辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 4 In the fields-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c0361).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 In the fields_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:c0361)
    • in the fields.pptx--点击预览
    • Listen and read.mp3
    • Listen and say..mp3
    • my trip.flv
    • 声音.mp3
    • 教案c0361.doc--点击预览


In the fields Unit 4 教学目标 Back 1、能听说读写并运用核心词汇:river ,hill,lake,tree,flower 2、能听说读写并运用核心语言:How many are there? There are 谈论 某物品的数量。 3、能运用本节课所学的内容,去简单的 描述一次旅游。 Look and say There is in the picture. There arein the picture. Back Listen and say How many pandas are there in the picture? Ask and answer Back There are two pandas in the picture. how many +pandas 就划线部分提问 特殊疑问词 Listen and say How many are there in the picture? Ask and answer Back monkeyslionsrabbitsduckspandas Look, write and say How many ducks are there in the river? There are five. Look and answer Back Look, write and say How many ducks are there in the river? There are _. How many _ are there near the river? There are _. _ in the sky? _. _ trees are there by the river? _. five chickens six How many There are three How many birds are there There are four 1 2 3 4 Back how many 名词复数+ Listen and say How many trees are there in the fields? tree Ask and answer Back trees How many trees are there in the fields? How many rivers are there in the fields? Listen and say river Ask and answer Back rivers How many hills are there in the fields? Listen and say hill Ask and answer Back hills How many flowers are there in the fields? Listen and say flower Ask and answer Back flowers How many lakes are there in the fields? Listen and say lake Ask and answer Back lakes How many . are there in the fields? How many . are there in the fields? How many . are there in the fields? How many . are there in the fields? How many . are there in the fields? How many . are there in the fields? 1. Where are the goats? 2. How many goats are there? They are near the river.They are near the river.They are near the river.They are near the river. There are ten.There are ten.There are ten.There are ten. Listen and say Look and answer Back 3.What is Billys dad doing? 4. What is Billy doing? He is driving.He is driving.He is driving.He is driving. He is looking .He is looking .He is looking .He is looking . Listen and say Look and answer Back ( ) 1.They are driving to a park. ( ) 2.There are some cows near the fields. ( ) 3.There is one dog near the river. F F T T T T Listen and say Read silently and tell T or F Back Listen and say Billy: Dad! Stop! Stop! Look, there are some cows in the fields. Dad: Oh, I see. Billy: Look on your right, Dad! There are so many goats! Dad: Where? Billy: Near the river. Dad: Yes. Billy: Let me count. Dad: No, dear. There are ten. The last one is a dog! Billy: Ha! Ha! Its Sunday. Billys dad is driving Billy to the fields. They are going to have a picnic. Billy is looking out of the car window. Back How many goats are there, dear? There are eleven! drive 某人 to 某地:开车带着某人去某地 Listen and say A: Look, cows in the fields. B: Oh, I see. A: Look on your right, Dad! so many goats! B: Where? A: the river. B: Yes. goats are there, dear? A: Let me count. eleven! B: No, dear. There are ten. The last one is a dog! A: Ha! Ha! there are somethere are some NearNear How manyHow many There areThere are There areThere are Fill in the blanks Back Back 作文:My Trip Back 1、时间,人物,地点,干什么,怎么 去。 2、看环境:a死物,包括树木花草山 水。 b活物,包括人和动物。 3、玩和 吃。 4、感受。 作文:My Trip Back My trip My dad will drive me to_ in the weekend. We will _. There is a _ in the field. There are some _ there. My dad and I will _. We will _. We will be happy. 作文:假如你是Billy,你和你的爸爸在这个 周末将要去一个田野野餐,请你简单的进 行叙述。 地点 做什么 景色 景色 玩 吃 ABC D 0 Back My trip My dad will drive me to_ in the weekend. We will _. There is a _ in the field. There are some _ there. My dad and I will _. We will _. We will be happy. 作文:假如你是Billy,你的爸爸开车带着你 在这个周末将要去一个田野野餐,你们将 做游戏,吃东西。请你简单的进行叙述。 Back My trip My mom will drive me to_ in the weekend. We will _. There is a _ in the field. There are some _ there. My mom and I will _. We will _. We will be happy. 作文:假如你是Billy,你的妈妈开车带着你 在这个周末将要去一个湖边野餐,你们将 放风筝,吃东西。请你简单的进行叙述。 Back My trip My mom will drive me to_ in the weekend. We will _. There is a _ in the field. There are some _ there. My mom and I will _. We will _. We will be happy. 作文:假如你是Billy,你的妈妈开车带着你 在这个周末将要去一个小山边野餐,你们 将爬山,吃东西。请你简单的进行叙述。 Back My trip My dad will drive me to_ in the weekend. We will _. There is a _ in the field. There are some _ there. My dad and I will _. We will _. We will be happy. 作文:假如你是Billy,你的爸爸开车带着你 在这个周末将要去一个河边野餐,你们将 玩水,吃东西。请你简单的进行叙述。 教学目标 Back 我们都学了什么? 教学 目标 1、能听说读写并运用核心词汇: river,hill,lake,tree,flower。 2、能听说读写并运用核心语言:How many are there? There are 谈论某物品的数量。 3、能运用本节课所学的内容,去简单的描述一次旅游。 4、培养学生善于思考、勇于提问的好习惯。 教学 重点 1、能听说读写并运用核心词汇: river,hill,lake,tree,flower。 2、能听说读写并运用核心语言:How many are there? There are 谈论某物品的数量。 教学 难点 能运用本节课所学的内容,去简单的描述一次旅游。 教具PPT,作文模板 教师活动学生活动设计意图 教 学 过 程 一、 热身复习 1、组织教学,师生问候。 2、复习 there be 句型 3、练习就划线部分提问, 对 there be 句型进行划线 提问,并且利用 How manyare there?进行操 练 。 二、 新授 1、引出本节课题 Unit4 In the fields 2、出示图片,提问 “Whats this?”引出新 单词 tree。查数引出 trees,并运 How manyare there?进行操 练 。 3、用同样的方法讲授 river,hill,lake,flower 。 4、play a game,巩固新单 词及句型 5、看图回答问题 6、播放课文录音,提问, 引导学生回答问题,指导 学生操练课文重点内容。 向老师问候。 看图说英语句子 复习并运用 how many 进行造句。 总结 how many+ 名字复数+其他? 说数字,读课题 Unit4 In the fields 回答问题,整体 操练单词,运用 新授句子操练单 词。 理解记忆并操练 词汇 river,hill,lake ,flower。 玩转盘运用所学 知识造句。 回答问题 听录音,回答问 题。听讲解,划 重点。 学生融入课堂。 使学生身临其境 的感受英语的存 在。 复习旧识,激发 学习兴趣。 进入新课。 引导学生主动参 与探究。启发学 生动脑思考探究 新知。 直观教学有利于 学生理解 看图说话能有效 培养学生运用所 学知识到实际的 能力。 训练学生的听力 能力。 教师活动学生活动设计意图 教 学 过 程 三、操练巩固 1、操练课文小练习。 2、引出作文内容,请 学生和老师一起去旅行, 并且提问学生在旅行的 过程中看见了什么,指 导学生列出作文模板, 并讲解如何完成作文, 最后发放作文题纸。分 组完成不同的作文,并 且进行小组展示 3、提问今天我们都学 了什么? 四、布置作业 完成填空。读课文 。 跟随老师的节奏去 旅行,运用 there be 句型描述所见。最 后整理成作文,由 词到句,由句到篇。 完成作文的书写, 以及小组合作展示 成果。 总结本节课所学内 容。 将所学的句子运 用于实践,体验 学习的乐趣。 考验学生对本节 课知识点的掌握 程度。 运用小视频,激 发学生学习兴趣。 整体总结本节内 容能让学生知道 自己学了什么。 板 书 设 计 Unit 4 In the fields How many. are there? river,hill,lake, tree,flower
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