人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b019e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Free Time_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b019e)
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FreeTime1 Whataretheytalking about? 他们在谈论什么? talkabout谈论 Theyareplayingfieldhockey. 他们在打冰上曲棍球。 hockey 曲棍球,冰上曲棍 raccoon浣熊 Whatsthis?这是什么? Itsaraccoon.这是浣熊。 WhatdoBillandTed dointheirfreetime? Letstalk They WhatareBillsand Tedshobbies? Letstalk They Whatsportsare BillandTedgood at? Letstalk They 1.Whatdoyoudoinyourfreetime? 2.Whatareyourhobbies? 3.Whatsportsareyougoodat? 4.Howoftendoyoudothem? Talkaboutyourself Ioftenreadbooksanddosports. Ilikesinginganddancing. Imgoodatswimmingandrunning. Twiceaweek. Letsread In China, Tom went to many clubs. He wenttoaChineseclubtostudyChineseoncea week. He also went to a sports club every weekend. In China, there were many other clubs,suchasmusicclubs,artclubsandchess clubs.SometimesTomwenttotheseclubs,but noteveryweek. InCanada,Tomgoestodifferentclubs. Hegoestoahockeyclubthreetimesaweek. Hecantskateverywell,buthelikesplaying hockey. He also goes to a volunteers club twice a week. They help old people go shopping and do their housework and read stories to them. Sometimes, they also help planttrees.Billenjoyshelpingothers.Hecan meetmanynewpeopleandmakesmanynew friends. Letsread 1.WhatclubsdidTomgotoinChina? 2.WhatclubsdoesTomgotoinCanada? 3.WhydoesTomlikethevolunteersclub? HewenttoaChineseclubandasportsclub. Hegoestoahockeyclub. Becauseheenjoyshelpingothers. Letswrite Writeaboutyourfreetimeaccording tothefollowingquestions. Doyougotoanyclubsafterschool? Whatarethey? Howoftendoyougo? Doyoulikethem?Whyorwhynot? Whatclubswouldyouliketogoto?Why? Ihavealotofthingstodoinmyfree time.AfterschoolIusuallygototheschool sportsclubtotakeexercise.Ilikebasketball andfootballverymuch.Sportshelpmeto keephealthy.IalsogototheEnglishclubto studyspokenEnglish.Igotothisclubtwice aweek.ItcanhelpimprovemyEnglish better.Ialsogotothemusicclubandart clubtolearnsinginganddrawing. I find it a good way to relax myselfIthinktheclubisagood placeforustogoWecanlearna lot that can not be learned at school. I enjoy myself in my free time. Thankyou! 1 / 3 Unit4Unit4 FreeFree TimeTime 【第一课时第一课时】 LessonLesson 1 1 【教学目标教学目标】 1学生能够理解课文内容,并且能够熟练的朗读课文内容,回答课后的问题。 2学生能够掌握表示兴趣爱好的词组 read books, watch a movie, sing songs, play basketball, make a model plane, swimming, draw pictures, play chess 3学生能够学会使用功能句型谈论他人的爱好和经常做的事情What do you do in your free time? What are they doing? What sports are you good at? How often do you do them? 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1学生能够熟读文章内容,回答课后的相关习题。 2学生能够学会认读,并且使用词组 read books, watch a movie, sing songs, play basketball, make a model plane, swimming, draw pictures, play chess 3学生能够在一定的语境下,使用功能句型和他人进行交流What do you do in your free time?What are they doing?What sports are you good at?How often do you do them? 【教学设计教学设计】 本节课的重点学习的重点是让学生学会谈论自己在空余时间做的事情,因此本节课开始 通过学习动词短语,让学生掌握句型的基础,从而树立信心学习接下来的知识;随后,通过 口头练习和阅读文章,让学生更加熟悉句型,锻炼自己的口语能力;最后的家庭作业的布置, 检查学生对新知识的掌握能力,从而有针对性的帮助学生弥补不足的地方。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、教学导入一、教学导入 Greeting. T:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. S:Good morning/afternoon, Mrs./ Mr. T:What do you do in your spare/free time? S: 2 / 3 二、新课呈现二、新课呈现 1听录音,完成 A 部分。 老师播放 A 部分的听力录音,让学生根据录音材料连一连。随后,老师请 1-2 位同学说 出自己的答案,并根据学生完成的正确率确定是否要再听一遍录音。 2Lets talk. 老师提问学生,让学生根据 A 部分的内容回答下列问题。 (1)What do Bill and Ted do in their free time? (2)What are Bills and Teds hobbies? (3)What sports are Bill and Ted good at? 3Role play. 老师让学生仿照 B 部分的对话形式,和同桌之间练习对话。 What do you do in your free time? I What are your hobbies? My hobbies are What sports are you good at? Im good at How often do you do them? Ioften do them并请 2-3 位同学上台表演对话。 4呈现课文。 老师逐字逐句的讲解课文内容,并着重讲解本单元的重点单词以及用法 take about, hockey, together,课文讲解完后,请同学回答课后问题。 (1)What clubs did Bill go to in China? (2)What clubs does Bill go to in Canada? (3)What does Bill do in the volunteers club in Canada? (4)Why does Bill like the volunteers club? 三、基础巩固三、基础巩固 “炸弹”游戏。 老师在课件上呈现本课学习的词组的图片,让学生依次根据图片说出对应的词组,在这 些图片上,会出现“炸弹”的图片,学生在遇到“炸弹”图片的时候,要立即说过,本次游 3 / 3 戏共进行 3 轮,一次比一次的速度快,同学们必须快速反应说出词组 read books, watch a movie, sing songs, play basketball, make a model plane, swim, draw pictures 四、外延拓展四、外延拓展 次数的表达:once 是一次,twice 是两次。除了一次,两次,其他的次数都表达成基数 词+times ,time 表示次数,three times 是三次,五次就是 five times , 这些表示次数 的词后与表示时间的词连用,表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作的频率 五、练习作业五、练习作业 1熟读课文内容,背诵课文的第一段。 2完成 Lets write. 3熟读本单元的单词。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 【教学反思教学反思】
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