教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f03c2).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册六年级下册 ModuleModule 1 1 StoriesStories Free talk. The Tortoise and the Hare Whats this story about ? Lets watch. Can you talk about the story? One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was too proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. Slow and steady wins the race. Dont . You should / shouldnt . Be. Lets talk. Lets talk. Look, whats Jiamin doing? Jiamin is carrying the books. Lets read and judge. 1.( ) Jiaming tried to carry all the books beacuse he thought the books were not heavy. 2.( ) Xiaoling thinks Jiamin is like the silly tortoise. 3.( ) In the story The tortoise and the Hare, the slow but careful tortoise won the race. 4.( ) Finally, Jiamin knows that he should be quick and careful if he wants to do something well. F F F T didnt want to go back to the classroom again. hare patient Lets practise. try to do something =try ones best to do something 尝试去做某事尝试去做某事 ( try-tries-tried) want to do something 想去做某事想去做某事 in a hurry (名词)(名词) hurry(动词)(动词) to do something 急忙做某事急忙做某事 to 后加动词原形后加动词原形 祈使句祈使句:Dont Lets Please Be + 形容词形容词 表示建议表示建议: 主语主语 + should / shouldnt + 动词原形动词原形 后加动词原形后加动词原形 Mrs.Chen cuts the carrots too fast, so she cuts her finger. You will say. Dont cut too fast. You should be patient. Lets talk. Talk in groups. Mr. Zhang walks fast and runs into a tree, he feels bad. Dont . You shoud . / Be. Talk in groups. Dont . You shoud . / Be. Xiaoming doesnt do well in the English test, he is very sad. Talk in groups. Jack wins the race and he feels so excited. Dont . You shoud . / Be. careless,careful,silly,slow, steady,proud, patient Fill in the blanks. 1. Why are you in such a hurry? You are like that _ hare. 2. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so _ and_. 3. The slow but _ tortoise won the race. 4. If I want to do something well, I should be _ and _. 5. Remember, _ and _ wins the race. silly proudcareless careful careful patient slowsteady If you want to do something well, Lets match. If you want to speak good English, you should be careful and patient. you shoud listen and speak more. If you want to be healthy, you shoud keep a good diet. you should try to run very fast. If you want to win the race, Make your own sentences: If you want to _, you should _. Look and say. Look and say. Look and say. What are these stories about? Free talk. The Fox and the Crow The Frog in the Well The Little Match Girl Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant The Crow and the Pitcher Making His Mark (2) Hey, little monkey. Dont move. Ill eat you up. (4) Thats all rihgt. But theres a strong tiger over there. He said he would eat me, too. If you eat me, he will not be happy. Look,read and match. (1) Where is he now? (3) Hes down there,in the river. The fox and the crow Sum-up: 在故事描述中,在故事描述中,一般一般使用使用过去式过去式。 但故事中的人物对话时,但故事中的人物对话时,要根据情景需要,运用恰当的时态要根据情景需要,运用恰当的时态。 Look and guess. Whats the story about? Lets read. Read and judge T/F. 1.( ) Both the little cat and the bear like eating fish. 2.( ) Kittys frends are playing in the old bears garden. 3.( ) The old bear will look after the fish for Kitty. 4.( ) Kitty went to look for her friends because she wanted to play with them. 5.( ) The old bear finally ate all the fish up. T T F F T 第(1 )课时 内 容U1 Slow and steady wins the race 课 时 1 课时课时 教 学 目 标 1、 “四会”掌握单词和词组:steady, win, (won),try, carry, such, in such a hurry, silly, hare, mean (meant), tortoise, proud, carefless-careful, patient, remanber, sad, hard, harder, 2、掌握句型: didnt want. You are like What do you mean? You know Dont. 重 点 本课单词和课文的朗读。 难 点 本课的句子较长,因此课文的朗读成为了难点,对中下生来讲,更需要帮助。 教 具Pictures, Tape,Recorder 教 学 过 程 一、warming up 1、歌曲:课本 P6 one two three four five 新学期的第一节课 用轻松愉快的音乐活跃气氛 2、明确学习目标 二、Presentation 1、PPT 示几个故事情景,让生讨论 What are these stories about?;TP PP 2.lead in the story ,the tortoise and the hare then teach the new words in the title 3.what a video and discuss what can we learn from the story? Teach them to use the sentence Dont ,Be 4、lets talk. Look at the picture and say: who are they? What are they doing? What is Jiamin doing? 5.lets read and judge 7.read the dialogue again and learn the new words 8.read in group /together/ roles 三、归纳巩固 consolidation 1. Lets read. (1)让学生打开课本,把刚才的对话与原文对照,划出不同处。 (2)课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。 (3)模仿录音熟读课文,特别是划线及标示部分要多读。 2、学习与归纳新单词 归类学习,小组比赛记忆 四、发展 Development 备注: 1.Lets recite. 2.Lets practise. 根据图和句子理解重点短语和句子 Try to do sth/ try ones best to do sth Sb want to do sth In a hurry/ hurry to do sth Sure +从句 If you want to you should 五、小结 1、提问方式以学生讲自己这节课的收获。 2、把自己喜欢的单词或者句子读给大家听。 板 书 设 计 U1 Slow and steady wins the race Try to do sth/ try ones best to do sth Sb want to do sth In a hurry/ hurry to do sth Sure +从句 If you want to you should 作 业 设 计 1、朗读课文,读单词。 2、抄写活动手册P71 U1 教 学 后 记 反思:在引导学生说:反思:在引导学生说:IfIf youyou wantwant toto youyou shouldshould 这个句型欠缺语言这个句型欠缺语言 环境;另外在教学环境;另外在教学:The:The harehare waswas suresure hehe wouldwould winwin soso hehe tooktook a a rest,rest, 这个句型时,学生对句子的结构模式掌握不够好,所以要加强这个句型的模这个句型时,学生对句子的结构模式掌握不够好,所以要加强这个句型的模 仿造句的训练仿造句的训练
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