人教精通版六年级下册Unit 5 General Revision 2-Task 5-6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:9078e).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 General Revision 2_Task 5-6_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_部级优课_(编号:9078e)
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    • task5-6.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案9078e.doc--点击预览


Questions: 1. What would you like to eat for dinner? 2. Where would you like to visit ? 3. Do you like animals? a rooster a duck some geese a dog two cats some pigs a goat some sheep horses a cow bears a panda a monkey an elephant giraffes a tiger a lion zebras a bird a dolphin a seal hippos What would you like to do on Childrens Day? First I will go to the farm to see the animals there. picnic circus farm Travel Plan Then I am going to have a picnic. At last I will go to the circus to watch the animal show. farmWhat a big ! There are a lot of animals. At the farm A: Heres the farm. B: Wow! There are a lot of _ ! A: Look here! What are these? B: These are _, _ and _. A: Look there! What are those? B: Those are _, _and _. A: Cool! What a big farm. 听录音,将单词填入横线上 ,完成对话。然后分角色朗 读对话。 animals ducksdogs pigs horses cowssheep On a picnic A:Lets have a picnic ,OK? B: Good idea! A: What would you like? B: Id like A: Have some ,please. B:Thanks. Can I have ,Please? A: Sure ,here you are. Mimi: What would you like ,Mickey? Mickey: Id like a _, a _, a _, a _ , a _ an_, an_, an_ and an_! Mimi: Have some _,_,_and _. Mickey: Thank you! Can I have some_ ,_,_ or some water , please? Mimi: Sure! Here you are. circus They are in clothes. Travel plan Have a party Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. What will you do during the Summer Holidays. Construction of the Tianjin Eye has completed and the 110- meter-tall Ferris wheel will soon be ready to take sightseers on a 360-degree tour of Tianjin , reported the Tianjin Metro Express. With 48 transparent cabins that can seat eight passengers each , up to 384 people can ride the Tianjin Eye at a time . Riders will enjoy views of the city at different heights , topping out at 35 stories. Its the longest wall in the world. Lets have a picnic , OK? Unit 5 General Revision 2 Task5-task6 教学教学设计设计 Teaching aims: 1、通过听说读写多种形式复习食物,饮料和动物名称 2、通过三个场景复习小学阶段出现的重点句型:would you like ? Have some , Can I have ,what are these/those?及其回答。 3、通过创设不同情境,让学生进行合作学习,培养学生合作意识 和语言表达能力。 Main and difficult points: : 1、熟练的使用本课句型进行交流。 2、掌握本课单词,巩固已学过的有关食物,饮料和动物的单词。 Teaching aids: :图片、多媒体设备 录音机 Teaching procedure: 一、Revision a、free talk。活跃课堂,调动学生语言表达兴趣。 b、复习学过的动物名称。 c、出示儿童节图片提出问题: What would you like to do on Childrens Day? 二、Presentation a、教师出示自己的 travel plan 想学生介绍自己的假期安排,引导 学生说我 Id like to go with you . b、教师利用多媒体出示 farm 场景,介绍:this is a big farm . there are a lot of animals in it.抛出问题“听录音,将单词填入横线上,完成对 话。然后分角色朗读对话” 。 c、听录音然后核对答案 ,生生合作,分角色朗读对话。 d.出示 Picnic 场景让学生讨论野餐吃什么,给出图片复习食物和 饮料的相关单词。 e.分组操练,设计自己组的野餐计划。 f.出示马戏团场景,带学生观看马戏表演。引导学生说出动物名 称。 三、Practice 教师出示图片设计 travel plan,让学生小组讨论每组的旅游计划。 A.分组讨论。 B.代表展示。 、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 2.What will you do during the Summer Holidays 教学反思教学反思 本课内容为六年级下册第五单元 Task 5 & Task 6。 课堂设计主要考虑从学生的兴趣出发,通过学生常见的首字母缩 略词和设计游戏等形式吸引学生积极主动地参与到课堂中来。在思考 中,复习学过的词汇,在游戏中复习各个句型。利用学生的发散思维, 给出词汇,让学生想出尽可能多的与之相关的词汇,词汇还要有句子 作为依托,尽量做到词不离句,单词、句子同事掌握。课堂任务穿插到 各个活动之中,避免了单调乏味的习题练习模式课堂。从学生的课堂 专注度和课堂效果来看,基本达到了我预期的课堂效果。但从课堂整 体来看教师讲的还是偏多,没能让学生完全自主的学习,教师干涉和 引导颇多。 线线上上线线下下资资源源 1. 各种图片,声音,影像资源。 2. 习题:听录音,将单词填入横线上,完成对话。然后分角色朗读对 话。 A: Heres the farm. B: Wow! There are a lot of _ ! A: Look here! What are these? B: These are _, _ and _. A: Look there! What are those? B: Those are _, _and _. A: Cool! What a big farm. 3. Homework a. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. b.What will you do during the Summer Holidays
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