人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:200e4).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Visiting Canada_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:200e4)
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Visiting Canada 2 What does Janes mother do? Shes a teacher. What does your mother do? Shes a/an. 1.What does Janes mother/father do? 2.What does Lilys mother/father do? 3.What are Annys hobbies? 4.What does your mother/father do? 5.What is she/he like? 6.What are your mothers/fathers hobbies? 重点句型 He is a doctor. 用一用 What does he do? He is a policeman. What does he do? Lets start reporter farmer worker I report news. I am a TV_. I work in a factory. I am a _. I work on a farm. I am a _. Practice (练习) 想一想,下面的句子如何说 ? 她是做什么的? 你的父亲是做什么的 ? 他的姐姐是做什么的 ? 你是做什么的? 他们是做什么的? What does she do? What does your father do? What does his sister do? What do you do? What do they do? 她是做什么的? 你的父亲是做什么的 ? 他的姐姐是做什么的 ? 你是做什么的? 他们是做什么的? What is she ? What is your father ? What is his sister ? What are you ? What are they ? 拓展一 询问职业还有其他方法吗? Lily: Jane, this is a nice photo. Is this your aunts family? Jane: Yes. That is my uncle Tom and aunt May. My uncle is a famous artist. He is very funny. My aunt is a teacher in a school. She is very kind and friendly. Lily: Who is that girl? She is very pretty. Lets read. Jane: Thats Anny, my cousin. She is six years old. Shes good at singing, dancing and drawing. Lily: Who are the people in this photo? Jane: They are my grandparents. My grandpa is an artist, too. He draws pictures for childrens books. My grandma is a writer. She writes books for children. I love my grandparents very much. Answer the questions. 1.What does Janes uncle do? Whats he like? Hes a famous artist. Hes very funny. 2.What does Janes aunt do? Whats she like? Shes a teacher in a school. She is very kind and friendly. 3.Who is Anny? Whats she like? Shes Janes cousin. She is very pretty. 4.What do Janes grandparents do? His grandpa is an artist, and his grandma is a writer. My grandpa is tall and handsome. His hair is black and white, and his eyes are brown. He is an artist. He draws pictures for childrens books. He likes playing football. I love him very much. What about your grandpa/grandma? Homework 1、仿写Lets write部分。 2、完成本节课的练习。 1 / 3 UnitUnit 1 1 VisitingVisiting CanadaCanada 【第二课时第二课时】 LessonLesson 2 2 【教学目标教学目标】 1学生能够理解文章内容,熟练的朗读课文内容,并且完成课后的习题。 2学生能够熟练的使用功能句型: What does your mother/father do? She/He is a/an +职业,询问他人的职业。 3学生能够在一定的语境下熟练的使用句型和他人交流: What are Tinas hobbies? Whats she/he like?, 学会询问他人的爱好和外貌。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1学生能够理解文章的内容,独立的完成相关的练习题。 2学生能够使用功能句型询问他人的职业,爱好和外貌 What does your mother/father do? What are Tinas hobbies? Whats she/he like? 【教学设计教学设计】 本节课的重点是学习询问某人的职业,外貌以及爱好。因此本节课设置了很多与之相关 的口头练习,目的在于提高学生们的口头表达能力,其次,通过阅读的形式,让学生加深对 句型的了解,最后,以游戏的方式,让学生们能够在玩中学习,增添课堂轻松的氛围。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、教学导入一、教学导入 全班一起朗读本单元的单词,每个单词读 3 遍。 二、新课呈现二、新课呈现 1听录音,完成 A 部分。 老师播放 A 部分的听力录音,让学生根据录音材料标出 A 部分的序号。随后,老师请 1- 2 位同学说出自己的答案,并根据学生完成的正确率确定是否要再听一遍录音。 2Lets talk. 2 / 3 老师在播放一遍 A 部分的录音,让学生找到以下几个问题的答案(1)What does Teds mother/father do? (2)What does Bills mother/father do? (3)What are Tinas hobbies? 录音结束后,请同学回答以上问题。 3Role play. 老师让学生和同桌之间练习对话 What does your mother/father do? She/He is a/an Whats she/he like? She/He is and What are your mothers/fathers hobbies? My mothers/fathers hobbies are 并请 2-3 位同学上台表演对话。 4呈现课文。 老师逐字逐句的讲解课文内容,课文讲解完后,请同学回答课后问题 (1)What does Teds uncle do? Whats he like? (2)What does Teds aunt do? What is she like? (3)Who is Jenny? Whats she like? (4)What do Teds grandparents do? 三、基础巩固三、基础巩固 1朗读课文内容。 老师给学生一定的时间朗读课文内容,稍后请同学们自由分组,两人一组分角色朗读课 文。并邀请 2-3 组同学表演 C 部分对话。 2“炸弹”游戏。 老师将 What does your mother/father do?What is she/he like?What are your mothers/fathers hobbies?句型写在课件上,所有同学依次回答问题,如果某位同学遇 到课件上出现的是炸弹,则需要立即趴下,喊“过”。 四、外延拓展四、外延拓展 询问某人的职业的英文表达: What does he/she do?= What is she/he? 询问某人外貌的英文表达: What is she/he like?= What does she/he look like? 3 / 3 五、练习作业五、练习作业 1听录音,熟读本课课文内容。 2完成 D 部分的 Lets write. 六、板书设计六、板书设计 【教学反思教学反思】
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