陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!-Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!(通用)-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:63f36).zip

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Have a good habit! read in bed talk in the library make a noise Keep quiet 把下列短语翻译成英语 read in bed talk in the library make a noise 保 持 安 静keep quiet 吵 闹 躺在床上看 书 在图书馆谈 话 选择填空选择填空 2.You should (talk in the library keep quiet) 1.You shouldnt (read in bed read at the table ) 1.You shouldnt (read in bed read at the table ) v2.You should (talk in the library keep quiet) 1.We make a noise in the library. 2.We keep quiet and we should have a good habit. 用“should” or “shouldnt”填空 1.We shouldnt make a noise in the library. 2.We should keep quiet and we should have a good habit. tick right or wrong we should read at the table ( ) We shouldnt keep quiet in the class ( ) We should make a noise in the library ( ) 课堂检测 tick right or wrong we should read at the table () We shouldnt keep quiet in the class () We should make a noise in the library () 做个调查,调查班上同学的习惯,并帮助他人 改掉不好的习惯。 课后作业课后作业 Class is over! Goodbye! Lesson 14 Have a good habbit. 良好的生活习惯有利于我们的健康,因此,不管是工作,还是学习和生活,我们都应 该养成良好的习惯。学习这些句型来给别人一些建议:You shouldnt read in bed. Its bad for your eyes. Read at the table. You should have a good habit.学会词汇短语:read in bed talk in the library make a noise keep quiet 教学目的 : 1.会说会用这些句子: You shouldnt read in bed. Its bad for your eyes. Read at the table. You should have a good habit. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: read in bed talk in the library make a noise keep quiet 课前准备: 1.教师准备三段课件: 1)老师正在上课,一个学生迟到了,老师与这个学生之间的对话 。 2)一个孩子躺在床上看书。妈妈进来与其对话。 3)两个学生在图书馆大声说话,一位管理员让他们保持安静。 2准备 read in bed talk in the library make a noise keep quiet 的单词卡片。 3.准备一些孩子们常见的好的行为和一些不良行为的图片,如:上课认真听讲,在图 书馆大声说话,在医院吸烟,按时到校,一进家门不洗手就吃饭,长时间玩电脑游戏,早 上按时起床,运动等。 教学过程: 2. 热身(Warming up) 师生互动引出本课话题。 1)老师先提问一两个学生 Whats your hobby? 引导学生用学过的 I like. 或 Doing sth.is my hobby.这样的句型回答出自己得喜好。 针对学生的答案,老师进行评述,如:Hiking is good for your health. Fishing is interesting. Flying a kite is not easy.等。 2)老师再提问其他同学: Do you get up early? Do you have breakfast everyday? 针对学生的回答 ,老师进行评述,如: Thats a good habit./ Thats a bad habit. Its good for your health./Its bad for you health. 3) 老师再提问: Do you like playing computer games? How often do you play? 再针对学生的回答进行评述,如: You shouldnt play too much. Its bad for your eyes. 4) Whats your fathers hobby? Does he often drink much? Does he like smoking? 再针对学生的回答进行评述: Its a bad habit.He shouldnt drink too much. Its bad for his health. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 老师展示课件 1,让学生看,听,之后老师讲解。 S:Sorry.Im late again. T:You shouldnt be late for school. Its a bad habit. S:Im sorry. I got up late. T:You should get up early and come to school on time.You should have a good a good habit. S: All right.Ill try . 1)You shouldnt be late for school. You should get up early and come to school on time. You should.你应该 You shouldnt. 你不应该 常用来表示说话人对某一行为的看法或对听话人提出建议。 Samples are You shouldnt tell him about it . He should be here on time. You should have more vegetables and fruits. 2) late 晚的,迟。 be late for 干某事迟到。 Samples are He is often late for work. Dont be late for school. 3)You should have a good habit. 拼读单词 ha-bit habit 习惯 have a good habit 养成好习惯 have a bad habit 养成坏习惯 For example, Children should have a good habit. They shouldnt have bad habits. 4)We should go to school on time 。 on time 按时 go to work on time 按时上班 老师展示课件 2,让学生看,听,之后老师讲解。 Mum: Linda,What are you doing? Linda:Im reading. Mum: Oh,dear.You shouldnt read in bed.Its a bad habit.Its bad for you eyes. Linda:But Im tired. Mum: If you are tired,stop reading. Read at the table.You should have a good habit. Linda:OK. 1)You shouldnt read in bed. Its bad for your health. read in bed in bed 躺在床上 Here are examples You shouldnt eat in bed. Its a bad habit. Where is Tom? He is still in bed.他还没起床呐。 2) Its bad for your health. Its bad for.这.对有坏处。 Its good for.这.对有好处。 For example, You should do some sports.Its good for your health. You shouldnt read in the sun.Its bad for your eyes. 3)If you are tired ,stop reading. If 如果,用来引导条件状语从句。常用来表示如果就的意思。 For example If you are happy,clap your hands. If I know,Ill tell you. tired 累的,疲劳的。 I am/feel tired. stop doing 停止干某事。 stop talking 别说了。 stop fighting 别打了。 stop laughing 别笑了。 stop crying 别哭了。 4)Read at the table. at the table 在桌旁。 For example, Li Dong sits at the table doing his homework. Mr Green is a writer.He often works at the table at night. 老师展示课件 3,让学生看,听,之后老师讲解。 SS:(Talking in the library.) T: Stop talking.You shouldnt make a noise in the library. SS:Sorry. T: You should keep quiet. You should have a good habit. SS: OK. 1) noise 噪音,嘈杂声。 make noise 嘈闹 Dont make noise at night. The radio makes a big noise at night. Please turn it off. 2) keep quiet 保持安静 Please keep quiet.The baby is sleeping. We should keep quiet in the hospital or library. 3.巩固活动: 击鼓传花: 把学生分成两个大组,老师拿出准备好的那些孩子们常见的好的行为和一些不良行为 的图片,播放音乐,第一组学生开始传花,音乐停止,老师任意抽出一张图片,接花的同 学迅速站起,判断老师手中的图片上的动作行为是好习惯还是坏习惯,说出自己的看法, 如果大家都认同他的观点,老师给这个组加分,如果大家不认同他的观点,老师给这个组 减分,并给对方组一次机会陈述观点,说对了的话还可以得到加分。两组轮流进行,最后 看那组得分高。 陈述观点看法时,要用的关键句: You should . Its a good habit.Its good for your. You shouldnt.Its a bad habit. Its bad for your. 4听录音学习对话: Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What is Linda doing? (She is reading in bed.) 2)Should she do that? (No, she shouldnt.Its a bad habit.) 3)Why? (Its bad for her eyes.) 4)What should she do? (She should read at the table.)
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