人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:f2d17).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:f2d17).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:f2d17).docx_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:f2d17).docx_第3页
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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section B Reading (2a-2e) 一、教材分析 新目标英语采用任务型教学模式,以单元为话题单位,与学 生的实际生活密切相关, 引导学生通过自主、 合作、 探究的学习方式, 把所学内容与实际生活联系起来, 让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习真 实的语言。“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”,让学生在教师有序的 指导下,通过感知、体验、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感 受成功。新目标英语几乎每一个单元都能设计一些活动,让学生 体验,参与,学习语言。 本单元是新目标八年级下册的第七单元(Unit

2、7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?),主题是了解中国以及世界地理知 识,Section B 在 Section A 的基础上,通过自然和文化的比较过渡到 了动物之一话题。而 2a-2e 是一个阅读板块。阅读材料是关于大熊猫 的一报道,主要通过大量的小组活动,理解文章大意。通过归纳总结 和练习的方式,进一步提高学生听说读写综合素质能力。 二、学生分析 八年级的学生英语水平参差不齐, 部分学生具备较强的阅读理解 能力,而部分学生基础较差,所以针对这种不同的学习需求,教师在 设计课堂教学任务时必须注意基本核心语言材料并适当拓展。 三、教学目标 1、

3、知识目标: 学习掌握词汇 bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, wild, government, oil, protection, walk into,fall over . 2、能力目标:在语言输入的同时完成语言输出,在听说读写译中提 高语言技能,提高综合运用语言的能力。着重培养学生读的能力:速 读,浏览,跳读,精读和任务型阅读能力,还包括分析概括能力,语 言表达能力,书写能力,合作能力,沟通能力。 3、情感目标:通过了解大熊猫的生存状态,唤起学生的爱心,进而 意识到保护野生

4、动物和保护生态环境是每个人的责任。 四、教学手段:本课采用任务型教学法,同时辅助多媒体教学。用音 乐,视频,图片是抽象的语言变得直观。 五、教学重点:掌握词汇 bamboo,endangered,research,keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, wild, government, oil, protection, walk into,fall over . 六、教学难点:总结文章大意,对保护熊猫的讨论。 七、教学步骤 Step: Warming-up activities . Firstly,answer questions : D

5、o you like animals? And why? Then lets watch a video about pandas. Step : Pre-reading . Work in your groups to have a discussion about pandas by using the words in 2a,and then the leader show your result. Step:While-reading Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean(find the whole sentence

6、)10,12,200,2000 . Step :Careful-reading Read the first two para.1-2 andanswer these two questions. Whats Lin Weis job? What does she do every day? What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? Read para.3 and answer the following questions. How often do pandas have babies? How much bamboo do adult pan

7、daseatevery day? How many pandas are there living in the forests ? How many pandas are there in zoos or research centers? Why are pandas endangered? Read para.4 and answer the last two questions. What does the education program in Chengdu do? Why are scientists doing research? Then according to the

8、outline to retell the important part of this article. Step :Post-reading 1、Complete the sentences ,youd better not look up the words in your books. The panda _at the Chengdu Research Base are awake very early in the morning to _ breakfast for the baby pandas. In _ ,pandas have become so _that they a

9、re now a symbol of China . Adult pandas do not have babies very _ ,and some of the babies only live for a short time bacause of _. A special program in Chengdu teaches _about why pandas are _ and how to save them. The Chinese government is helping to _the pandas. Scientists also want to better _ the

10、 habits of pandas. 2、Watch a video. Play a video about pandas, lets the students pay attention to the pandas and our environment.(And this video is recorded by a student in my class.) 3、Discussion. What other ways do you think we can do to save the pandas? 4、Writing. Write an article about pandas. What do you think of pandas? Why are they endangered? What can we do to protect them? Step :Homework. 1. Read the passage again and retell. 2. Recorrect your composition.


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