人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 5My clothes-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:90763).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 5 My clothes_C_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:90763)
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TeachingTeaching planplan 1.Teaching1.Teaching aimsaims: A.KnowledgeA.Knowledge aimsaims: Ss can understand and say the words:overcoat,jacket,vest,scarf,necktie,handkerchief and button. B.SkillB.Skill aimsaims: aTo develop Ssabilities of imagination bSs will retell the story by pictures C.EmotionC.Emotion aimsaims: Ss will have interests in DIY and know the meaning of “making something out of nothing”. 2.Teaching2.Teaching points:points: A.ImportantA.Important pointspoints: a. Ss will understand the words about clothes. b Ss will retell the story. B.DifficultB.Difficult pointspoints: a.a. Ss will imagine the story. 3.Teaching3.Teaching aids:aids: cards,handkerchief,PPT 4.Teaching4.Teaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 Before-readingBefore-reading 1. Greetings 2. Play a game: Brainstorm T: Lets play a game about brainstorm.The first key word is (family members,place,clothes) Ss: father.mother,. StepStep 2 2 While-readingWhile-reading 1.1. ShowShow thethe covercover ofof thethe book.book. T: We know coat. How about overcoat? What is overcoat? Look at the picture, it is an overcoat. Overcoat is a kind of S: a long coat. T: Today well read this picture book: Joseph had a little overcoat. T: Teach Joseph 2. old and worn T: Look at Josephs overcoat, it was old and worn. Teach: worn 3. T: His overcoat is old and worn, if you are Joseph, what will you do? S: T: What did Joseph do with the old overcoat? 2.2. ReadRead pagepage 1-41-4 T: Look, I have an overcoat here. Can you make a jacket out of it? S: 请一位学生上台剪 T: Then what did Joseph do? S: So he made a vest out of it. T: Who can make a vest out the jacket? S: 请一位学生上台边剪 3.3. ReadRead pagepage 5-135-13 T: We know Joseph had a (边说 1-4 幅图边板书: Joseph had a It was / got old and worn. So he made out of it.) What happened then? What did he make out of the vest? Ss: Discuss in four. T: Which group can have a try? Ss: Joseph had a It got So he made a out of it. Joseph had a It got So he made a out of it. T: Did Joseph do like this? Lets read from page 5-page 15 Ss: Read and discuss T: What did Joseph make out of the vest? S: T: teach: handkerchief, button (教师板书) 4.4. TalkTalk aboutabout thethe newnew words.words. T: We know Joseph can DIY a lot of new things with his old overcoat. What did he do with his DIY items. T: Read from page 1 to page 13 again and underline what he did with his DIY items. 5.the5.the endend ofof thethe picturepicture bookbook T: Joseph had a little button. What happened to Joseph? Look at the picture. One day he lost it. Now he had nothing. T: Teach: lost, nothing (T: Look at my bag.Theres nothing in it.) S: T: Look at next picture. Is he sad? Is he angry? T: What did he do? Lets read page 15. T: Joseph made a book about the story and the book shows 引导学生读:You can always make something out of nothing. T: watch the video of the story and guess the meaning. T: What does it mean? StepStep 3.3. ConsolidationConsolidation 1.Retell1.Retell thethe storystory T: Now you can stick the pictures and try to retell the story one group by one group. S1: Joseph had a little. It was old and worn.So he made a .out of it. S2:. 2.2. WatchWatch a a DIYDIY videovideo andand makemake somethingsomething outout ofof youryour oldold thing.thing. 3.3. ListenListen toto thethe songsong Step 4. Homework 1.Retell the story to your friends. 2.Try to make something out of your old things. 5.Blackboard5.Blackboard designdesign JosephJoseph hadhad a a little_.little_. ItIt waswas oldold andand worn.worn. SoSo hehe mademade a a _ outout ofof it.it. 6.Self-reflection6.Self-reflection 5 Grade Lianhua Primary School Jane Unit5 My clothes 同桌进行“头脑风暴游戏”, 老师给出关键词, 同桌一人说一个该类别的单词, 小组轮流说。 or Author: Simms Taback worn If you are Joseph, what will you do? What did Joseph do ? A. put it away B. give it away Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn. So he made a jacket out of it and went to the fair. So he made a vest out of it and danced at his nephews wedding. Joseph had a little jacket. It got old and worn. Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn. So he made a jacket out of it and went to the fair. Joseph had a little jacket. It got old and worn. So he made a vest out of it and danced at his nephews wedding. What happened then? 接下来 What did he make out of the vest? Discuss in four and read out your idea. 根据所给句子, 发挥你的想象力,四人小组一起想想: Joseph下面会用vest做出哪些东西? 小组内成员选一人把你们的想法读给大家听一 听。 Joseph had a . It got . So he made a out of it. Joseph had a . It got . So he made a out of it. What did Joseph make out of the vest? Lets open your picture book And read from page 5 to page 13. Tips: 1.Read in pairs.同桌一起读5-13页。 2.Cirle the clothes and things what Joseph made out of the vest and read them in order. 用笔圈出Joseph用vest做出的衣服或物品 并按顺序说出。 scarfnecktie handkerchief He made a out of the vest, then button手帕纽扣 What did Joseph do with his new ? Tips: 1.Read in pairs.同桌再读绘本1-13页。 2.Underline what he did with the DIY things. 用笔和尺子划出Joseph穿着自己制作的服饰 做了些什么事。(划出动词词组) 3.Guess the sound and meaning of the new words. 猜一猜词组中生词的含义和读音 (根据图猜测意思,根据单词拼写猜测读 音) So he made a jacket out of it and went to the fair. So he made a vest out of it and danced at his nephews wedding. fair hair 市场 nephew 侄子 wedding 婚礼 So he made a scarf out of it and sang in the mens chorus. chorus 合唱团 and went to visit his married sister in the city. married 已婚的 So he made a handerchief out of it And drank a glass of hot tea with lemon. So he made a button out of it and used it to fasten his suspenders.fasten 系牢 suspenders 背带,吊带 So Joseph made a book about it. Which shows. You can always make something out of nothing. Joseph had a little button. One day he lost it. Now he had nothing. moral 寓意 What do you think of Joseph? 你觉得Joseph是怎样一个人? Read the picture book in four. Try to read it aloud. 四人小组读一读这个绘本, 试着大声地,有感情的朗读, 注意朗读的节奏。 What do you think of Joseph? Try to say it in English or Chinese. 你觉得Joseph是怎样一个人? Read the picture book together. Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn. So he made a jacket out of it and went to the fair. Joseph had a little jacket. It got old and worn. So he made a vest out of it and danced at his nephews wedding. Joseph had a little vest. It got old and worn. So he made a scarf out of it and sang in the mens chorus. Joseph had a little scarf. It got old and worn. So he made a necktie out of it. and went to visit his married sister in the city. Joseph had a little necktie. It got old and worn. So he made a button out of it and used it to fasten his suspenders. Joseph had a little button. One day he lost it. Now he had nothing. So Joseph made a book about it. Which shows. You can always make something out of nothing. Joseph had a little _. So he made a _ out of it. Tips: overcoat, jacket, vest. DIY TimeDIY Time (Simms Taback),是一位得过无数艺术方 面大奖的艺术家,以自己的形象来塑造故事 主角 Joseph 的轮廓。在儿童图书创作方面 ,曾以吞下苍蝇的老太太和约瑟夫有 件旧外套两度获得美国凯迪克金牌奖。他 小时候听到的一首民谣,从而获得灵感创作 了这本绘本。 share a songshare a songshare a songshare a song 1 Share the storyJoseph had a little overcoatwith your friends. 2 Try to DIY something with your old things.
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