month Playing ping-pongfour times a year RunningHow many minutes /hours do you _?


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