人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-省级优课-(编号:01624).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains._Section A 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_省级优课_(编号:01624)
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Traditional Chinese stories HouHou YiYi ShootsShoots thethe SunSun JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest NuNu WaWa RepairsRepairs thethe SkySky YuYu GongGong MovesMoves a a MountainMountain WhichWhich storystory is is thethe mostmost popularpopular in in WesternWestern countries?countries? Which book is it? Journey to the West Who is the main character? The Monkey King What do you know about the story? Is the Monkey King a real monkey? The story is so popular that PC game cartoon movieTV program English edition MatchMatch thethe mainmain ideasideas withwith eacheach paragraph.paragraph. ParagraphParagraph 1 1 ParagraphParagraph 2 2 ParagraphParagraph 3 3 A.A. WhatWhat cancan thethe mainmain charactercharacter do?do? B.B. WhichWhich bookbook is is talkedtalked about?about? & & WhoWho is is thethe mainmain character?character? C.C. WhyWhy hashas it it excitedexcited soso manymany children?children? ParagraphParagraph 1 1 WhichWhich bookbook is is talkedtalked about?about? & & WhoWho is is thethe mainmain character?character? True or false? It It is is thethe firstfirst timetime forfor ChineseChinese childrenchildren toto hearhear thethe story.story. TheThe storystory is is newnew toto pupilspupils in in England.England. TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing is is thethe mainmain charactercharacter in in thethe traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese bookbook JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest. . ParagraphParagraph 2 2WhatWhat cancan thethe mainmain charactercharacter do?do? WhatWhat hehe cancan dodoWhatWhat hehe cannotcannot dodo HeHe cancan makemake 7272 changeschanges toto hishis shapeshape andand size,size, turningturning himselfhimself intointo differentdifferent animalsanimals andand objects.objects. HeHe cancan makemake hishis magicmagic stickstick smallsmall oror large.large. UnlessUnless hehe cancan hidehide hishis tail,tail, hehe cantcant turnturn himselfhimself intointo a a person.person. ParagraphParagraph 3 3 BecauseBecause thethe cleverclever MonkeyMonkey KingKing keepskeeps fightingfighting toto helphelp thethe weakweak andand nevernever givesgives up.up. 3c Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage. 1.1. JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest is is a a _ ChineseChinese book.book. It It tellstells oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular storiesstories in in China.China. 2.2. WhenWhen thethe EnglishEnglish TVTV programprogram MonkeyMonkey _ in in 1979,1979, WesternWestern childrenchildren _ thisthis wonderfulwonderful story.story. traditionaltraditional camecame outout becamebecame interestedinterested in in 3.3. TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing cancan _ toto hishis body.body. HeHe is is ableable toto _ differentdifferent animalsanimals andand objects.objects. 4.4. TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing _ makemake hishis magicmagic stickstick smallsmall oror large.large. is is ableable toto makemake 7272 changeschanges turnturn himselfhimself intointo 1.1. JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest is is a a traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese book.book. It It tellstells oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular storiesstories in in China.China. 2.2. WhenWhen thethe EnglishEnglish TVTV programprogram MonkeyMonkey camecame outout in in 1979,1979, WesternWestern childrenchildren becamebecame interestedinterested in in thisthis wonderfulwonderful story.story. 3.3. TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing cancan makemake 7272 changeschanges toto hishis body.body. HeHe is is ableable toto turnturn himselfhimself intointo differentdifferent animalsanimals andand objects.objects. 4.4. TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing is is ableable toto makemake hishis magicmagic stickstick smallsmall oror large.large. Which book/ story Why Who& What Which book Who What Why JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest is is TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing is is HeHe cancan makemake HeHe is is ableable toto turnturn HeHe usesuses HeHe cancan makemake ChildrenChildren allall overover thethe worldworld lovelove him.him. GOODGOOD Which book Who What Why JourneyJourney toto thethe WestWest is is TheThe MonkeyMonkey KingKing is is HeHe cancan makemake HeHe is is ableable toto turnturn HeHe usesuses HeHe cancan makemake ChildrenChildren allall overover thethe worldworld lovelove him.him. BecauseBecause ButBut unlessunless Sometimes,Sometimes, soso thatthat BETTERBETTER BESTBEST Bonus!Bonus! If you use unless, as soon as, so that, so that, although, because, If you are the Monkey King and you have the magic stick, What will you do? Make up your own stories. Use your imagination. Finish the mind map on your paper. Write down your own story. I. Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Knowledge goals: 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn into, excite, western 2)阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。了解西游记中美猴王这一人物的大体情况。 3) 连词 unless, as soon as, so that的使用 2. Ability goals: 提高学生的阅读能力,培养学生的英语思维。 3. Moral goals: 多阅读中国传统文学名著,让学生们明白中国传统文化的博大、精深,并 吸取中国传统文化中的精华。 II. Teaching Important Points 1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。 III. Teaching difficult Points: 使用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解与分析。英语思维的训练。 IV. 课型、课时: 新授、一课时 StepStepTeachersTeachers activityactivityStudentsStudents activityactivity 1Warming up Ask the students to guess which is the most popular story. Show them some pictures and introduce the background Of the Journey to the West. Try to think about why the story is so popular. What do they know about the book. 2Get the main idea Ask the students to read the sentences and read and match. Read the whole passage and match the main ideas with each paragraph. 3Scanning Ask the students to read the 3 paragraphs and finish the tasks. Read paragraph one and find if the sentences are true or false. Read paragraph 2, fill in the blanks. Read paragraph 3 and answer the question. 4Ask the students to work in groups, read the whole passage again and fill in blanks. Ask the students to read the sentences together. Read the passage again and discuss the answers with their partners. Read the sentences. 5Help the students analysis the structure of the passage, teach them how to tell a story. Ask them to pay attention to unless, as soon as Ask them to work in groups and retell the story. Work in groups, read the passage and practice retelling the story. Retell the story to the whole class. 6A better retelling Encourage the students to use because, as soon as, so that to make the story better Work in groups. Finish the task. 7Brain storm According to the mind map. Ask the students: 1. Is the Monkey King a real monkey? 2. If you have the magic stick, what will you use it for? 3. If you have the ability just as the Monkey King, what will you do? According to the mind map and the question, they should make up their own story and show them to the class. They should try to use what they have learnt today. 8HomeworkFinish the mind map. Write down the story.
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