湘鲁版五下Unit 4 There is homework time.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:8018c).zip

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Section B第一课时课 件 Unit4 There is homework time.Unit4 There is homework time. housework watch TV boarding school homework time dinner time lunch time bed time free time tired Review Look and say Magic eyes Review Look and say lunch time dinner time homework time watch TVhouseworktired Do you like a boarding school or a day school? What can students do at the school? Lead-in Free talk Listen, read and write Presentation Listen and circle Presentation Key points must We must keep the traffic rules. 必须 Presentation Key points all All the students hand up to answer the questions. 所有的,全部的 Presentation Key points canteen This is a canteen in our school. Pair work Talk about what Ben must do every day. Take turns to ask each other questions. Practice Pupil A: What must Ben do at 6:30 pm? Pupil B: He must have his dinner. Read, write and tell c. Tell the class about the timetable. Practice Lunch time is at 12:10 pm. All students must have their lunch in the canteen. Summary 本课的重点句型是: What do you do at study time? I read books. Breakfast time is at 7:00 am. All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. Homework 假如你是寄宿学校的校长 ,请你安排和规划一下寄 宿学校的日常作息时间和 活动。 Unit 4 Section B 第一课时教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能用课文中的词语和句型谈论寄宿学校的生活。 2. 能听懂并会用 Breakfast time is at 7:00 am. All students must have their breakfast in the canteen.等句型进行表述,掌握情态动词 must 的用法。 3. 培养学生自觉遵守学校的规章制度,按时作息。 二、教学重点 词汇: must canteen over from. to between. and. 句型: Breakfast time is at 7:00 am. All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. 三、教学难点 What must Ben do at 6:30 pm? He must have his dinner. 四、教学活动 假如你是寄宿学校的校长,请你安排和规划一下寄宿学校的日常作息时间和活动。 五、课前准备 教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带和教学挂图。 六、教学过程 1.复习提问 A: Do you do any housework? B: Yes. We clean the windows and the floor. 2. Listen, read and write (1)让学生浏览 Listen, read and write 的内容,先大致了解内容,知道其大意。 (2)向学生布置“任务” ,让学生带着“任务”去听 Listen, read and write 录音,注意分别 听到了哪些时间段,提到了哪些作息活动,并记下所听到的作息时间和安排。要求学生边 听边记录,以使他们养成记笔记的好习惯。 (3)在学生基本听懂的基础上,进一步朗读短文内容。朗读可以采用跟录音读、教师带读、 学生齐读,或分组轮流朗读等形式。 (4)在学生熟读 Listen, read and write 内容的基础上,让学生根据短文内容,完成表格填 写。 3.词语解释 (1)情态动词 must 意思是“必须” ,表示主观认为需要做某事,后跟动词原形。例如: All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. What must Ben do at 6:30 pm? He must have his dinner. (2) from. to. 意思是“从到” ,可以指时间,也可以指地点。例如: Free time is from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. From the station to our school is only two miles. (3) between. and. 意思是“在到之间” , 可以指时间,也可以指地点。例如: The students must study and do their homework between 7:00 pm a nd 8:00 pm. The ship sails between England and France. 但 between. and.中的 and 一般不可改为 to。 3. Pair work 让学生两人一组,仿照 Pair work 中的句型 What must Ben do at 6:30 pm? He must have his dinner. 双方轮流就 Ben 在寄宿学校日常作息和活动内容进行问答对话练习。 (对话内容可 以适当扩充,所用句型也不必完全局限于 Pair work 中的句型。 ) 4. Homework 假如你是寄宿学校的校长,请你安排和规划一下寄宿学校的日常作息时间和活动。 5. Blackboard design 词汇: must canteen over from. to between. and. 句型: Breakfast time is at 7:00 am. All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. What must Ben do at 6:30 pm? He must have his dinner.
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