辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 2 Seeing the doctor-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:d07a4).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Seeing the doctor_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:d07a4)
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If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands . (clap, clap) If youre happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap). If youre happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap, clap). 2.stamp your feet (stamp, stamp). 3. shout hurray (hooray, hooray). 4. do all three (clap, hooray stamp, hooray!). How are you feeling? prettygood greatnotbad terrible I feel terrible. terbl可怕的,糟糕的 Whatsthematter? 怎么啦? -Whats the matter? I am ill. l 生病的 -Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. stmkek胃疼 -Whats the matter? I have a headache. hedek头疼 How to use “- ache”? stomach(胃) head(头) + ache(疼痛 ) 一个表示身体部 位的名词 + ache(疼痛) stomachache headache 表示该身体部位 疼痛 e.g. earache toothache backache (耳朵疼)(牙疼)(背痛;腰痛 ) -Whats the matter? I have a fever. fi: v(r) 发烧 -Whats the matter? I have a cold.(感冒 ) A guessing game I have a fever. whats the matter? A guessing game I have a headache. whats the matter? A guessing game I have a stomachache. whats the matter? -Whats the matter? I have a cold. They are ill. see the doctor If you are a doctor,please tell them how to do it. patient( 病人) Illness (疾病) MsWangsadvice (王老师师的建议议) I have a headache. I have a stomachache. I have a fever. I have a cold. 1.Takesome medicine.服药 medsn 2. Restwell.好好休息 3.Drinkmorehot water. 多喝热水。 4.Stayinbedandhave agoodsleep.待在床 上,睡个好觉 David is feeling terrible. Whats the matter? Listen and say David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor. David: Mom, I feel terrible. Mom: Whats the matter? David: I have a stomachache. Mom: Lets go to see the doctor. David: OK. Doctor: Hello, boy. Whats wrong? David: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Let me see Well, dont worry. Its not too bad. Take some medicine and rest well. Youll feel better soon. David: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor: My pleasure. Listen and imitate Back Listen and say David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor. David: Mom, I feel terrible. Mom: Whats the matter? David: I have a stomachache. Mom: Lets go to see the doctor. David: OK. Doctor: Hello, boy. Whats wrong? David: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Let me seeWell, dont worry. Its not too bad. Take some medicine and rest well. Youll feel better soon. David: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor: My pleasure. Read emotionally Back David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor. David: Mom, I feel terrible. Mom: Whats the matter? David: I have a stomachache. Mom: Lets go to see the doctor. David: OK. Doctor: Hello, boy. Whats wrong? David: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Let me seeWell, dont worry. Its not too bad. Take some medicine and rest well. Youll feel better soon. David: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor: My pleasure. Listen and say Can you read? Back David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor. David: Mom, I feel terrible. Mom: Whats the matter? David: I have a stomachache. Mom: Lets go to see the doctor. David: OK. Doctor: Hello, boy. Whats wrong? David: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Let me seeWell, dont worry. Its not too bad. Take some medicine and rest well. Youll feel better soon. David: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor: My pleasure. Listen and say Can you read? Back David: Mom,I feel . Mom:Whats ? David: I a stomachache. Mom:Lets go to David: OK. Complete the dialogue.(完成对话) have Take the matter Whats see the doctor My pleasure terrible worry stomachache the matter see the doctor . have terrible Complete the dialogue.(完成对话) Doctor:Hello,boy. wrong? David: I have a . Doctor:Let me see Well,dont . Its not too bad. some medicine and rest well. Youll feel better soon. David: Thank you,Doctor. Doctor: . have Take the matter Whats see the doctor My pleasure terrible worry stomachache Whats stomachache worry Take My pleasure Lets play the game Doctor.know-it-all. patient( 病人) Illness (疾病) Doctor (医生) TomI have a headache. AnnI have a stomachache. BobI have a fever. BillyI have a cold. Play and say Whats the matter? I feel ill. Open your mouth and say “Ah”. You have a cold. Take some medicine and rest well. Drink more water. I will. Thank you, Doctor. Talk in your group Back Play and say Whats the matter? I have a cold. I will. Thank you, Doctor. Talk with your partner Back Play and say Whats the matter? I will. Thank you, Doctor. Talk with your partner Back Make a dialogue with your partners. (展开想象,自拟情境和你的伙伴创编对话 ) Key words: terrible、the matter、wrong 、stomachache、 headache 、fever、cold、ill、see the doctor、take some medicine 、feel better Thank you! Uint 2 教学设计 教学目标 1.学习表达身体不适和病痛的词组 have a headache, have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold。 2. 掌握表达身体不适和病痛的句子。I have a headache.(have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold) 3.重点掌握询问身体不适的表达方法: Whats the matter? (What s wrong ?)及答语 I have a headache.(have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold) 4. 正确使用 I feel 和 I have 句型来表达身体的不适。 5.情感态度:学会表达自己的身体病痛,并关心问候他人身体有何不适。 2学情分析 评论 小学六年级学生已经具备了一定的绘画基础,能在情境教学中保持较高的学习兴 趣。本单元的核心教学项目是“看病就医”(Seeing the doctor ),这节课围绕 这核心项目设计安排了听、说、读、写活动。课文对话及练习内容均取自于学 生的日常生活,实用性强。学生们会因为此话题的趣味性及实用性而感兴趣, 故 能在学中用,用中学,印象深刻。 3重点难点 评论 教学重点: 1.学习表达身体不适和病痛的词组 have a headache, have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold。 2. 掌握表达身体不适和病痛的句子。I have a headache.(have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold) 3.重点掌握询问身体不适的表达方法:Whats the matter ? (What s wrong ?)及答语 I have a headache.(have a stomachache, have a fever,have a cold) 教学难点: 在情景中能够灵活运用所学句型,表达自己的身体病痛,并关心问候他人身体不 适。 教学步骤 一、热身复习 1. greetings 2.Lets sing,OK? 3.how are you feeling? 活跃气氛 为新课做铺垫,直接导入新课,引出课题,板书课题。 复习歌曲 生自由谈心情感受 二、新课 t:Im ok. but somebody feels terrible. Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. I have a headache. I have a fever. I have a cold. Game:1.a guessing game 2.squat carrot T:They are ill. What should they do? If you are a doctor,please give them advice. 看医生(see a doctor)休息(have a rest) ,吃药(take some medicine)多喝热 水(Drink more hot water.) David is feeling terrible. Whats the matter? Lets have a look. Practice a: whats the matter ? b: i have a cold./ a stomachache/ backache a: you should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine pair work a: whats the matter? b: i have a cold. /a stomachache/ backache a: you should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine Summary Homework 运用所学词组句型跟同学进行对话练习 板书设计 unit 2 - Whats the matter ? - I have a cold. 板书问句,教授新句型。 分别展示 ill ,stomachache,headache 等图片 讲解“ache” 板书并教学 随机找几名男生和几名女生到前面做动作同时问其他同学 Whats the matter? 进行表演,看谁坚持的时间长,这样可以加强对句型的巩固。 利用图片、单词卡片进行教学 叫几个学生试着说 课件展示,学习课文对话。 通过上面一系列的对话练习,学生逐渐熟悉对话。 这节课主要学习掌握有关疾病的词汇 学生理解句型,练说句型。 层次操练句型 根据动作回答 小组内练说萝卜蹲内容,并做相应动作。 学生自由答 听录音,练说对话。 发挥想象,创编对话。 学会描述身体的不适和提出建议
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