(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元教案(7份打包).zip

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Period 1 Reading and Thinking 学案设计(二) 学习目标 1.To learn how smart homes make our life easier. 2.To learn about the advantages and disadvantages of technology in the future. 3.To analyse the structure of the article and summarise the main idea of each paragraph. 4.To express your opinions on smart homes. 课堂探究 Part Predict the possible information Before you read,look at the title and the photo on Page 14.Discuss these questions in groups. 1.What does it mean when we say that something such as a phone is “smart”? 2.What do you think a “smart” house can do that other houses cannot? Part Skim for main ideas Activity 1Use your own words to summarise the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1:. Paragraph 2:. Paragraph 3:. Paragraph 4:. Paragraph 5:. Activity 2Analyse the discourse structure. Part Scan for details Read the text again and fill in the table below. In the future,what will smart homes do about.? doors dinner s TVs, computers beds water pipes, electrical wires toilet s lights,fa vourite music,or TV progra- mmes Part Analyse the writing techniques 1.What genre is the passage?What are its features? 2.What writing techniques are used in this article? 3.Where can you find this kind of passage? Part Discussion Work in groups.Discuss these questions. 1.In what way is the home of tomorrow already the home of today? 2.What might be some of the disadvantages of smart homes? Part 核心素养专练 Complete the summary using the correct forms of the words from the text. A smart home is one that 1. computers into the structure of the building itself.In this way,many of the things that we now do ourselves will become 2. .For example,the smart home could control the air conditioner and lights so that you would no longer have to turn 3. on and off,making your home more energy-4. .The smart home could also 5. itself to make sure that everything is working as it should,and send you 6. if there is a problem.Such smart homes could even be programmed to 7. your health problems,and then give you 8. advice as to the food you should eat or if you should see a doctor.So,in a sense,smart homes will lead us to living smarter lives. 参考答案 Part Predict the possible information 1.To say that something is smart means that it can make decisions on its own without a human telling it what to do,and that it also learns how to do things itself. 2.I would expect that a smart house could control room temperature and lights. Part Skim for main ideas Activity 1 Paragraph 1:Give a brief introduction to smart homes. Paragraph 2:Smart homes can make intelligent controls. Paragraph 3:Smart homes can check our health. Paragraph 4:Smart homes can prevent damage from accidents. Paragraph 5:Smart technology is not a fantasy,but it will take some years. Part Scan for details In the future,what will smart homes do about.? doors lock the door for us when we are away dinnersprepare dinner for us TVs, compute switch off TVs and computers beds record how well we sleep every night,check our body weight,send a warning to our phones when we have sleep or weight problems,and rswhen we forgetgive us suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better 续表 In the future,what will smart homes do about.? water pipes, electri cal wires detect if there is a problem and provide us with the relevant information toilets keep constant track of our health and warn us early on if there is something wrong lights, favouri te music,o r TV program mes come on the instant we enter the door Part Analyse the writing techniques 1.It is a popular science article. Features:A brief and eye-catching title; Explaining general concepts in a simplified way; Emphasising main events; Using quotes,metaphors (比喻),analogies (类比)to explain difficult or abstract scientific concepts; Listing data or numbers. 2.Giving examples,and making comparisons 3.It is presented in many forms,including books,newspapers,magazine articles,web pages,etc.This text is more likely from a magazine. Part Discussion 1.Many of the new innovations are already used in some homes today.This is true especially for automatic controls of things such as lights and air conditioners. 2.One disadvantage is that if there is a problem with the system,you may find yourself locked out of the house,or unable to turn your TV off or on.Security is another big concern,as strangers may be able to hack into the system to collect information about your life and use that for evil purposes. Part 核心素养专练 1.integrates2.automatic3.switches4.efficient5.monitor6.warnings 7.detect8.relevant Period 1AReading and Thinking 学案设计(一) 1.To learn about the convenience brought by smart homes in the future. 2.To learn about the discourse structure and language features of an exposition of popular science. 3.To identify the purpose and the intended audience according to the content and linguistic features. 4.To express your opinions on the development of technology. Part ASkim the text and answer these questions 1.What is the purpose of the text? 2.Who is the intended audience of this text? AAPart AAnalyse the discourse structure Part AScan for details Activity 1ARead Paragraph 1 and think over the questions. (1)Why does the writer start the paragraph with two questions? (2)What does “These kinds of things” refer to? (3)What will be a smart solution? (4) hat s the difference between ordinary homes and smart homes? AAAAAAA VS AAAAAAA Activity 2ARead Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 4 and fill in the table below. In the future,what will smart homes do about.? doorsdinners TVs ,beds computers water pipes, electric wires toilets lights,fa vourite music,or TV programm es AAPart AAnalyse the writing techniques 1.What genre is the text?What are its features? 2.What writing techniques are used in this text? AA3.Where can you find this kind of text? AAPart APost-reading Work in groups.Discuss the questions. 1.In what way is the home of tomorrow already the home of today? 2.What might be some of the disadvantages of smart homes? Part A核心素养专练 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Have you ever forgotten to lock the door of your house or switch off the TV ?These kinds of things often happen to us,which can lead 1.AAAA problems.However ,in the near future,we 2.AAAA(live)in smart homes that will lock the door and switch off the TV 3.AAAA(automatic).These smart homes will provide us with a 4.(comfortable)environment. Your home will learn your daily routine and 5.(preference),so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.For example,lights will come on instantly you enter the door along with 6. (you)favourite music.All controls will respond to voice commands,so you just say 7.AAAA you want and the home system will obey.Besides ,it will give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how 8.AAAA(sleep)better. This smart technology 9.AAAA(be)not a fantasy.Nevertheless ,it will take some years 10.AAAA most new homes begin to use it. AAPart ASkim the text and answer these questions 1.The purpose of the text is to introduce and get people excited about the idea of smart homes. 2.Home owners. Part AAnalyse the discourse structure 1.General introduction to the advantages of smart homes 2.General statement 3.Supporting details 4.Conclusion Part AScan for details Activity 1 (1)To introduce the topic. (2)These kinds of things refer to forgetting to lock the door or switch off the TV or computer. (3)A smart home. (4) Ordinary homes waste resources lead to problemsVS AASmart homes keep us secure save us energy provide a more comfo- rtable environment Activity 2 In the future,what will smart homes do about.? doors lock the door for us when we are away dinner s prepare dinner for us in advance TVs , comput ers switch them off when we forget beds record how well we sleep every night and check our body weight;send a warning to our phones and give us suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better 续表 In the future,what will smart homes do about.? water pipes , elect ric wires detect the problems and provide us with the relevant information toilet s keep constant track of our health and warn us early on if there is something wrong light s,fav ourit e music ,or TV progr ammes come on the instant we enter the door AAPart AAnalyse the writing techniques 1.It is a popular science article. Features :A brief and eye-catching title; explaining general concepts in a simplified way; emphasising main events; using quotes,metaphors(比喻),analogies(类比) to explain difficult or abstract scientific concepts;listing data or numbers.A 2.By means of classification,examples and comparison. 3.It is usually presented in many forms,including books,magazine articles,web pages,etc.This text is more likely from a magazine. Part APost-reading 1.Many of the new innovations are already used in some homes today.This is true especially for automatic controls of things such as lights and air conditioners. 2.One disadvantage is that if there is a problem with the system,you may find yourself locked out of the house or unable to turn your TV off or on.Security is another big concern,as strangers may be able to hack into the system to collect information about your life and use that for evil purposes. Part A核心素养专练 1.to A2.will be livingA3.automaticallyA4.more comfortableA5.preferencesA 6.yourA7.whatA8.to sleep 9.isA10.before Period 2ADiscover Useful Structures 学案设计 1.To identify and analyse the usages of the future progressive tense. 2.To master the usages of the future progressive tense through self-study and practice. 3.To use the future progressive tense to express your ideas. Part ADiscovery and analysis Activity 1ALook at the sentences below.One is in the simple future tense.The other is in the future progressive tense.What different impressions do they make? *In the future,we will use advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. *In the future,we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. Difference: Activity 2AFind more sentences using the future progressive tense from the unit.Rewrite them using the simple future tense.Try to feel the different impressions they make. (1).we will be living in smart homes. (2).we will be using advanced technology every day. (3)In addition,your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day. (4)Smart toilets will be keeping constant track of your health as well. Summary 1 Part ASelf-directed study Activity 1ARead the passage and complete the following sentences. Jack goes to school every weekday.He leaves home at 6:45 and arrives at school at about 7:30.His morning classes begin at 8:00 o clock and continue until 12:15.Then he has lunch,which takes about half an hour.His classes begin again at 1:30 in the afternoon and end at 3:50.He goes to the school s football club at 4:30 and finishes practice at 6:00.He arrives home at about 6:45.Every day he follows the same routine and tomorrow will be no exception. (1)At 6:30 a.m. tomorrow,. A.he ll be leaving the house.AB.he ll be at home. (2)At 8:10 a.m.tomorrow,. A.he ll be having a class.B.he ll have a class. (3)At 12:30 tomorrow,. A.he ll be having lunch.B.he ll have lunch. (4)At 5:00 p.m.tomorrow,. A.he ll be practising football. B.he ll practise football. (5)At 6:45 p.m.tomorrow,. A.he ll be arriving home.B.he ll arrive home. Summary 2 Activity 2AFill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets. (1)You can call me then.I AAAA(not sleep). (2)They set off at 9:00 a.m.and thought they AAAA(reach)the airport an hour later. (3)Will you AAAA(wait)for me until I find the electrical wires? (4)Better not hang out with Sam then.He AAAA(work)on his article on critical thinking. (5)I guess most parents AAAA(support)the new plan at the meeting tomorrow. Summary 3 Summary 4 将来进行时的形式 陈述式一般疑问式 I/We will/ shall(not)be doing. Will/ Shall I/we (not)be doing.? You/They will (not)be doing. Will you/they (not)be doing.? He/She/ It will (not)be doing. Will he/ she/ it (not)be doing.? AAActivity 3AWork in pairs.Read the travel plan and make up a conversation using the future progressive tense. Monday Fly to Beijing from Melbourne,arrive at 10:00 a.m.;Visit the Summer Palace in the afternoon Tuesday Morning:visit the Palace Museum;Afternoon:go to Wangfujing Street Wednesda y Go to the Great Wall,three hours drive there and back Thursday Go sightseeing in Shichahai;Visit National Museum of China FridayTrip to Zhangjiakou Saturday Back to Beijing in the afternoon;Watch Beijing Opera at the Mei Lanfang Theatre SundayReturn to Melbourne Summary 5 Activity 4AComplete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. (1)Don t call me between 12:30 and 13:00.I AAAAa nap.(take) (2)After the training,the farmers decided that they AAAAtomatoes the next year.(grow) (3)The engineer was sure that the medical tests AAAAthat he was healthy.(show) (4)The day after tomorrow they are going to play football from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.So at 4:30,they AAAAsoccer.(play) (5)Do you think you AAAAthe same job in ten years time?(still do) (6)If you need to contact me,I AAAAat the Waterfall Hotel until this Saturday.(stay) (7)A:If you see David,can you ask him to call me? B:Sure.I AAAAhim this afternoon.I will tell him then.(see) (8)A:Is it all right if I come at about 7:00? B:Not really.I AAAthe news and having dinner with my family.(watch) Activity 5ABelow is a letter from the present you to the future you.Try to complete it with the most appropriate verb forms. Dear Future Me, How are you?If you re still very hard-working,then m sure you re (1)AAAA (keep)yourself busy! I do (2)(hope)you re healthier though.I know I love eating too much junk food and far too many sweets.I hope you re stronger than me and (3)AAAA(give up)these bad habits. ow s everything going with work?Do you remember that you (4)AAAA (want)to be a pilot?If you do,then I hope you re flying around the world to fun places and (5)(do)a lot of sightseeing.I think that the computer technology in your time must (6)AAAA(be)so much better than it is now.The way things are going right now,people will no longer (7)AAAA (drive)cars one day because computers (8)AAAA(operate)them completely.Moreover,companies will probably (9)AAAA(try)to do the same thing with planes soon afterwards.I think it would be quite dangerous if all the cars on the road were driverless.However ,I think the idea of (10)AAAA (have)any pilots on a plane is much more dangerous.This is because any big computer problem could cause one or more planes full of people to crash! I hope m right about planes still (11)AAAA(need)pilots,but if m wrong,I look forward to (12)AAAA(find)out what other job you chose for your career. Your friend, Present Me Part ASummary AA将来进行时可表示最近或较远的将来正在进行的动作。 将来进行时像现在进行时一样,可以表示已计划好的事。 AA将来进行时有时也用来委婉地提出请求或者表达其他含义。 将来进行时有时只单纯表示将来或按计划进行的事,而一般将来时则具有其他的意味。 Part A核心素养专练 1.I AAAA(do)my homework at 10 tomorrow evening.A 2.We AAAA(fly)to the United States this time next week. 3.You can call me at 8 in the eve
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