人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:209e4).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:209e4)
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My name is Susan. Look at this picture of my community. There are many tall in it. I live in one of buildings. There is a park my home and there is a river the park. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park. Its beautiful. On the main street is a bank. the bank is a hospital. the road, there is a supermarket a hotel and a bookshop. My mum and I often buy fruit , vegetables and other healthy food there. Look! Whats in the centre of the community ? There is a ! It is my school. I can see everything on my way to school. I like my community . Its busy , clean and nice place! Lesson7 1.Where is the girl? behind 2.Where is the woman? In front of 2324 25 3.Where is the24? between 4.The apple is _the table.4.The apple is _the table.on 5.The worm is _the apple.5.The worm is _the apple. near 6.The boy is _ the dog.6.The boy is _ the dog.beside 7.Where is Han 7.Where is Han AicongAicong? ? Lesson7 Where is the school? Where is the hospital?Where is the hospital? Where is the hotel?Where is the hotel? Lesson7 Unit2Unit2 ThereThere isis a a parkpark nearnear mymy schoolschool Lesson7Lesson7 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1教学知识目标: (1)词汇:community, behind, beside, in front of ,near (2)句型:There is a park near my school. There is a bank beside the hospital. 2.能力目标: (1)能够听,说,读,写,四会单词及句型 (2)能根据图片用 There be 句型对自己的社区及学 校,房间,动物园等地方进行介绍。注意到英语与汉语表 达地点不同语序及顺序,从而更深刻地感受英语的学习。 3.情感目标: 学生能够通过本话题的学习,培养热爱家乡,热爱祖 国,和自己居住的社区的积极情感,长大成为设计师把祖 国设计的更加美好。 二二 教学重点教学重点 There be 句型的用法,介词及介词短语的使用 三教学难点三教学难点:正确使用介词及介词短语来介绍物体的方 位。 四教法:四教法: 情景教学,活动教学,合作教学法。 五学法:五学法: 小组合作学习。 六、教学准备:六、教学准备: 网络、ipad、教学一体机、 FLASH 课件 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: 一、step1: Warming up 热身活动,激情导入,新授 铺垫 (1)sing an English song“on in under by” (设计思路:通过小艾同学音响播放英文歌曲,活跃课 堂气氛,这首歌曲是关于介词的歌曲,为接下来的学习做 铺垫,通过歌曲学生很快的投入到英语课堂中,并且能够 使学生在心情愉悦的状态下进行学习。) (2)Do the duty report. (通过 duty report 来练习学生的口语,并引出下文, * is not here) (3)Watch VCR 课前录了一段关于 community 的 VCR,以学生熟悉的同 学及地点导入,保持亲切,新鲜感,为下文做铺垫。 二Step2: Presentation 新授 1. Use PPT to review the words building, school, hotel, bookshop, park, hospital (从 VCR 里出现了哪些地方,复习关于地点的名词,激发学 生的学习愿望。) 2. Use PPT to teach new sentences. There is a park near my school. There is a bank beside the hospital. 学生帮助老师设计老师的社区,同时微课出现,重点讲解 本课语法,进行方位介词及句子操练 (设计思路:对于新的知识的导入和学习,采用微课,PPT 的形式进行,使学生能够做到在“情境中学”,“情境中 练”。) 3. Use ipad to practice Just now you helped the teacher design the community. Can you design your own community? 学生使用 ipad 设计自己的社区,并用 There be 句型介绍 自己的社区 (设计思路:探索式教学,帮助老师设计社区之后自己独 立设计社区,学生自己探索,练习句子,为后面的课文做 铺垫。) 4. Use responder Answer the questions in groups (结合学校爱玩游戏的特点,以小组的形式,用抢答器抢答 问题,小组合作,对句子进行练习,加深学生对句子的记 忆。让学生做到操练词组和句型的目的,在游戏过程中也 锻炼了学生的团结协作精神。 5Sing the song Use the word (beside, near, behind, in front of ) sing the song. 老师用非洲鼓打节奏,一起唱歌曲,加深学生对单词 的记忆通过歌词突出本课单词的重要性,吸引学生注意力, 为下文做铺垫。) 6. Learn the text 1.We designed our own community,What about susans community?Please listen 。 2. Susan has lost some words. Can you help her? (使用 ipad 帮助 Susan 填写单词) 3. Susan wants to ask you some questions (设计思路:通过听课文,整体感知课文内容,整体感知课 文是教学的策略之一,让学生对课文有个整体的了解,帮 助 susan 填空,对于重点单词进行填空,加深知识巩固, susan 提出的问题,进行知识拓展,更深刻的理解课文。 三 Step3:practice 练习 1. Use APP Open ipad , Click on APP Cute Baby (设计思路:使用 APP,对本课学习进行练习,查看不 足,课堂的问题课堂解决 通过 APP 的使用,设疑探知,牢 牢的抓住学生好奇心强的心理,设置障碍,层层攻破。引 导学生积极探索能力。) 四Step4: Knowledge expansion 知识拓展 1. Use ipad design something you like 以小组的形式设计房间,动物园,学校,教室等,运 用本课学习的知识,成为小设计师,将学习的课程 作为设 计的过程,激发学生的求知欲。让他们有新鲜感、更有责 任感。既巩固了知识又锻炼学生自主学习能力。) 五Step5: Emotional sublimation 情感升华 Watch the VCR. Im china. 播放视频,我的祖国,通过视频使学生达到一个学习 的高潮,长大成为设计师,把祖国设计的更美好。 六 Summary 总结 Behind, beside , near, in fort of There is . You are a very successful little designer today. The teacher hopes that in the future you can become a real designer and design our hometown and motherland better. (设计意图:通过自己总结加深学生课堂的记忆,总 结的过程就是学生复习的小过程。) 七 The end Times goes faster,The class is over.(播放歌曲) 八 板书设计 Lesson7 behind beside There is near in front of between
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