人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:70930).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains._Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:70930)
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Section A 1a-1c Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? * Find out who has the best memory in our class. * Question 1: How was the weather yesterday? QuestionQuestion 2:2: DidDid youyou havehave a a musicmusic classclass yesterday?yesterday? QuestionQuestion 3:3: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo yesterday?yesterday? QuestionnaireQuestionnaire * QuestionQuestion 4:4: WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing atat 12:3012:30 yesterday?yesterday? QuestionQuestion 5:5: WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing atat 14:0714:07 onon MondayMonday afternoon?afternoon? QuestionnaireQuestionnaire We were having lunch. /I was having lunch. * QuestionQuestion 6:6: WhatWhat classclass werewere youyou havinghaving atat thisthis timetime yesterday?yesterday? QuestionQuestion 7:7: WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing whenwhen thisthis classclass began?began? QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 8:8: WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing atat thethe timetime ofof dinnerdinner yesterday?yesterday? * QuestionQuestion 9:9: WereWere youyou havinghaving a a classclass atat 7:307:30 yesterdayyesterday evening?evening? QuestionQuestion 10:10: WereWere youyou havinghaving a a classclass atat 9:309:30 lastlast night?night? Yes, we were. We were having a physics class. /Yes, I was. I was having a physics class. No, we werent. We were not having a class at /No, I wasnt. I wasnt having a class at QuestionnaireQuestionnaire * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 11:11: WhatWhat waswas Mr.Mr. DengDeng doingdoing atat 14:0814:08 thisthis Monday?Monday? He was talking with others. * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 12:12: WhatWhat waswas Mr.Mr. HeHe doingdoing atat 18:0018:00 onon AprilApril 10th?10th? He was drinking some water. * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 13:13: WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing whenwhen Mr.Mr. HeHe walkedwalked toto thethe door?door? We were doing eye exercises. * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 14:14: WhatWhat werewere LiLi XinyiXinyi andand XuXu YuluYulu doingdoing atat thatthat time?time? They were discussing with Mr. Wang and Mr. Wen. * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire WatchWatch carefullycarefully * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 15:15: HowsHows thethe weatherweather inin thethe picture?picture? Raining heavily + thundering+ lightning= rainstorm * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 16:16: WhereWhere werewere thethe peoplepeople atat thethe timetime ofof thethe rainstorm?rainstorm? abcd 1. in the library3. on the street 2 . i n h e r house 4. at the bus stop * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire ListenListen carefullycarefully Listen to the TV report and remember the correct responses. QuestionQuestion 17:17: WhatWhat activitiesactivities diddid youyou hearhear ? ? a. doing my homework / studying b. playing basketball / reading c. going to work / waiting for the bus d. walking home / shopping * Yesterdays rainstorm was the heaviest one so far this year. What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? The TV reporter is interviewing some of them. A girl said she _ at home, a boy said he _ at the library. A woman said she _for the bus. So she got all wet at last. A man said he _ home from the supermarket. Luckily he had an umbrella, but he still got wet. The reporter said that many people were caught in the rain yesterday and it took them hours to get home. QuestionQuestion 18:18: WhatWhat werewere theythey doingdoing whenwhen thethe rainstormrainstorm came?came? QuestionnaireQuestionnaire was doing her homework was reading was waiting was walking * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire SummarizeSummarize QuestionQuestion 19:19: WhatWhat havehave youyou learnedlearned today?today? 1 . s e n t e n c e structures: Past Continuous Tense 2. time phrases: w a s / w e r e + doing at on at this/ that time yesterday when * Consolidation 用所给动词的适当形式填空,并体会过去进行时的用法。 1.What _ you _(do) at nine oclock last Sunday morning? 2.John _(take) photos when Mary _ (have)a drink. 3. When I _(get) home, my brother _(listen) to the radio. 4. What _Linda _(do) when Mary _(call) yesterday? -She _(take) a shower. 5. What _ people _(do) at the time of the rainstorm? were doing was takinghad got was listening was doing called was taking Were doing * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire MemoryMemory GameGame Rules: 1. Write down one activity you did in the past. 2. Write down the time when you were doing it. 3. Make a sentence with the activity and the time in the Past Continuous Tense. * QuestionnaireQuestionnaire QuestionQuestion 20:20: WhatWhat werewere youryour classmatesclassmates doing?doing? MemoryMemory GameGame Example: A.I was doing my homework when the teacher came in. B.A was doing her homework when the teacher came in, I was reading a book at 7:00 pm. C: * Made by: Tang Yanbo Thanks for listening! * * Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A 1a-1c(Period 1) 【佳句赏析佳句赏析】Running away from your problems is a race youll never win. 逃避困难是一场永 远跑不赢的比赛 【学习目标学习目标】学习并掌握用过去进行时来表达过去某个时间在做什么,并用其描述某动作 或某事件的发生。提升选择性抓捕信息的听力技能。 【学习重点学习重点】掌握过去进行时的结构、用法及常用的时间状语,提升听力技能。 【预习指导预习指导】 1. 根据音标拼读单词表中的新单词 rainstorm。 2. 仔细阅读课本 P33 1a 的内容,结合你以前所学,用一些简单的句子描写图中人物的活动 及所在地点,注意时态。完成 1a 的练习。 3. 阅读课本 P33 的内容,将各句子中的谓语动词找出来并打上“_”,看看他们分别是什 么时态,采用了什么形式来表现时态。 【课堂学习课堂学习】 1. 新课学习。 2. 听力训练:(1)P33 1b 听前活动:观察 1a 的图片中人物的活动及 1b 中所给的动词短语, 预测要抓捕的信息。 听时策略:信息抓捕的重点是动词或动词短语。 听后总结:根据所听内容,完成短文填空:Yesterdays rainstorm was the heaviest one so far this year. What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? The TV reporter is interviewing some of them. A girl said she _ her homework at home, a boy said he _ at the library. A woman said she _for the bus. So she got all wet at last. A man said he _ home from the supermarket. Luckily he had an umbrella, but he still got wet. The reporter said that many people were caught in the rain yesterday and it took them hours to get home. 3. 语法归纳: 总结本节课所学的知识点 句型结构:_ (2)时间短语:_ (3)语法知识:过去进行时 【当堂检测当堂检测】 用所给动词的适当形式填空,并体会过去进行时的用法。 1. What _ you _(do) at nine oclock last Sunday morning? 2. John _(take) photos when Mary _(have) a drink. 3. When I _(get) home, my brother _(listen) to the radio. 4. What _Linda _(do) when Mary _(call) yesterday? -She _(take) a shower. 5. What _ people _(do) at the time of the rainstorm? 人教版新目标八年级下册人教版新目标八年级下册 Unit 5 Period 1 教学反思教学反思 根据本节课的授课内容及学生的实际情况,本节课采用任务型教学模式, 用问卷调查的形式组织课堂,通过用学生的生活实照及多媒体创设真实的教学 情境,从而帮助学生更好地理解和掌握过去进行时的基本结构和用法。 根据教学大纲的要求,本节课的教学内容中几乎没有新的词汇,语法方面 也只要求掌握 was/ were+ doing 的基本结构及其特殊疑问句形式。而授课班级 的学生有较好的英语基础,为了均衡教学任务,本节课在设计的时候补充了几 个词汇:storm, stormy, thunder, lightning 及过去进行时的一般疑问句及其回答 方式、肯定句和否定句形式及第三人称单复数形式等,从而加大了本节课的难 度和容量。 为了激发学生的学习热情,本节课采用了学校监控摄像头中截取的很多学 生日常生活的画面作为素材,同时将课本上的图片制作成小视频让学生进行记 忆力挑战的小游戏,将信息技术与学科内容的高度融合,大大激发了学生学习 兴趣及挑战精神。 从课堂教学的实践效果来看,教学情境的真实性及问卷式调查的任务设计、 多媒体等现代教学手段的运用极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛, 并大大增加了课堂教学容量,增强了教学效果。 暴风雨视频的使用有效地帮助学生理解了新单词 rainstorm 的含义,增强了 教学的直观性。 问卷调查形式贯穿整个课堂教学的始终,突出了本节课的重难点,使整个 课堂秩序井然,环节紧凑。 但是,在课堂教学的实践操作过程中,仍存在以下几点不足之处: 1. 由于拓展的新知识较多,因而新知识的呈现部分耗时较多,从而导致游 戏环节没能进行。 2、由于上课之前没有明确给出学生要记好本节课的每一个内容,且最后又 没有给出较好的提示,导致学生没能很好地完成进行时间状语的总结。 3、板书方面有待改进。 人教版新目标八年级下册人教版新目标八年级下册Unit 5 Period 1教学设计教学设计 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A (1a-1c) 教材分析: 本节课教授的内容是人教版Go For it!(2014)八年级下册第五单元第一课时的内容,旨在通过构建过去场景中正在发生的各种 情况引导学生学习并使用过去进行时。 本节课只有一个新单词rainstorm,重点是掌握过去进行时的基本结构was/ were+ doing及其基本用法,即:表示在过去的某个时刻正在发生或过去一段时间内一直在进行的 动作。过去进行时是学生首次接触的一个时态,在结构上很容易与现在进行时的结构混淆 ,在意义上又不容易与一般过去时分清楚。 学情分析: 本人这节课教授的对象是1501班的学生。这些学生有较好的英语学习习惯和英语基础 ,对于现在进行时和一般过去时都掌握得较好。平时老师对学生的英语的学习习惯训练得 比较多,因而学生在开口说英语和动笔写英语句子、文章的时候都能比较多地关注谓语动 词的正确形式。但是,这个班的学生在性格上比较内敛,需要老师更多地在教学活动设计 上进行创新,从而尽可能地调动学生在课堂上的积极性和表现欲望。 教学设计: 一、教学目标Teaching and Learning Goals: I、Words and expressions(词汇、短语和表达) : 1. Learn and use the following vocabularies(基本词汇): rainstorm 2.Read the following non-curriculum words(拓展词汇): storm, stormy, thunder, lightning 3. Learn the time phrases(时间短语): at this time, at that time, at the time of, when 4. Master the basic usage of the past progressive tense. II、语言功能:Talk about past events (能讲述过去发生的事情。) III、学习策略: Get the general idea by looking at the picture and master the listening strategies. (通过插图获取大意,训练听力技巧) IV、情感态度:培养学生倾听的好习惯。学习上做到上课专心听讲,及时做好笔记,生活中 能耐心听取他人讲述,并培养在倾听过程中捕捉重要信息的能力。 【设计意图】目标引领,三维目标概括本课的主要内容。根据学生有较好的英 语学习基础的特点,将词汇量进行了拓展,并增添了对过去进行时不同人称和 数以及肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的教学内容,提升学生的学 习能力。 二、教学方法: Situational teaching approach(情景教学法):整堂课设置的真实的情境为问卷调查活动 Task-based teaching method(任务型教学法):本节堂课设置的学习任务是找出全班记忆力最好的学生 【设计意图】情景教学法是第二语言教学的基本方法,让学生理解语言来源于 生活并懂得如何在实际生活中运用;任务型教学法是以任务驱动整节课的每一 个教学环节,激发学生自主学习和探索的欲望,是现代教学理念的集中体现。 三、教学准备: 课件、多媒体教学设备(电脑、摄像机等)、学生生活照等 四、教学过程: Step I: Greeting 1. Greet to the students. 2. Say something about their study: T: The mid-term examination is coming soon. Are you ready for it? You should revise all the knowledge we have learned before. It may be a little difficult. A good memory is helpful for you to get good grades. 【设计意图】由期中考试临近需紧张备考的话题开篇,激发学生的热情的同时 ,为下面更好的呈现本节课的任务做准备。 Step II: Revision 1. Present the task: Find out who has the best memory in our class. T: Today you have to finish a “questionnaire” with 20 questions and show me how much you can remember about the past events. Then we can know who has the best memory in our class. 【设计意图】以“寻找记忆力最好的学生”作为主线教学任务贯穿课堂教学始 终,从而将每一个教学环节和教学活动形成一个整体。 2. Revise the simple past tense by talking about the past events. The teacher shows the following three questions one by one to the students and has them answer correctly according to their own information. Question 1: How was the weather yesterday? Question 2: Did you have a music class yesterday? Question 3: What did you do yesterday? 【设计意图】以问卷调查的形式开始提问,使教学环节过渡自然。通过以上三 个问题的设置,复习用一般过去时描述过去的事情:第一个问题是复习以be作 谓语的情况,第二、三个问题是复习以实义动词作谓语的情况。此外,第一、 三个句子是复习特殊疑问句,第二个句子是复习一般疑问句。 Step III: Presentation 1 1. Present the students the Past Continuous Tense by asking the students two following questions. Question 4: What were you doing at 12:30 yesterday? Question 5: What were you doing at 14:07 on Monday afternoon? 【设计意图】继续以问卷调查的形式提问使过渡自然。通过以上两个问题的设 置,导入过去进行时,并通过强调时间状语让学生领悟过去进行时的作用:第 一个问题给出的时间是一个特殊的时间点 午餐时间,这个时间点对于全部在校用餐的1501班的学生来说,答案是唯一的 ,因而,本道题的设置更多的是为了强调表示过去的时间点在过去进行时的结 构中的使用;第二问题的展示是通过电脑展示一张本班学生星期一下午14:07上 生物课的监控录像的截图导出过去进行时。本题的答案也是唯一的,目的依然 让学生理解过去进行时的结构和用法;使用学生自己的照片是为了激发他们的 学习兴趣。照片来自于监控摄像,既突出了真实性,也体现了现代信息技术在 教学中的使用。 2. Have the students answer following three questions to learn more about the Past Continuous Tense. Question 6: What class were you having at this time yesterday? Question 7: What were you doing when this class began? Question 8: What were you doing at the time of dinner yesterday? 【设计意图】通过以上三个问题的设置,强调不同的时间状语在过去进行时使 用:第一个问题旨在学习短语at this time,第二个问题旨在学习以when引导的时间状语从句,第三个问题旨在学习 短语at the time of 3. Have the students answer following two questions to learn more about the Past Continuous Tense. Question 9: Were you having a class at 7:30 yesterday evening? Question 10: Were you having a class at 9:30 last night? 【设计意图】这两个问题的设置,是为了引出过去进行时的句子的一般疑问句 结构。对于全部在校上晚自习的1501班的学生来说,第一个问题的答案是唯一 的,本题设置的唯一目的就是让学生了解并掌握过去进行时的一般疑问句的回 答方式;同时,通过要求学生给出完整的句子进行回答,从而让其了解过去进 行时的否定句的构成方法。第二个问题答案是开放性的,旨在让学生进行一般 疑问句和否定句的练习。 4. Have the students answer following four questions to learn more about the Past Continuous Tense. Question 11: What was Mr. Deng doing at 14:00 this Monday? Question 12: What was Mr. He doing at 18:00 on April 10th? Question 13: What were you doing when Mr. He walked to the door? Question 14: What were Li Xinyi and Xu Yulu doing at that time? 【设计意图】这四个问题都根据学生的平时生活中监控录像拍下的动作和状态 而设置,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,也是为了让学生进一步明白语言与生活的 密切关系。同时,这四个问题分别设计到了第三人称单数、复数形式,目的是 让学生掌握过去进行时中人称和数的变化及要求。 Step IV: Presentation 2 1. Watch a short video. Then answer the following two questions: Question 15: Hows the weather in the picture? Question 16: Where were the people at the time of rainstorm? T: Hows the weather in the picture? Ss: Its raining. T: Just raining? Please look at the screen carefully. Its raining heavily and thundering and also lightning. Its stormy. We can also call it “rainstorm”. (Write the news words “stormy, rainstorm, thunder, lightning” on the blackboard.) T: Where were the people doing at the time of rainstorm? Please match the people with the places. 【设计意图】这个环节的内容是课本上1a的图片和短语。把图片制作成快闪的 视频,一是为了继续问卷调查的主题任务,二是为了激发学生学习兴趣的同时 集中课堂学习的注意力。第一个问题的设置是为了引出新单词rainstorm及其拓 展词汇。为了让学生正确理解这些新的词汇的意思,又播放了一个暴风雨的视 频。 第二个问题设计的目的是为了过渡到课本1a的练习。 Step V. Drill 1. Finish the exercises in 1a, then check the answers together. 2. Read the sentences aloud together. 【设计意图】此环节是听力活动前的一个课堂预热活动。 Step VI. Listening comprehension Listen to the record carefully and then answer the following two questions: Question 17: What activities did you hear from the record? Question 18: What were the people doing when the rainstorm came? T: Please listen to the record carefully and remember the correct activities. Then check the answers together. T: Listen again and complete the passage with the information from the record. Yesterdays rainstorm was the heaviest one so far this year. What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? The TV reporter is interviewing some of them. A girl said she _ at home, a boy said he _ at the library. A woman said she _for the bus. So she got all wet at last. A man said he _ home from the supermarket. Luckily he had an umbrella, but he still got wet. The reporter said that many people were caught in the rain yesterday and it took them hours to get home. Check the answers in groups and then ask one group to share their answers with the whole class. After that, all the students read the passage together. 【设计意图】这个环节的内容是课本上1b的内容的改编和补充,而两个问题的 设置依然是为了继续问卷调查的课堂形式。第一个问题就是课本上1b圈出正确 答案,第二个问题是把听力中对话的内容改编成短文的形式,从第三人称的角 度进行过去进行时的练习。同时也是为了给学生更多的笔头练习的机会。 Step VII. Summary Answer the following question: Question 19: What you have learned today? Summarize the sentence structures and the time phrases we have learned today. 【设计意图】这个环节继续采用问卷调查的形式进行设计,目的是为了让学生 自己归纳总结过去进行时的结构和常用的时间短语。 Step VIII. Consolidation Finish the following exercises as quickly as possible. Then check the answers together. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,并体会过去进行时的用法。 1. What _ you _(do) at nine oclock last Sunday morning? 2. John _(take) photos when Mary _ (have)a drink. 3. When I _(get) home, my brother _(listen) to the radio. 4. What _Linda _(do) when Mary _(call) yesterday? -She _(take) a shower. 5. What _ people _(do) at the time of the rainstorm? 【设计意图】这个环节是为了检测学生对过去进行时的学习和掌握情况而设计 的。 Step IX. Memory game Play a memory game by answering the last question: Question 20: What were you classmates doing? Steps: 1. Write down one activity you did in the past. 2. Write down the time when you were doing it. 3. Make a sentence with the activity and the time in the Past Continuous Tense. Example: A: I was doing my homework when the teacher came in. B: A was doing her homework when the teacher came in, I was reading a book at 7:00 pm. C: 【设计意图】这个环节设计成快速记忆的形式是为了继续问卷调查的主题,帮 助学生进一步练习和灵活运用过去进行时。活动开始前要求学生写出自己在过 去某一时刻的活动,这样才能保证活动的顺利进行。通过游戏评出记忆力最好 的学生,从而为本节课的主线任务问卷调查画上圆满的句号。 Step X. Homework Writing a show passage, describing your familys acti
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