2019新人教版 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 4 Period One Listening and Speakingppt课件.pptx

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1、UNIT 4 SPACE EXPLORATION 单 元 主 题 语 境 The universe is full of magical things,patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. 宇宙充满了不可思议的事物,耐心地期待着我们的智慧变得宇宙充满了不可思议的事物,耐心地期待着我们的智慧变得 更加敏锐。更加敏锐。 人与自然太空生活 话题导入话题导入 提示提示:加颜色部分为高考重点词汇,需积累。画线部分为高考写作常用佳句,加颜色部分为高考重点词汇,需积累。画线部分为高考写作常用佳句, 需背诵。需背诵。 The Mars 2020 Mis

2、sion The Mars 2020 rover(火星车火星车) mission is part of NASAs Mars Exploration Program,a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the Red Planet.The Mars 2020 mission addresses high-priority(高高 优先级的优先级的) science goals for Mars exploration,1including key questions about the potential for life on Mars.T

3、he mission takes the next step by 2not only seeking signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the ancient past, but also searching for signs of past microbial life itself. The Mars 2020 rover introduces a drill that can collect core samples of the most promising rocks and soils and set them aside in

4、a “cache(高速缓冲存储器高速缓冲存储器)” on the surface of Mars.A future mission could potentially return these samples to Earth.That would help scientists study the samples in laboratories with special room-sized equipment that would be too large to take to Mars.The mission also provides opportunities to gather k

5、nowledge and demonstrate technologies that address the challenges of future human expeditions(远征远征) to Mars.These include testing a method for producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identifying(识别识别) other resources (such as subsurface water),improving landing techniques,and characterizing we

6、ather,dust,and other potential environmental conditions that could affect future astronauts living and working on Mars. The mission is timed for a launch opportunity between July 17 Aug.5,2020 when Earth and Mars are in good positions relative to each other for landing on Mars.That is,it takes less

7、power to travel to Mars at this time,compared to other times when Earth and Mars are in different positions in their orbits.3To keep mission costs and risks as low as possible, the Mars 2020 design is based on NASAs successful Mars Science Laboratory mission architecture,including its Curiosity rove

8、r and proven landing system. 佳句 1.The Mars 2020 mission addresses high-priority(高优先级的高优先级的) science goals for Mars exploration,including key questions about the potential for life on Mars. 分析分析画线部分为现在分词短语作状语。画线部分为现在分词短语作状语。 链接链接We first briefly reviewed the past time,especially our adolescence,refle

9、cting on gain and loss.(2020天津,书面表达天津,书面表达) 2.The mission takes the next step by not only seeking signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the ancient past,but also searching for signs of past microbial life itself. 分析分析画线部分为画线部分为not only.but also.引导的并列分句。引导的并列分句。 链接链接We not only harvested vegetable

10、s,but also learned that labor was hard.(2020全国全国,书面表达,书面表达) 3.To keep mission costs and risks as low as possible,the Mars 2020 design is based on NASAs successful Mars Science Laboratory mission architecture,including its Curiosity rover and proven landing system. 分析分析画线部分为不定式作目的状语。画线部分为不定式作目的状语。 链接

11、链接To enrich our spare life,my classmates and I participated in a farm-picking activity last weekend.(2020全国全国,书面表达,书面表达) 互动探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维 基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识 达标检测 当堂检测 基础达标演练 内容索引内容索引 Period OneListening and Speaking 基 础 自 测自主学习 落实基础知识 重点单词 1. n.宇航员;太空人宇航员;太空人 2. n.程序;步骤;手续程序;步骤;手续 3. adj.精神的;思想精神的;思想的

12、的 adv.精神上;思想上精神上;思想上 4. adj.有智慧的;聪明有智慧的;聪明的的 n.智力智力 astronaut procedure mental mentally intelligent intelligence 掌握规律巧记单词掌握规律巧记单词 1.mental adj.精神的;思想的精神的;思想的 词块词块mental development智力发展智力发展 mental health/illness/problems心理健康心理健康/疾病疾病/问题问题 physical and mental health身心健康身心健康 2.intelligence n.智力智力 记法记法i

13、ntelligentce(后缀后缀)intelligence 联想联想-ce后缀名词小聚后缀名词小聚 absent adj.缺席的,不在的缺席的,不在的absence n.缺席;缺乏缺席;缺乏 confident adj.自信的自信的confidence n.自信;自信心自信;自信心 patient adj.有耐心的有耐心的patience n.耐心耐心 核心短语 1. 对对感到好奇感到好奇 2.graduate from _ 3. 在在岁时岁时 4.first of all_ 5. 在在将来将来 be curious about 从从毕业毕业 首先首先 at the age of in th

14、e future 听力策略 航空航天科技的发展对人们的生活产生了深远的影响。关于太空的航空航天科技的发展对人们的生活产生了深远的影响。关于太空的 独特环境,不断发展的太空科技,以及宇航员在太空生活方面所面临的独特环境,不断发展的太空科技,以及宇航员在太空生活方面所面临的 挑战,都是值得探讨的问题。本单元的话题是挑战,都是值得探讨的问题。本单元的话题是“谈论太空中的生活谈论太空中的生活(Talk about life in space)”。本单元听力是一段访谈对话。访谈嘉宾杨利伟是。本单元听力是一段访谈对话。访谈嘉宾杨利伟是 刚执行完太空任务回到地球的宇航员,主持人围绕他的太空生活经历提刚执行完

15、太空任务回到地球的宇航员,主持人围绕他的太空生活经历提 出了一些具体的问题,包括:如何着装,如何进食,如何保持个人卫生出了一些具体的问题,包括:如何着装,如何进食,如何保持个人卫生 以及如何度过休闲时光等。听力过程中,要提醒学生关注并模仿使用一以及如何度过休闲时光等。听力过程中,要提醒学生关注并模仿使用一 些惯用表达。些惯用表达。 常见话题词汇 1.benefit from Chinas space programme从中国的太空项目中获益从中国的太空项目中获益 2.become the first Chinese astronaut成为中国第一位宇航员成为中国第一位宇航员 3.receive

16、 mental and physical training接受心理上和身体上的训练接受心理上和身体上的训练 4.in the field of science在科学领域在科学领域 5.improve the quality of life提高生活提高生活质量质量 6.negative effect负面影响负面影响 7.scientific breakthrough科学突破科学突破 8.be curious about astronauts life in space对宇航员在太空的生活感到对宇航员在太空的生活感到 好奇好奇 9.make our life more comfortable an

17、d convenient使我们的生活更加舒适、使我们的生活更加舒适、 方便方便 10.with the development of aerospace science and technology随着航空航随着航空航 天科技的发展天科技的发展 常见话题句式 1.Ive gotten used to (doing). 2.I know.,so Id love to. 3.the same way as. 4.My favourite thing to do was. 5.I have long been interested in. 6.How I wish I had a chance to

18、. 7.There is no doubt that.benefit a lot from. 8.The journey to outer space and other planets. 9.make our life more comfortable and convenient. 场景模拟演练 主持人围绕访谈嘉宾杨利伟的太空生活经历提出了一些具体的问题。主持人围绕访谈嘉宾杨利伟的太空生活经历提出了一些具体的问题。 请根据提示完成下列对话。请根据提示完成下列对话。 Interviewer:Today we are very pleased to chat with Mr Yang Liwe

19、i,1._ (第一个中国宇航员第一个中国宇航员).Welcome to the show,Mr Yang. Mr Yang:Thank you. Interviewer:Mr Yang,2._ (我们的观众对你如何成功我们的观众对你如何成功 地成为中国的第一个宇航员感到很好奇地成为中国的第一个宇航员感到很好奇).It must be a very difficult thing to achieve.Did you always want to be an astronaut? the first Chinese astronaut our audience is very curious a

20、bout how you succeeded in becoming Chinas first astronaut Mr Yang:Yes,I dreamt of it when young,but I never thought my wish would come true.It took a long time.First,I got my college degree when I was 22,and then 3. (我当了大约我当了大约 10年的战斗飞行员年的战斗飞行员).I finally became Chinas first astronaut when I was 38.

21、 Interviewer:Oh,so you must be a really experienced pilot.Do you think that was one of the reasons why you were chosen for the space programme? Mr Yang:Sure,I had 1,350 hours of flight experience,4._ (我认为这对我帮助挺大我认为这对我帮助挺大). Interviewer:So how difficult was it to join the space programme? Mr Yang:The

22、re was a lot of competition.Altogether,14 of us were chosen from among 1,500 pilots to train for space flights. I worked as a fighter pilot for around 10 years which I think really helped me Interviewer:5. (那听起来真的很难那听起来真的很难).Did you also have to be a certain size and weight? Mr Yang:Yes,at that time

23、,you had to be shorter than 172 centimetres in height and weigh less than 70 kilograms.You also had to be in perfect health and perfect shape. Interviewer:So you were the perfect choice! By the way,you also had to study a lot,too,right? Mr Yang:Yes,I had to learn English,science,and astronomy,6._ (练

24、习使用太空设备练习使用太空设备),and do a lot of mental and physical training.Tired as I was,I was so proud to have the opportunity. That sounds really difficult practise using space equipment 发音规律 重音重音 英语重音分为句子重音和词重音。英语重音分为句子重音和词重音。 句子的重音句子的重音 1.功能:体现句子的节奏感和韵律感,突出重点,使听者更容易理解。功能:体现句子的节奏感和韵律感,突出重点,使听者更容易理解。 2.哪些词在句子

25、中需重读哪些词在句子中需重读 一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词,比如名词、动词、形容词、副词、一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词,比如名词、动词、形容词、副词、 数词、代词等。不重读的多为虚词,比如冠词、连词、介词、感叹词等。数词、代词等。不重读的多为虚词,比如冠词、连词、介词、感叹词等。 例如:例如:The streets are wide and clean. I am so glad to see you again. 3.虚词需要重读的情况虚词需要重读的情况 (1)强调或突出某个虚词或强调或突出某个虚词或be动词时,应将其重读。动词时,应将其重读。 Are you a stude

26、nt? Yes,I am. (2)介词在句首时往往要重读。介词在句首时往往要重读。 On my way to school,my bike was broken. (3)be动词及助动词和动词及助动词和not结合时要重读。结合时要重读。 Didnt I tell you yesterday? (4)句子末尾的句子末尾的be动词和助动词一般要重读。动词和助动词一般要重读。 注意:注意:上文刚出现过的并且重读的单词,第二次提到时一般不再重读上文刚出现过的并且重读的单词,第二次提到时一般不再重读。 词重音词重音 英语重读音节和非重读音节英语重读音节和非重读音节 重读闭音节是指这个单词是重读音节。以一

27、个或几个辅音字母重读闭音节是指这个单词是重读音节。以一个或几个辅音字母(r除外除外)结尾,结尾, 而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。 1.闭音节闭音节 (1)单音节:音标中含有一个元音音素;单音节:音标中含有一个元音音素;(单音节全是省略了重读符号的重读单音节全是省略了重读符号的重读 音节音节) (2)双音节:音标中含有两个元音音素;双音节:音标中含有两个元音音素;(会有重读符号标在某个需重读的音会有重读符号标在某个需重读的音 节前节前) (3)多音节:音标中含有三个或三个以上的元音音素。多音节:音标中含有三个或三个以上的元音音素。(会有重读符

28、号标在某会有重读符号标在某 个需重读的音节前个需重读的音节前) 2.开音节开音节 (1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单音节。如:以发音的元音字母结尾的单音节。如:be,he。 (2)以辅音字母以辅音字母(r除外除外)不发音的不发音的e结尾的音节。如:结尾的音节。如:make,like。在重读。在重读 的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。 朗读训练 读下列对话,标出重读音节和非重读音节读下列对话,标出重读音节和非重读音节 Mary:Is there something wrong,Karen? Karen:Its okay.Im being silly. Mary:Th

29、ats impossible.Youre never silly. Karen:Oh,but I am.Im silly all the time.Believe me!I locked my house keys in the house. 答案答案 返 回 重点词汇 互 动 探 究探究重点 互动撞击思维 The audience is curious about how Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut.观众对杨利伟如何成为中国的第一个宇航员感到好奇。观众对杨利伟如何成为中国的第一个宇航员感到好奇。 1 curious adj.好奇

30、的;渴望好奇的;渴望的的 be curious to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事 be curious about对对感到好奇感到好奇 curiosity n.好奇;好奇心好奇;好奇心 out of curiosity出于好奇出于好奇 meet/satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心满足某人的好奇心 with curiosity好奇地好奇地 curiously adv.好奇地好奇地 (1)Dont be too curious about things youre not supposed to know. 不该知道的事别去打听。不该知道的事别去打听。 (2)

31、Hes curious (know) how to carry out the procedure. 他想知道怎样办理这个手续。他想知道怎样办理这个手续。 (3)The astronaut has to explain the reasons to satisfy his (curious). 那个宇航员只好解释原因来满足他的好奇心。那个宇航员只好解释原因来满足他的好奇心。 (4)Suddenly the girl calmed down and (curious) began looking all around. 小女孩突然安静了下来,开始好奇地观察四周。小女孩突然安静了下来,开始好奇地观

32、察四周。 to know curiosity curiously First of all,you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.首先,你必须足够聪明来获得相关的大学学位。首先,你必须足够聪明来获得相关的大学学位。 2 intelligent adj.有智慧的;聪明的有智慧的;聪明的 intelligently adv.聪明地聪明地 intelligence n.智力;聪颖;智能智力;聪颖;智能 a person of high/low intelligence智力高智力高/低的人低的人 artificia

33、l intelligence人工智能人工智能 (1)Though very intelligent,she is very modest. 她很聪明,但也很谦虚。她很聪明,但也很谦虚。 (2)The astronaut equals his brother in . 那个宇航员在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。那个宇航员在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。 (3)Failure can help you to begin again more (intelligent). 失败可以帮助你更为机智地重新开始。失败可以帮助你更为机智地重新开始。 intelligence intelligently 返 回

34、达 标 检 测当堂检测 基础达标演练 . .朗读下列诗歌,标出句朗读下列诗歌,标出句 中的重读单词及重读音节和中的重读单词及重读音节和 非重读音节非重读音节( (首句已标出首句已标出) ) 答案答案 .单词拼写单词拼写 1.His descendant is very . 2.As is known,physical disability causes anguish. 3. (宇航员宇航员) selection is definitely complicated. intelligent mental Astronaut .单句语法填空单句语法填空 4.It is said that exe

35、rcise is good to (mentally) development. 5.The little boy looked at the astronaut with (curious). 6.Susan is a woman high intelligence who knows her own mind. mental curiosity of .完成句子完成句子 7.It is obvious that the is complex. 很显然选举程序很复杂。很显然选举程序很复杂。 8.He left school after a series of accidents 9. 九岁时,在一系列的意外后他离开了学校。九岁时,在一系列的意外后他离开了学校。 9.She seemed to what he was doing. 看上去她很好奇他所干的一切。看上去她很好奇他所干的一切。 返 回 selection procedure at the age of be curious about 本课结束


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