人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Where did you go -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:202ca).zip

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How was your holiday? 1.Where did you go? 2.How did you go? 3.What did you do? Discuss with your partner. How did Wu Yifan meet Max? What will happen next? Whats your name? How about “Max”? Hello,Max! lost 掉了掉了 help 帮助帮助 find找到找到 cap帽子帽子 自读短文,给图片排序:自读短文,给图片排序: 123 We rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. (sit坐) 1 Mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. 2 Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. (lick 舔) 3 Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. Underline the answers on your books.(阅读短文第一(阅读短文第一 段回答问题,在书中划出答案)段回答问题,在书中划出答案) 1.What was the date? How was the weather? 2.What did they do? It was Friday,April 23rd.It was a sunny day. They rode a bike for three people, took pictures of the beautiful countryside, bought some gifts and ate delicious food. 3.Where was Max? He sat in a basket on the front of the bike. Read the second and third paragraph and tick or cross by yourself. Then discuss in your group .If you think the sentence is wrong, please correct.(阅读短文第二段和第三段,判断对错,如果你认为(阅读短文第二段和第三段,判断对错,如果你认为 句子有误,请把它改正,然后小组讨论)句子有误,请把它改正,然后小组讨论) ( )1.Wu Yifan and his father wanted to ( )3.They dressed up and made a funny play. ( )2.Robin played a part of the ( )5.It was a bad day. make his mother happy. cat. dog. ( )4.Max liked Robin so much. He jumped on him and licked him. dressed up and made a funny play dress make Read the second and third paragraph and tick or cross by yourself. Then discuss in your group .If you think the sentence is wrong, please correct.(阅读短文第二段和第三段,判断对错,如果你认为(阅读短文第二段和第三段,判断对错,如果你认为 句子有误,请把它改正,然后小组讨论)句子有误,请把它改正,然后小组讨论) ( )1.Wu Yifan and his father wanted to ( )3.They dressed up and made a funny play. ( )2.Robin played a part of the ( )5.It was a bad day. make his mother happy. But also a good day. dog. ( )4.Max liked Robin so much. He jumped on him and licked him. cat What happened to Wu Yifans family? Bad: Good: Mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well. .They rode a bike for three people. .They took pictures of the beautiful countryside. .They bought some gifts and ate some delicious food. .They dressed up and made a funny play. Life is full of bad news and good news. We should: Have sunshine mind. (拥有阳光的心态)拥有阳光的心态) We will: Have colourful life. (拥有多彩的人生)拥有多彩的人生) As the saying goes: “Bad luck often brings good luck”. ( (塞翁失马塞翁失马 焉知非福)焉知非福) 1.write about your bad but good day. Today was a bad but good day for me. First, it was a bad day._. But what did I do then?_ _ So it was also a good day. I lost my keys. A student helped me find the keys.It made me happy. Homework : 1. write about your bad but good day. 可参考词汇:可参考词汇: had a cold hurt my foot/arm saw a film lost my (pen) failed my test(没考好没考好) be late for school read a storybook ate delicious food listened to music Homework : 2.Reading the story: A blessing in disguise.(塞翁失马)塞翁失马) Unit3 Where did you go? Read and write 教学设计 教学目标 : 1、能读懂 Read and write 部分,理解文段内容。 2、能在理解文段的基础上找出动词的过去式。 3、能写一篇描述自己糟糕而又开心的一天的日记。 重点难点 : 读懂文段内容,获取文章重点信息. 教学准备: 教学光碟及课件 课时:一课时 教学过程: 一、Warm-up 1、Lets sing a songA is for apple 2、Free talk a、How was your holiday? b、Where did you go? C、What did you do?(生自由答) 二、Presentation 1、课件出示吴一凡,提问:Who is he?What happened?Where was his hat ?Yes,he found the hat in a dog there. Whats the dogs name?Yes,its name is Max. So Wu Yifans parents said:Hello Max! What will happen next?(邀请三名学生表演) 2、播放课文录音,学生排序。 3、课件出示三人骑车的图片,提问:Whats the date?What did they do?Where did Max sit?引出第一段 In the morning 中的句子。 4、出示吴一凡和爸爸在妈妈床前的图片,提问:Why did they stay in the hotel?What happened to Wu Yifans family?引出第二段 In the afternoon 中的句子。并设置任务,学生完成。 5、播放光碟中的录音,学生跟读。 6、教师纠正学生发音后让学生模仿语音读熟、巩固。 三、Consolidation & Extension 1、找出文中发生的好及不好的句子。 2、找出文中动词的过去式。 3、小结:在文中发生了一些糟糕的事情,但是却引出了一些美好的事 情发生。因此事物都有两面性,好事坏事没有绝对,可以互相转换,因 此要以乐观的心态面对生活。正如一句话所说:塞翁失马焉知非福 (Bad luck often brings good luck.) 四、Homework: 1、Write about your bad but good day. Today was a bad but good day for me. First, it was a bad day. . But what did I do then? . So it was also a good day. 2、read a story.(塞翁失马) 板书设计: Unit3 Where did you go? Part B Read and write In the morning: In the afternoon: rode a bike ate some bad fruit took pictures didnt feel well bought some gifts ate delicious food sat in a basket
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