清华版二年级下册-UNIT 4SEASONS-Lesson 22-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:f1739).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_二年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 4 SEASONS_Lesson 22_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:f1739)
    • game pass the ball.pptx--点击预览
    • Lesson 22.pptx--点击预览
    • spring is here.wmv
    • 教案f1739.doc--点击预览
    • 春野--学生画画时放的轻音乐.mp3
    • 歌曲.wmv
    • 课文录音1.wmv
    • 课文录音2.wmv


Its hot. Its hot. Wear your coat,please.Wear your coat,please. Its spring. Its spring. Bears wake up.Bears wake up. Its spring.Its spring. Flowers open.Flowers open. Its spring.Its spring. Bears sleep.Bears sleep. Its spring.Its spring. frogs sleep.frogs sleep. Its spring.Its spring. Trees and grass yellow.Trees and grass yellow. Do you like spring?Do you like spring? What can you do in spring?What can you do in spring? springspringsummersummer autumnfallautumnfall winterwinter seasonsseasons Its spring .Its spring . Its Its warmwarm and and rainy.rainy. TreeTrees s and grass and grass areare green. green. Flower Flowers s open. open. BirdBirds s sing. sing. Do actionDo action Its spring. Its Its spring. Its warmwarm and and rainyrainy. . TreeTrees s and grass and grass areare greengreen. . FlowerFlowers s open and bird open and birds s sing. sing. PracticePractice Tell a sentence in each picture. Tell a sentence in each picture. Eg:Eg: S:Grass is green.S:Grass is green. Game : Game : Pass the ballPass the ball Listen and look.Listen and look. Say or in each picture.Say or in each picture. plant a treeplant a tree Tree Planting DayTree Planting Day 1. Dig a hole1. Dig a hole 2.Put the seed2.Put the seed 3.Cover the seed3.Cover the seed 4.Water it4.Water it SunshineSunshine Show timeShow time Task 1. Say a sentence.Task 1. Say a sentence. Task 2. Tell a story. Task 2. Tell a story. Dont pick Dont pick the flowers.the flowers. Dont walk Dont walk on the grass.on the grass. A years planA years plan starts with spring. starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。一年之计在于春。 HomeworkHomework Draw a picture about spring Draw a picture about spring and describe it for your parents and describe it for your parents or friends.or friends. Thank you ! Unit four Lesson twenty-two Spring 课型课型 TYPE 新授课 NEW COURSE 课时课时 LESSON 1 课时 ONE LESSON 教学目标教学目标 TEACHING OBJECTIVES (1)知识目标:学习用英语描述春天的景色。Its spring. (2)情感目标:激发学生学英语的兴趣,调动学生积极 性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在合作中培养学生的竞争 意识和协作能力。 (3)能力目标:培养学生的观察力、想象力及综合语言 的运用能力。 (4)德育目标:培养学生热爱大自然、保护环境的好品 质。 教学重点教学重点 KEY POINTS Word: spring rainy Sentences: Its spring. Its warm and rainy. Trees and grass are green. Flowers open and birds sing. 教学难点教学难点 DIFFICULT POINTS Word: spring rainy Sentences: Its spring. Its warm and rainy. Trees and grass are green. Flowers open and birds sing. 教学准备教学准备 TEACHING AID 教学课件,录音 ,树,草,花,小鸟图片,鸟叫声。 每人一张 A4 白纸,彩笔 教学方法教学方法 TEACHING METHOD TPR 游戏 情景 教学过程教学过程 THE DESIGN OF TEACHING PROCESS 1、Warm up : Sing a song 2、Lead in: (1)Assessment: There are four trees on the blackboard. But they are not happy, because they have no leaves, do you want to help them? I prepare the leaves for the trees. If you did a good job, you can stick one leaf for the tree in your tree. (2)T:Whats the song about? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? 3、Presentation: (1) Teach the scenery in spring. Show a picture of spring T:What season is it? T:Whats the weather like in spring? T: What do you see in spring?(trees grass flowers birds.) What color are the treesgrassflowers? Trees and grass are green. 知识点补充: How about flowers? Flowers open. What can you hear? Whose sound? Birds sing. (2)Listen and read. (3)Do action 4、Practice the sentences. Show some pictuers in spring. Let students describe. 5、Game. (Pass the ball) Listen and look, say happy face or sad face in each picture. 6、Plant a flower T: Do you like spring? What can you do in spring? There is an important festival on March 12, its Tree Planting Day. So we can plant trees in spring. Now lets plant a flower in our classroom. At first, lets see how to plant a flower.(show the steps ) Step1、Dig a hole. Step2、Put the seed. Step3、Cover the seed. Step 4、Water it. (Invite some students to plant . ) 7、Draw pictures in spring. 8、Show time. Task1. Say a sentence. Task 2. Tell a story. 9、Consolidation. Dont pick flowers. Dont walk on the grass. 10、Homework . (1)Plant flowers and observe them everyday. (2)Draw the picture of spring and describe your picture to your friends or parents. 板书设计板书设计 BLACK- BOARD DESIGN SpringSpring ItsIts warm.warm. TheThe treetree isis TheThe birdbird isis growing.growing. SpringSpring isis ing. singing.singing. TheThe grassgrass isis TheThe flowerflower isis turningturning green.green. blooming.blooming. WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo I I cancan . . inin spring?spring? 教学反思教学反思 REFLEC- 本次教学活动内容选自清华版小学英语本次教学活动内容选自清华版小学英语 2B2B Unit4Unit4 Lesson22Lesson22 Spring,Spring,符合现在的季节,根据二年级学生符合现在的季节,根据二年级学生 TION的学情及年龄特点,我的课程设计里有动有静,结合的学情及年龄特点,我的课程设计里有动有静,结合 游戏,激发每一位学生的兴趣。首先我通过一首欢快游戏,激发每一位学生的兴趣。首先我通过一首欢快 的歌曲调动了学生的积极性,接着请生进行观察,思的歌曲调动了学生的积极性,接着请生进行观察,思 考,学习了新句型,激发了学生的学习自主性和思维考,学习了新句型,激发了学生的学习自主性和思维 能力。然后请学生听录音进行朗读和表演,并用游戏能力。然后请学生听录音进行朗读和表演,并用游戏 的方法完成课后习题。再通过询问学生春天可以做什的方法完成课后习题。再通过询问学生春天可以做什 么,了解春天是万物生长的季节,了解种植的方法,么,了解春天是万物生长的季节,了解种植的方法, 最后通过学生画春天并进行描述,巩固所学的语言知最后通过学生画春天并进行描述,巩固所学的语言知 识,并鼓励学生自主表达的能力。优点是:学生在我识,并鼓励学生自主表达的能力。优点是:学生在我 不断的引导下,提高了学习积极性和兴趣;在游戏中不断的引导下,提高了学习积极性和兴趣;在游戏中 巩固所学知识;种花更是培养了学生动手能力;在绘巩固所学知识;种花更是培养了学生动手能力;在绘 画中提高了想象力和创造力,同时发展了语言综合运画中提高了想象力和创造力,同时发展了语言综合运 用能力;最后使懂得要爱护花草树木从我做起。不足用能力;最后使懂得要爱护花草树木从我做起。不足 之处:时间上的把控还不够好,导致学生绘画展示环之处:时间上的把控还不够好,导致学生绘画展示环 节太短。改进之处:节太短。改进之处:1 1、时间的分布还需再调整一些;、时间的分布还需再调整一些; 2 2、提高自身素质。希望在今后的教学中我能做到更、提高自身素质。希望在今后的教学中我能做到更 好。好。
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