人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:202eb).zip

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1 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B (1a-1e) Teaching and leaning goals: 一、功能:Make polite requests and ask for permission. 二、词汇和常用表达: Learn and use “snack 及Could you clean your room? Yes, I can./Could I invite my friends to a party? No, you cant. You have a test on Monday.” 三、文化知识: Help students learn how to make polite requests and ask for permission with the target language. 【设计意图设计意图】 目标引领,采用尽量简单的语言表述本节课的学习目标。目标引领,采用尽量简单的语言表述本节课的学习目标。 Teaching and learning steps: Step1 Preview 一、一、Look at P21, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. 1. 买饮料和小吃_ 2. 借钱 _ 3. 打扫房间 _ 4. 邀请我的朋友们参加聚会 _ 5. 去商店_ 6. 用你的 CD 播放机 _ 7倒垃圾 _ 8. 整理床铺 _ 二、二、Look at P21, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. 1.你可以打扫房间吗? 2.我能邀请我的朋友们参加聚会吗? 3.我可以给你买饮料和小吃。 4.我可以借一些钱吗? 5.你能把大椅子搬到卧室吗? 【设计意图设计意图】 学生通过预习重点短语和句子,能够对本节课的内容有初步了解学生通过预习重点短语和句子,能够对本节课的内容有初步了解,为学为学 习新内容扫清障习新内容扫清障;并能培养学生发现问题的能力并能培养学生发现问题的能力。 Step2 Warming up and leading in T: Do you have a birthday party every year? Ss: Yes. T: Do you invite your friends to your home? S1: Sometimes. T: In order to have a great birthday party, what do your parents ask you to do? S1: I should clean my room. 2 S2: I should buy some fruits. T: Yes, we should have a good preparation. This class well learn something about how to prepare a party. Lets come to 1a. 1a What do teenagers ask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase. T: Please do it by yourself first. Then check your answers in pairs. Finally with the whole class. 1. buy some drinks and snacks_ 2. borrow some money_ 3. clean your room_ 4. invite my friends to a party_ 5. go to the store_ 6. use your CD player_ 7. take out the rubbish_ 8. make your bed_ (Answes: 1.teenagers 2.teenagers 3.parents 4.teenagers 5.teenagers 6.teenagers7. parents 8. parents ) 1b Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations. Could you please? Could I? clean your room take out the rubbish make your bed invite my friends to a party buy some drinks and snacks use your CD player borrow some money go to the store 1b Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations. eg: Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Child: Yes, I can. Parent: No, you cant have a party. You have a test on tomorrow. T: Please make conversations with your partner first, then get some pairs to act out theirs in front of the class. 【设计意图设计意图】 利用图片,设置语境,呈现生词及短语,既复习了上节课所学内容,又利用图片,设置语境,呈现生词及短语,既复习了上节课所学内容,又 3 引入了对本节课的学习,有利于学生准确地理解和记忆。引入了对本节课的学习,有利于学生准确地理解和记忆。 Step3 Listening (1c) T: Sandy wants to have a party on Saturday, she is talking with her mother about it. Now lets come to 1c. Listening for the general idea The general idea of the conversation is about _ A. party B. Sandys friends C. the preparations of Sandys party Listening for the specific ideas 1. Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check() the things in 1a that you hear. _1.buy some drinks and snacks _2. borrow some money _3. clean your room _4. invite my friends to a party _5. go to the store _6. use your CD player _7. take out the rubbish _8. make your bed (Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6) 2. Listen again. Fill in the chart. What are they going to do? Sandys mom Sandyinvite her friends, Sandy and Dave (Answers: Sandys mom: buy drinks and snacks Sandy: borrow some money, clean her room , use the CD player Sandy and Dave: move the good chairs to the bedroom and clean the living ) Post-listening Activities 1. Listen to the tape and repeat. ( P100 Section B, 1c,1d.) 2. Practice the conversation in pairs, then look at the chart above and perform it. Step3 Practice (1e) 1e You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things. eg: A: Could you please take out the rubbish? go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the dishes 4 B: Yes, sure. T: Please ask and answer like this in pairs, then get some pairs to perform with the whole class. Step4 Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一Buy some drinks and snacks _ Buy 意为“_”, “给某人买某物”的结构为_,还可以说_。如: 我给朋友买了一个芭比娃娃。 _ I _ _ _ a Barbie. I _ a Barbie _ _ _. 二Take out the rubbish _ take out 意为“_”,还可意为“_” 。 三Could I invite my friends to a party? _ Invite 是_词,意为“_” 。其名词为_。invite sb. to someplace 意为 “_”;invite sb. to do sth.意为“_” 。如: 她邀请我在会议上发言。 She _ at the meeting. Step5 The end-of- class test 一. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Yesterday Sandy invited me _(have) dinner. 2. What do you need _ (take) with you on holiday? 3. Do you hate _ (do) the dishes? 4. Every day my mom _ (clean) the living room. 5. Does your mom often ask you _ (take) out the rubbish? 二翻译下列句子。 1. 那听起来很好。 (sound) _ 2. 我能邀请我的朋友们吃晚饭吗?( invite) _ 3. 昨天给我买了本英语词典。 (buy) _ 4. 你能陪我去商店吗?(go to the store) _ 5. 我可以借你的尺子吗?(borrow) _ Step 8 Homework You must: 1. Memorize the new words and useful expressions on P21. Role-play the conversation in 1c. 2. Preview Section B(2a-Self Check). If you can: Make a survey in your groups, then write down at least 5 things your classmates do before a party. 5 答案:答案: Step1.Preview 一1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6.use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bed 二1. Could you please clean your room? 2. Could I invite my friends to a party? 3. I can buy some drinks and snacks for you. 4. Could I borrow some money? 5. Could you please move the big chairs to the bedroom? Step4 Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一买饮料和点心 买;buy sb. sth. ; buy sth. for sb. bought my friend bought; for my friend 二倒垃圾 倒垃圾;带 出去 三我能邀请我的朋友们参加聚会吗? 动;邀请;invitation; 邀请某人去某地;邀请某人做某事 invited me to give a speech Step7 The end-of- class test 一1. to have 2. to take 3. to do/doing 4. cleans 5. to take 二1. That sounds like fun. 2. Could I invite my friends to have dinner? 3. Yesterday my mother bought me an English dictionary. 4. Could you go to the store with me? 5. Could I borrow your ruler? 教学反思:教学反思: 本堂课根据学生的实际情况设计了由易到难,由浅入深,循序渐进的教学策略,并时 刻注意激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的美好道德情操。努力通过准确贴近的图片与课堂 活动设计,帮助学生及时在课堂记忆应掌握的知识,并利用所学进行练习运用,并针对性 地布置作业使知识进一步得以利用、巩固。 亮点亮点: 1.引入环节,利用图片,设置语境,呈现生词及短语,既复习了上节课所学内容,又引入 了对本节课的学习,有利于学生准确地理解和记忆。 2. 在本课的听力训练中,先让学生找出文章的大意; 然后听对话完成句子、跟读并表演,渗 透了听力策略的指导,培养了学生能力。 3. 整节课时刻注意激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的美好道德情操。 4. 家庭作业分层布置,让学习能力强的同学做更能体现他们高水平的作业。 不足之处不足之处:时间分配上有点前松后紧,合作探究环节处理的仓促。 使用建议使用建议: 1预习内容要明确,时间要充分,便于学生更有目的性地去预习,提高课堂效率。 2.小组活动环节可以适当地拓展到小组外。 3.“翻译探究”的主要目的是变老师讲解语言知识为学生自学语言知识。学生使用“翻译探究” 6 时可以和答案同时使用,帮助自学、探究、发现和归纳,学生个人学不懂时可以以小组形 式互助,若还不会,老师再讲解,这是先学后教,以学定教。 “翻译探究”的题目数量因学情而定。 学懂后,不看答案,两人一组互相讲解。 Could you please clean your room? Section B 1a-1e From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. 你从父母那里学到爱,学到笑,学到怎样走路。你从父母那里学到爱,学到笑,学到怎样走路。 teenagers Q: Do you help your parents do the chores at home? Q:Do your parents ask you to do a lot of things for them? What do your parents always ask you to do? study hard do chores go to the store /supermarket to buy things for them listen to what the teacher says 来源:Z|xx|k.Com What do you ask your parents permission for? buy drinks and snacks invite friends to a party n.点心; 小吃; 快餐 give some money What do teenagers ask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents (P) or teenagers (T) next to each phrase. 1a 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bed teenagers teenagers teenagers parents teenagers parents parents teenagers 1bUse the phrases in the activity 1a to make conversations . Parents : Could you clean your room ? Child : Yes, I can. Child : Could I invite my friend to a party ? Parents : No, you cant . go to the store take out the trash make your bed clean your room borrow some money use your CD player buy some drinks and snacks invite my friends to a party 来源:Z|xx|k.Com What should you do before the party? bo in go bu do cl ta mo invite friends to the party do the dishes clean the living room take out the trash move the good chairs borrow a VCD/DVD player 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the trash 8. make your bed 1c Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check() the things in 1a that you hear. 温馨提示:(听力技巧) Its very difficult for us to write when we are listening. So at first, we should just write the key words or the first letter of the words (写关键词或单词的首字母), then we can complete them after listening(听后完成). Pay attention to the forms of verbs and nouns(注意名 词或动词的形式). 1d Listen. What is Sandys mom going to do? What is Sandy going to do? What are Sandy and Dave going to do? Fill in the chart. Who What Sandy s mom Sandy Sandy and Dave invite her friends,borrow some money buy drinks and snacks clean her room,use the CD player move the good chairs to the bedroom clean the living room borrow借(入) borrow sth. from sb.从某人处借到某物 lend借(出) lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.把某物借给某人 e.g.;他昨天跟我借了本字典。 He borrowed a dictionary from me yesterday. 我能跟你借点钱吗? Could I borrow some money (from you)? 你能借我你的自行车吗? Could you lend me your bike? =Could you lend your bike to me? =Could I borrow a bike (from you)? 1e You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things: go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish A: Could you please take out the rubbish? B: Yes, sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework first . go to the store A: Could you go to the store? We have no cups for drinking juice. B: Of course. Ill be back soon. A: Could you please do the dishes?We should have a good preparation for it. B: Of course. Ill do it right away. do the dishes 一、功能:学习礼 貌地提出请求与应 答。 二、词汇和常用表达: snack “Could I / you please ?”Yes, sure. /Sorry, 三、情感教 育:学会体谅 父母,帮助父 母从事适当的 家务劳动,增 强责任感。 learning aims (学习目标) 1.If you are going to have a party on Womens Day, write a short passage about asking your partner for help politely. 2.Help your parents do some chores.
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