沪教版三下-Module 3 My colourful life-8 Happy birthday!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:a135e).zip

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Module 3 My colourful life Oxford English Period 1 8Happy birthday 学校:陵川县城内小学学校:陵川县城内小学 教师:董向陵教师:董向陵 教材:沪教版小学英语三年级下册教材:沪教版小学英语三年级下册 cake card noodles cake Here is a cake for you. noodles Here are some noodles for you. Heres a card for you. Heres a card for you. Here is a cake for you. Here are some noodles for you. A:Here is for you. Here are for you. B:Thank you ! Here is for you. Here are some for you. Here for you. a cake noodles is a card 1. How old is Alice? 2. What does Miss Fang give Alice? She is nine. A card. Happy birthday, Alice! Heres a card for you. Thank you, Miss Fang. How old are you, Alice? Im nine. Lets sing “Happy birthday” together. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Alice. Happy birthday to you! In our life, we should be polite to people and express our thanks Words: cake card noodles Sentences: Here is a . for you. Here are some .s for you. 1 Read and act Listen and say. 2 Sing the song “Happy birthday”. 3 Make a birthday card. 一、教学难点内容分析 本课来源于沪教版英语三年级下册 Unit8 happy birthday 主要内容是学 习有关生日的词汇及用句型描述怎样赠送礼物的。单词:cake card noodles 句型:Here is a .for you .Here are some.s for you 本 课内容对英语学习起着很重要的作用,为今后的学习打下了基础。 二、教学目标 小学英语课程标准要求要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮 助他们建立学习的成就感和信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力。 因此,从三方面确定了教学目标。 一、knowledge aim 1.Pupil be able to listen and say these words: cake card noodles 2.Pupil be able to listen and say these sentences:Here is a .for you .Here are some.for you 二、Ability aim Pupil be able to make a dialogue by using the new sentences . 三Emotion attitude and values : In our daily life ,we should be polite to people and express our thanks. 四、key points and difficulties: key points: words: cake card noodles sentences:Here is a .for you .Here are some.for you Difficulties: Pay attention to the pronunciation of “cards “ 三、学习者特征分析 三年级学生活泼好动,易于接受新鲜事物,他们的注意力容易被周围的事物所 干扰,需要教师不断变化教学方式,吸引注意力,经常进行课前预习和课后复 习,可以很好地掌握所学知识。 四、教学过程(设计本课的学习环节,明确各环节的子目标) Step 1 Warm up Sing a song Rabbit dance 【设计思路】:唱律动性强的歌曲可以活跃气氛,使学生很快进入上课状态。 Step 2 Lead in T:Hello,boys .Hi !girls .Welcome to our English class.I am so happy to see you .How are you today ? Ss:I am fine ,thank you And you ? T: I am fine ,too.It is my friend,s birthday today .What can we say and do?S: happy birthday and sing a song T: let us sing Happy birthday together S:OK 【设计思路】(通过唱生日快乐歌来导出课题) Step 3 Presentation and practice 1.Words:cake (Teacher give a middle, then guess ) T:Let us play a game :magic finger .Stud ents read the word.(教师领读后出魔力手指,学生灵活读相应遍数) card :(Teacher show a cardand teach the word)students read it line by line. ( 教师画图引出单词,学生一行一行读) noodles : (Teacher do the action )students read it one by one.(教 师做动作引出单词,学生单个读) 2. Let us chant A cake for you ,Kitty. Thank you ! A card for you ,Peter. Some noodles for . For you For you For you and me 3.Game :What is missing ?T:How about playing a game ?Ss:OK.T:Well ,close your eyes,What is missing ?now open,one two three.Ss:card T :Yes, you are right close your eyes,What is missing ?now open,one two three.Ss:noodles T:Wonderful! 【设计思路】( 通过玩单词不见了的游戏来巩固单词,分两组进行比赛,最 先答对的组加一根蜡烛。学生有浓厚的兴趣,学习效果也不错。) 2.The presentation and practice of the sentences Free-talk : T:look at here,what is this ?S1:It is a cardT: Here is a card for you S1;Thank you (教师通过对话导出主题句并板书) Students read after the teacher. A train game:T:let us ride a train to read,two by two ,OK?S:OK Ask and answer 1) Watch the video about going to school,read after the video. 2) Group 1 ask ,Group 2 answer and then switch .(学生分组问答,进行 比赛,看哪组读得又好又快) 3) Work in pairs ,come to the front and act out. 【设计思路】:通过观看一段生日视频,学生能了解具体在哪种场景下运用主 题句,体会真实的语境。 3.The presentation and practice of the text Look at the PPT,Listen and read (教师播放多媒体课件) Listen and answer the questions : Q1:How old is she ? Q2:Where are they ? Q3:What do they do ? (学生听完录音单个回答问题) Discuss in groups of four ,what should we do when we accept other,s gifts G1: I like it ,thank you G2: Thanks. All of you are right ,good manners first !(学生积极进行小组讨论, 教师及时评价,每组加一根蜡烛) Step4 Consolidation T:Let us choose the answer (look at the PPT and fill in blanks) Here( ) a card for you . is Here( )some noodles for you . are (学生独立完成练习,教师核对答案,正确的同学加一根蜡烛) 【设计思路】:培养学生独立学习的能力。 Step 5 Summary Today,we have learned some new words and sentences.Who can read ? You,please.S:cake card .T:Excellent! 【设计思路】:学生总结今天所学内容,体现学生的主体性。 Step6 Homework Listen and read new words five times a day . Interview your friends about having a birthday party . Sing a song Happy birthday 【设计思路】:学生每天进行听读练习,培养良好的学习习惯。 七、教学板书(本节课的教学板书) UnitUnit 8 8 HappyHappy birthday Picture cake Picture card Here is a card for you . Here are some noodles for you Picture noodles
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