人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:608a9).zip

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Whose dog is it? Part A Lets talk & Lets try PEPBOOK6 Unit 5 Whose is it ? Whose is it ? Whose is it ? Whose puppy is it? Its mine . Its my puppy. Its yours . Its your puppy. Its his . Its his puppy. Its hers. Its her puppy. Its ours . Its our puppy. Its theirs . Its their puppy. Whose puppy is it? Whose puppy is it? You say “The book is mine”. I say “Its my book.” Game1Game1:I say, you say. I say, you say. Game2Game2: Change the word Change the word Whose is it ? Whose is it ? Whose is it ? Whose is it? Its mine . Its my puppy. Its yours . Its your puppy. Its his . Its his puppy. Its hers. Its her puppy. Its ours . Its our puppy. Its theirs . Its their puppy. Whose puppy is it? Whose puppy is it? pencilpuppy A: Whose is it? B: Its s. Pair work cap . Tips: A: Whose are these? B: Theyre s. A: Oh, yes! Its his/hers. The picture of _ is _Yang RuyucuteLong JuanbeautifulDing Fanxiucool school things toys Pair work A: Whose _ is it? B:Its _s. A: Yes, its mine/his/hers/ ours/yours. A: Whose _ are they? B:Theyre _s. A: Yes, theyre mine/his/ hers/yours/ours. Are these all ours? Yes,they are. /No,they arent. My art show That picture of _is _ . 参考词汇:参考词汇: cool, nice, cute, great, beautiful, funny,. That picture of _is _ . 参考词汇:参考词汇: cool, nice, great, beautiful, cute, funny,. That picture of _is _ . 参考词汇:参考词汇: cool, nice, great, beautiful, cute, funny,. Friends art show School Art Show School Art Show There is a picture of _. Mountain Seatrees Shanghai Sun Beijing Which picture do you like best? I like that picture of _ . Its _.(beautiful/pretty/nice/blue/) School Art Show Which is Johns picture?Which is Johns picture? I like this picture. The trees are beautiful. Whose is it? Its Johns. Whose pictures are these? sea tree mountain Shanghaisun Beijing Lets try sun Beijing mountain sea tree Shanghai Whose picture is it? Its _s. Chen Jie Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. sun Beijing mountain sea tree Shanghai Whose picture is it? Its _s. Zhang Peng Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: Its Zhang Pengs. sun Beijing mountain sea tree Shanghai Whose picture is it? Its _s. Yifan Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: Its Yifans. Chen Jie: Oh, yes. Its his. Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: Its Zhang Pengs. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: Its Yifans. Chen Jie: Oh, yes. Its his. 能分角色朗读能分角色朗读 语音,语调优美,有动作语音,语调优美,有动作 语音语调优美,有动作,表情丰富。语音语调优美,有动作,表情丰富。 Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: Its Zhang Pengs. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: Its Yifans. Chen Jie: Oh, yes. Its his. Memory Challenge 5 4 3 2 1 The yellow picture is mine, Are these all ours? Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs. Yes, they are. Oh, yes! Its his. Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Its Yifans. Challenge The yellow picture is mine, Are these all ours? Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs. Yes, they are. Oh, yes! Its his. Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Its Yifans. Challenge Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? Mike: Its Zhang Pengs. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: Its Yifans. Chen Jie: Oh, yes. Its his. World Art Show art show Its Sarahs. Yes! Its mine. The blue one is mine. Are these all ours? Whose bags are these? After visiting the art show, some students left something. lets have a look. Group work: 四人一组,口头创编对话,帮物品找到归属者。四人一组,口头创编对话,帮物品找到归属者。 Yes, they are. Oh, yes! Its his. The notebook is beautiful. Whose is it? his mine ours hers . The is . Are these all ours? Whose is it? Whose are these? Its s. Yes, they are./ No, they arent. . . Tips: . . . . Make a new dialogue cute nice beautiful cool super big/small blue/red (3) 课堂小结 Whose is it? Its Johns. my our his mine ours his Read the dialogue in pairs.两人一组读对话。 Act the dialogue.表演对话。 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Lets try Lets talk 教材分析: 本课为五年级下册第五单元 Unit5 Whose dog is it?的第二课时 Lets talk,主要句 型为 Whose. are these? Theyres? Whose is this? Itss 以及相应的回答。五 年级的学生对于英语的学习已经有了一定的基础,但是交际能力还有所欠缺, 因此,通过画展这一情境的创设,解决学生的生活中关于此类话题的问题,并 培养学生对身边事物细致的观察力。 教学目标: 1、 学生能够听、说、认读主要单词 mine,ours ,his 和词组 the picture of .以及 主要句型 What are these? Are these ? 及其相应的回答。 2、能够准确有感情地朗读对话。 3、能够运用所学句型,并在创设的情境中进行对话。 教学重点: 1. 学生能掌握词组 the picture of .,并能实际运用。 2. 学生能掌握句型 Whose. are these? Theyres? Whose is this? Itss 及其相 应的回答。 3. 能够运用所学句型,并在创设的情境中进行对话。 教学难点: 1、 学生能够掌握 ours, his 的正确发音,以及 That picture of Beijing is beautiful 等句的理解。 2、 学生能运用所学句型,并在创设的情境中进行对话。 教具准备: 单词卡,句型卡片,实物,课件 教学设计: 通过歌曲激发学生学习兴趣。 通过游戏,呈现本文教学难 点,边猜边说,落实难点句 型。 多媒体呈现不同的部位,让 学生猜一猜这是谁,呈现并 教学句型 Whose. are these? Theyres? Whose is this? Itss 及回答。 并引出本文的话题画展。 I. Warming up 1. Sing a song 2.Greeting I am your new English teacher today. Call me Nancy. Nice to meet you! I want to make friend with you. Here are some pictures of you. Can you tell me their names? 3.Play two games. Game1: I say You say e.g.: T : Its my puppy. Ss: The puppy is mine. Game2: Chang the songs words. 1. My art show I like travelling. I like drawing pictures. Come and look at my art show. (1)There is a picture of . Show some pictures of some famous places. Guide students to use the sentence structures to say something about the places. (2)That picture of is . Show some picture of scenery, guide students to describe the scenery. Step2 Presentation 分等级朗读表演文本,让学 生可以有挑战的感觉,并且 激发学生的竞赛意识。 1. Friends art show Lets try T: This is the art show of mine. Lets go to see another art show in our friends school. (Show the picture of Chen Jie and Mike.) (1)T: look,there is a picture of sea/sun. T:So many picture,which picture do you like best? S:I like that picture of _ . Its _. (beautiful/pretty/nice/blue/) (2)Guess. Which is Johns picture? (3) Listen and tick. Which is Johns picture? (4) Check the answer. Lets talk (1) T: look,there is a picture of sea/sun. T:So many picture, I like these three pictures. Whose pictures are these? (2) Lets listen and answer the questions. a.Look at the picture of sun,whose picture is this? b.Look at the picture of Beijing,whose picture is this? c.Look at the picture of Shanghai,whose picture is this? 创设参观名人画展情境,学 生在创设的情境中运用本文 的重点对话进行交流。 (3)指导学生朗读对话(注意语音语调的辅导) 3. Read the dialogue with grade. (1) Show the whole dialogue. (2) Cover up a small part of the dialogue. (3) Cover up a lot part of the dialogue. 4. Act the dialogue. (1) Act with teacher. (2) Act in groups. (3) Show time. Step3 Extension and consolidation. 1. Famous artist art show The art show of the famous artist. (1) Keep working hard, youll have your own art show one day! 保持努力,有一天你也会有属于自己的画展! (2) Group work: 四人一组,口头创编对话,帮物品找到归属者。 (after visiting the world art show ,some students left something.lets have a look and help them find .) 2. We can do like this :(WeCHant) T:The notebook is beautiful. Whose is it? 板书设计: 教学反思: S1:Its Sarahs. S2:OK T:Are these all ours? S2:Yes, they are S3:Whose bags are these? S4:The blue one is mine. S3:Oh, yes! Its his. (1) Introduce (2) Act in groups (3) Show time 3. Take care of your things. Step4 Homework 1.Read P48. Repeat after the tape (3 times). (听音跟读书本 P48 三遍,注意模仿重音、连读和语 调)2. Choose to talk. (选择星级说一说) (1) Read the dialogue in pairs.两人一组读对话。 (2) Act the dialogue.表演对话。 1.本课为对话课,本课的内容与学生日常生活密切相关,学生容易感兴趣。针对本课的 教学内容,在呈现与操练环节中,我创设了以学生参观“我的画展” 、 “朋友的画展” 、 “世界展览”为主线,到最后观看画展之后,学生丢失东西,通过微信进行拓展学习, 提高他们雪英语的兴趣与自信心。 2.创设小组活动,鼓励学生个体之间的融洽合作和有序交流,形成较开放的教学模式。 3.教学过程中,注重让学生在听、说、读等多种活动中参与、体验、实践、学习和使用 英语,从而提高他们对语言的综合运用能力。
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