人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Last weekend-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b5197).zip

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Unit 2 Last weekend B talk LetLets s singsing What did you do? What did you do? What did you do yesterday? I cleaned my room. Oh yeah. I watched TV. Oh, yeah. I talked to the friends. Oh, yeah. And I study English. Oh, yeah. Today our topic is Last Weekend. Readers 朗 读 者 What did you do last weekend? I +过去式. 1 Your Weekend. 1 2 Watched TV Read a book Cleaned my room Washed my clothes Rode a bike Rode a horse Took pictures Went camping Did you+动词原形? I took some pictures. I went to the central park last weekend. 2.Mr. Wangs Weekend 3 4 Watch and answer: Where does John want to go? He wants to go to the bookstore. No, they go by bus. faster 3. Johns Weekend. Do they go on foot? 5 6 A plane is faster than a train. 飞机比火车更快。飞机比火车更快。 fast的比较级的比较级 Read again and discuss in groups: What did Amy do last weekend? What did John do last weekend? He had a cold. She read a film magazine. Was it interesting? Discuss: What should you do if you have a cold? Lets retell. 4. Our weekend 7 8 Did you ? Yes, I did. Was it interesting? Yes, it was. Did you ? No, I didnt. What did you do? I . Was it interesting? Yes, it was. see a film see a film took a trip Four students for a group. One is the reporter. Make a convey about others holiday.(四人一组,其 中一位是小记者,调查本组同学假期都去了哪里,做了什么。) NameWhereWhat JohnHomeHad a cold Tips: Where did you go? What did you do? 9 10 Homework: 1. Recite the dialogue. 2. Write a simple dialogue using the key setences. 教学材料: 教学设计教学设计: 课文标题Part B Lets talk. 单元名词Unit 2 Last Weekend 教材版本2013 PEP Edition 授课班级Grade 6 一、单元教材内容分析一、单元教材内容分析: : 本单元的教学重点是让学生学会表达“过去时间内所做的事情”,教材内容围绕话题 “What did you do?”展开,在以往所学的短语和句型的基础上,掌握一般过去时的句型: What did you do last weekend/yesterday? I played football. Did you read books? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 并将这些词语运用于句子中进行简单对话。本单元 A、B 部 分的 Lets talk 分别通过 Mike and grandpa 的对话、Mike and Amy 的对话,是的学生 在情境中更好的掌握一般过去时的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及相应的回答形式。Read and write 部分通过 Wu Yifan 一家人的旅行活动以及在旅行中遇到的问题,向我们展示了一般 过去时的具体情境中的应用。Story time 将 A,B 部分出现的基本语言巧妙地编入故事中, 通过 Zip 和 Zoom 的问答对话,了解 Zoom 的周末活动情况。高年级的学生已经掌握了较多 的词汇,教师可以通过角色表演、故事复述等活动来组织教学,让学生在情境中领会本单 元的重点知识。在“玩中学,学中玩”,让学生轻松学习,提高学习的兴趣与热情。 二、本课教学设计思路二、本课教学设计思路: : 1、基于目标设计活动 本课教学中设计了一系列的语言思维训练活动。在帮助学生理解对话内容的活动的同时, 发散学生思维,教师设计的问题有:What can you do in the bookstore? What will you do if you have a cold? What will happen next? 层层推进帮助学生理解对话的语言内容,并逐渐走入人物的思维过程,深入了解人物对话 的推进。为检测学生的语言的语言理解和学习,教学又设计了 listen and follow, Let s retell. 等活动,让学生从感知理解语言到模仿语言,在到尝试运用语言。有序的语言 教学过程设计体现了语言学习的基本规律,真实体现了语言学习的积累过程。 2、基于体验激活思维 本课时中,为了让学生能感知对话的推进过程,人物的思维过程教师通过图片、问题等 系列体验,带动学生的学习激情;由于对话内容贴近学生的生活,这种体验活动更加的真 实,学生更加容易接受也能很好的发展学生思维。 3.创设情境,体验英语 本课根据朗读者这个节目设计真实的朗读环节。每个环节学生都有自己的角色,真正 让学生在情景中运用所学知识,do it in English. 三、本课教学目标:三、本课教学目标: 1、能够听、说、读、写句型:What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home/watched TV/washed my clothes/cleaned my room. 2、能够正确运用重点句型进行对话。 3、在情景对话中感知一般过去时。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点: : 1、能听说句型:What did you do?并能就过去时间所做的事情进行简单的回答。 2、What did you do?句型的教学,认读语音部分的三个双元音音标。 五、教学准备五、教学准备: : 1、与教学相关的图片。 2、与教材相配套的教学课件和教学录音带。 六、教学过程六、教学过程: : ProceduresTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurposes Warm-up1 Free talk 2 Play the video 3 Play another video 1 Answer and ask 2-1 Watch the vedio 2-2 Sing with the song. 3-1 watch and guess 视频呈现,调 动学生思维及 已学知识 引入话题 Presentation & practice 1 Play the dialogue vedio 2 Present the two characters and an photo of a bookstore. 3 Show Johns answer and a film magazine picture. 4 Look at the picture 5 Present the key structure. 6 Show the Sarahs answer and ask: Why? 7 Present the picture of a bus and a question mark 8 Play the video 9 Show the dialogue in 1 watch and answer 2-1 Guess and answer what can you do in the bookstore 2-2 Guess how to answer. 3-1 Read and understand the dialogue. 3-2 Make sentences with talk about. 4-1 Answer the question: What did you do? 4-2 What do you do if you have a cold? 5-1 Read and answer. 5-2 Ask and answer 6-1 Answer the questions 7-1 Guessing whats happening. 7-2 Guess the meaning of faster. 7-3 Make sentences with faster. 8-1 watch the video and repeat 8-2 Role play 学生初步 感知对话,了 解大意。 进入对话, 让学生大胆彩 色、大胆说, 充分调动学生 思维,合理既 是好答案。不 拘泥于文本。 充分理解 上下句的逻辑 关系,理解 talk about 的意 思并会自己造 句。 会看图作 答,并且根据 平时的习惯说 说自己的生病 的做法,然后 猜测 John 的做 法。 理解重点 句型,会正确 回答,会运用。 理解 sorry 和 happy 的原 因,感知文化 之间的差异。 which some sentences are missing. 9 Fill in the blanks.根据上下 文猜测 faster 的意思,并会 造句运用。回 归对话,表演 对话,加深理 解(故事、上 下文的逻辑关 系、重点句型 的运用) Extension1 Show the key structure and a simple dialogue. 1-1 Read and understand 1-2 Make a dialogue with the partner. 1-3 Dialogue show 在真实语 境中运用重点 句型,培养学 生小组合作意 识和精神。 Homework1 Recite the dialogue 2 Write a simple dialogue 课堂内容 的延伸,培养 独立完成的能 力。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 2 Last Weekend B Lets talk What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. I had a cold. 教学反思:教学反思: 新课改中规定:让学生形成发现问题和探究问题的习惯,我校的新课改中规定:让学生形成发现问题和探究问题的习惯,我校的“森态森态”课堂的课堂文化:课堂的课堂文化: 生本、对话、求真、累加,其中求真就要求学生大胆设疑有探究、独立思考有见解。王老生本、对话、求真、累加,其中求真就要求学生大胆设疑有探究、独立思考有见解。王老 师的课堂打破原来一贯的对话课模式,针对主题对话,力求对话中上下句,文本的内在逻师的课堂打破原来一贯的对话课模式,针对主题对话,力求对话中上下句,文本的内在逻 辑关系,深挖文本,并在课堂推进中处处设疑,鼓励学生参与、交流、合作,激发学生思辑关系,深挖文本,并在课堂推进中处处设疑,鼓励学生参与、交流、合作,激发学生思 维。总体上很好的完成了重难点的突破,学生掌握了本节课的基本知识和语言技能,特别维。总体上很好的完成了重难点的突破,学生掌握了本节课的基本知识和语言技能,特别 是问题的设计适当且有效。但由于这种教学文本处理方式时间长,学生对其中的逻辑关系是问题的设计适当且有效。但由于这种教学文本处理方式时间长,学生对其中的逻辑关系 理解透彻却也在整体把握上打了折扣,总之,这是一次大胆的探索与尝试。理解透彻却也在整体把握上打了折扣,总之,这是一次大胆的探索与尝试。
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