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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:224aa)
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教学内容:教学内容: ReviewReview 1 1,BookBook VIIIVIII 课前反思:课前反思: 本节课是对前六单元单词和句型等主要知识点的总体复习。本节课是对前六单元单词和句型等主要知识点的总体复习。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标 1. Through using courseware, listening, reading and making sentences, students can listen, read, say and write the words and patterns of Unit 1 to Unit 6. 2. By using courseware and making sentences, students can use the various forms of the third person singular correctly. 能力目标 1. Through listening and reading, students can listen and read the dialogues and fill in the blanks. 2. Through asking and answering, students can answer the questions of Part Play and say. 3. Through making sentences and writing, students can complete Part Ask, answer and write with the patterns guided by whose. 情感目标 Through the interesting review way, let the students form a good habit of learning English. 教学重点:教学重点: 1. Review the patterns guided by whose and answer it. 2. To change the third person singular of the verb correctly. 教学难点:教学难点: To use the sentences of the past tense of the verb correctly. 教具准备:教具准备: courseware, books and a repeater 教学时间:教学时间: 2 2 课时课时 教学流程:教学流程: 一、 复习检测(see a doctor, eat healthy food, take some pills, rest well, have a toothache and a headache, drink more water) 二、 新课传授 1、巧妙导入 T: Hello, boys and girls. Lets read the words quickly. 2、引出主题 (1) Show the words and ask the students to read the words quickly to review the words. (2) Ask the students to make sentences to review the patterns. 3、解决难点 (1) Show the picture of Part Play and say and let the students ask and answer in group. (2) Show the pictures of Part Ask, answer and write and ask and answer with the students, then write the sentences on the lines. (3) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue of Part Listen, write and say and fill in the form correctly. 4、听音感知 Ask the students to listen to the dialogue of Part Look, think and write “How do you feel?”. 5、默读初始 Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and answer “What are their feelings?”. 6、朗读探知 Ask the students to read the joke loudly and understand it. 7、听音跟读 Ask the students to listen and follow to read the joke. 8、角色朗读 小组读、男女读、开火车读、领读、师生对读、角色读。 9、留白处理 留白读,去掉文中关键词让学生填空读。 10、短文示范 I had busy days in the past. I had fast food on workdays. I ate healthy food on weekends. I had no time to do exercise. I was a little overweight. Now I eat healthy food every day. I try to do exercise after work. I listen to music and have a good mood. I get good shape now. 11、学生仿写 Ask the students fill in the blank. I had _. I have_ _ 12、课堂小结 Today we review the words and the patterns of Unit 1 to Unit 6. 13、布置作业 Read the text of Unit 1 to Unit 6. 14、情感升华 We should form a good habit of learning. 板书设计:板书设计: Review 1 I I hadhad _ inin thethe past.past. I I have_have_ now.now.
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