五年级英语下册教案-Unit 2 My favorite season B Read and write人教PEP版.docx

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1、PEPEnglish book 6 Unit 2 My favorite season B Read and write 教学设计教学设计 授课教师:授课教师: 职职称称: 单单位:位: 一、课程和学生特点一、课程和学生特点 课程名称:课程名称:PEP English book 6 Unit 2 My favorite season B Read and write 课程类型:课程类型:阅读教学 课程学时:课程学时:6课时 课程人数:课程人数:59人 授课用时:授课用时:20分钟 课程特点课程特点:本课程为阅读教学,教师根据阅读材料设计相 应的问题和学习任务提高学生的自主阅读能 力和强化阅读技

2、巧。 学情分析:学情分析:1.五年级的学生思维中活跃且有一定的词汇积 累,他们基本能运用简单的句子表达自己所喜 欢的季节及其喜欢的原因。 2.我执教的班级多为留守儿童,他们自觉性比 较差,自我控制能力比较弱。对线上学习他们 多为不了解和不懂得如何操作,爷爷奶奶对于 小孩的线上学习监督比较困难。 二、原来的学习模式与现在的学习模式相比较:二、原来的学习模式与现在的学习模式相比较: 课前课前课中课中课后课后 原原 来来 的的 学学 习习 模模 式式 1.教师的准备:备教材、备学生(了 解学生的知识底细) 、 撰写教案、 制作 课件等 2.教具的准备:教学挂图、录音机、 简笔画等 3.学生的准备:必

3、要的学习用具、做 好预习准 1.关注课堂: (1)关注学生课堂行为,加强学 生的积极参与性; (2)与学生互动,有情感交流; (3)教师能适时指导学生 2.课堂评价:利用评价可以激发学 生学习的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,维 持课堂纪律,促使教学顺利进行。 1.作业要求, 完成老师布 置的作业,隔天检查。 2.学习反馈,学生自主对 学习的知识进行梳理复 习。 现现 在在 的的 学学 习习 模模 式式 1.教师的准备:备教材、备学生(了 解学生是否具备条件参加线上学习) 、 撰写教案、制作课件等 2.教具的准备:微信、微课、直播等 3.学生的准备:必要的学习用具、做 好预习准备、线上学习工具(手机、 电

4、脑、电视等)4.家长的准备:家校 协同,创造一个优良学习的环境 1.关注课堂: (1)勤随机点名提问 学生,让学生在课堂有危机意识, 和家长勤交流; (2)与学生互动, 少有情感交流; (3)教师难以指导 学生,学生无效学习的可能会加 大; (4)突发事件的处理(网络故 障无法授课等) ; (5)在线答疑 2.课堂评价:利用评价可以激发学 生学习的兴趣,维持线上学习纪 律,促使教学顺利进行。 1.作业要求, 完成老师布 置的作业, 当天检查并反 馈,展评优秀作业,培养 学生好习惯, 鼓励学生积 极完成任务。 2.学习反馈,学生自主对 学习的知识进行梳理复 习, 利用碎片时间重新学 习课堂上没有

5、掌握的知 识。 三、学习资源设计 The title:Unit 2 My favorite season B Read and write Subject:EnglishClass:Class 1, Grade 5Class hours: 20 Min Teacher:Min FengSchool: Wuyi Primary School Teaching content analysis The content is from part B Read and write,Unit 2 of PEP English book 6.The main topic is My favorite se

6、ason.Its a reading and writing lesson.This lesson is the further study and consolidate of part A and part B,so students may have a little difficulty in learning this lesson. Teaching aims Knowledge and Skills: The students are able to listen,read and understand the reading material. Teaching procedu

7、re and methods:The students are able to use the key sentences:“I like .best./ Because.”to describe the characteristics ofthe four seasons. Emotion-attitude -value Teaching objection:The students are able to understand the characteristics of the four seasons and know the seasonal activities in differ

8、ent season.The students can do more exercises and keep health. Analysis of the students The students are in Primary School,Grade 5. They are very active and full of curiosity.They know more words and sentences .They can use the words and sentences to finish the simple tasks. Teaching methods Media i

9、nstruction, task-based teaching Teaching important points and difficult points Important points : The students are able to listen,read and understand the reading material. Difficult points : The students are able to use the key sentences:“I like .best./ Because.”to describe the characteristics of th

10、e four seasons.The students know the seasonal activities in different season. Teaching procedures Teachers activities Students activitiesDesigning intense Step1:(1min) Warm up - Lets chant Step2:(1min) Reviewing- Lets talk Step3:(2min) Play a game- Listen and guess Setp4:(7min) Presentation- Read an

11、d write Listen ,read and answer 4 questions. Sept5: Consolidation: Read the words about weather and season . Which season do you like best? I like.best. Why? Because. Its cold ? I can make a snowman.Which season is it? There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Which season is it? Its hot. I can go swi

12、mming.Which season is it? Its golden.The leaves fall and fall and fall.Which season is it? Read “Robin likes them all!”first,then answer questions: What can Robin see in spring? Whats the weather like in summer. The last”fall”means? Which season does Robin like? Review the words: summer,spring,autum

13、n ,winter,hot,warm,clod, snowy. Review the key words and sentences: summer,winter, autumn,spring/Which season do you like best?/Why? To improves the studentsability of listening. To improves the studentsability of listening and reading. 1. Read and match (2min) 2. Lets read (1min) 3. Retelling (1min

14、) Read after the recorder. Retell the text according to the mind map. All four seasons. To consolidate the key sentences. To consolidate the text. To consolidate the text. 4. Reading time (1min) To improves the studentsability of reading. 5. Read and choose (2min) 6. Les write (2min) Homework To con

15、solidate the grammar in this lesson. To improves the studentsability of writing. To consolidate the text and improves the studentsabilityof reading,speaking and drawing. Blackboard design Unit2 My favorite season B Read and write Robin likes them all! springThere are beautiful flowers everywhere. su

16、mmerThe weather is hot,hot,hot.The people can go swimming. Robin likesBecause autumnThe colors are lovely.The leaves fall and fall and fall. winterThere is lots of snow.It is white everywhere. 四、学习活动组织 个人学习个人学习小组学习小组学习 1. 根据学校制定的课程表自主进行线上学习, 自主参与线上直播课堂,并做好笔记及答疑。 2.2. 通过观看微课掌握理论知识,并做好笔记和 标出疑难点及时请教学老师

17、或小组长。 3.3. 自主完成老师布置的线上学习作业 4.4. 完成相应的纸质作业. 5.5. 利用微信、企业微信、QQ 等软件跟老师或同 组组员互动 1. 教师先对小组长进行了相关的线上操作流程 进行培训 2.2. 让小组长督促组员上课和按时完成作业 3.3. 各组员通过利用微信、企业微信、QQ 等软件 进行疑难的讨论 4.4. 小组长检查和批改小组员的作业和课堂练习 五、学习评价设计 测试形式 形成性评价:在线点名、课堂抽查、每日线上作业检查 工具 1. 线上签到表 2. 鼓励性语言 3. 评语 评价内容 1. 线上课堂参与度 2. 线上课堂参与积极性 3. 作业完成度和整洁度 4. 准时

18、上课签到 5. 作业自查 六、授课方案 授课方案 1: 直播+互动 1.教师在企业微信开设直播教学,学生参与进入课堂。 2.教师授课过程可以与学生互动,向学生提问,学生可踊跃发言,学生也可向教 师提出疑难问题和困惑,共同探讨学习问题。 授课方案 2: 自学+研讨 (附学习 任务单 1) 1.教师在微信群为学生提供学习内容,提出若干问题,让学生组织小组学习,互 动讨论。 2.学生在群内提出自己的见解,教师和其他同学给出相应评价。 3.教师总结,对学生没涉及到的进行补充性讲解。 保底方案: 自学+答疑 (附学习 任务单 2) 1. 教师在微信群为学生提供了微课, 学生先看完微课, 在此过程记录没学

19、懂的问 题,视频看完了,自己及时梳理自己的学习收获。 2.学生在微信群提出自己在看微课学习的时候没学懂的问题、自己的困惑,教师 结合微课所讲内容,对学生的问题和困惑进行辅导。 3.教师组织学生再看微课片段, 然后做出自己的讲解, 并对学生的作业进行辅导, 对微课没讲清楚、没讲到的问题进行补充性讲解。 _五_年级_英语_科 Unit2 B Read and write 任务单 1 教学时间:教学时间:2020 年 4 月 教学内容教学内容:PEP book6 Unit2My favorite season B Read and write 教学目标教学目标 Knowledge and Skill

20、s: The students are able to listen,read and understand the reading material. Teaching procedure and methods:The students are able to use the key sentences:“I like .best./ Because.”to describe the characteristics ofthe four seasons. Emotion-attitude -value Teaching objection:The students are able to

21、understand the characteristics of the four seasons and know the seasonal activities in different season.The students can do more exercises and keep health. 教学过程教学过程: Step1. 利用倍速点读电子书,点读 Unit2My favorite season B Read and write 三 次,并完成以下任务。 一、朗读课文回答下面的问题 1.What can Robin see in spring? 2.Whats the we

22、ather like in summer. 3.The last”fall”means? 4.Which season does Robin like? 二、Read and match 三、Read and choose 四、Lets write 课后作业课后作业 _五_年级_英语_科 Unit2 B Read and write 任务单 2 教学时间:教学时间:2020 年 4 月 教学内容教学内容:PEP book6 Unit2My favorite season B Read and write 教学目标教学目标 Knowledge and Skills: The students a

23、re able to listen,read and understand the reading material. Teaching procedure and methods:The students are able to use the key sentences:“I like .best./ Because.”to describe the characteristics ofthe four seasons. Emotion-attitude -value Teaching objection:The students are able to understand the ch

24、aracteristics of the four seasons and know the seasonal activities in different season.The students can do more exercises and keep health. 教学过程教学过程: Step1. 通过利用微信观看 Unit2 My favorite season B Read and write 的教学视频, 并做好相应的笔记。 Step2. 利用倍速点读电子书,点读 Unit2My favorite season B Read and write 三 次,自己读两次。 Step3.朗读课文,并发读书视频上班群 Step4. 通过朗读完成以下的通过朗读完成以下的任务:任务: 一、朗读课文回答下面的问题 1.What can Robin see in spring? 2.Whats the weather like in summer. 3.The last”fall”means? 4.Which season does Robin like? 二、Read and match 三、Read and choose 四、Lets write 课后作业课后作业


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