(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修二 Unit6 Earth first Understanding ideas 课件ppt.pptx

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1、Understanding ideas Unit 6 Earth First Pre-reading The shark is coming! What do you think of sharks? Tick the words that you would use to describe sharks. Add any more you can think of. Now compare your choices with the class. Share what you know about sharks. Have you heard about this film? Share s

2、ome information with your classmates. 1. release time:_ 2. director: _ 3. Actors: _ 4. Plot: _ _ Look at the picture and the title on page 63. Will sharks be dangerous or endangered? What is your opinion? Why? fin 鱼鳍鱼鳍 While-reading Read the passage and find out how sharks are described in the film

3、Jaws. How are sharks described in the film Jaws? Sharks are described in the film as dangerous and bad animals that eat humans. Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage. 1 To criticise Peter Benchleys misleading description of sharks in his book and advocate the protection of sharks. 2 To e

4、xplain peoples misunderstanding of sharks and raise awareness of shark protection. 3 To inform people about sharks and recommend the film and the book to them. Organize the structure of the passage. Sharks: Dangerous or Endangerd? Para _ dangerous. Para _ +Para 4 _. Para 5 More people want to _. 1 a

5、nd 23 endangerd protect sharks from extinction True or False 1. Jaws changed peoples idea of the great white shark as a dangerous animals. 2. Some people are afraid of swimming in the sea because they saw Jaws. 3. After 1975, the number of large sharks around South America fell quickly. 4. People cu

6、t off the fins and then throw sharks onto the beach where sharks die slowly and painfully. 5. Benchley began to protect sharks after he realized that his book was wrong about sharks behaviour. T F F F T Complete the chart showing how attitudes towards sharks have changed with words and expressions f

7、rom the passage. People have a normal fear of sharks. People have always been scared of sharks because they are considered 1_. People are more frightened of sharks. People who saw the film Jaws believed 2_ _. Some people stopped 3_ while others started to 4_. The number of large sharks fell quickly

8、due to 5_. as dangerous animals sharks were bad animals that ate humans swimming in the sea fish for sharks fear of sharks and finning Complete the chart showing how attitudes towards sharks have changed with words and expressions from the passage. More people are against finning and wish to protect

9、 sharks. Peter Benchley admitted that his book 6_ and fought 7_ them. Experts have proved that 8_, and they attack us by mistake. Some people became intersted in 9_ and more are willing to 10_. was wrong about sharks behaviour to protect sharks do not see people as food understanding sharks protect

10、sharks from extinction Think Share: After-reading 1. How do you think Peter Benchley felt after diving in 1980? Peter Benchley might feel sad for the sharks being killed; he might feel regretful for depicting the great white shark as a dangerous animal in his book; he might also feel angry about fin

11、ning. Think Share: After-reading 2. What other films or books do you know that feature wild animals? Do they paint a good or bad picture of these animals? Say how the animals are described. Language points 1. in fear 害怕 in fear of 对的担心中; 对的恐惧中 for fear of 惟恐; 以免 She surfaces, cries in fear, then dis

12、appears forever. This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark attack. 1 句意:她挣扎着露出水面,发出惊恐的尖叫,然 后就彻底消失了。这是1975年上映的电影大白 鲨的开场画面,呈现了鲨鱼攻击人类的那一幕。 She was afraid to say anything to them _ hurting their feelings. 例2:她不敢对他们说什么,惟恐伤害他们的感情。 for fear of The elderly live _ assault and murder.

13、 例1:老年人生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧中。 in fear of 2. opening 开始,开场,开局 open vi. 开始;展现 She surfaces, cries in fear, then disappears forever. This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark attack. 1 句意:她挣扎着露出水面,发出惊恐的尖叫,然 后就彻底消失了。这是1975年上映的电影大白 鲨的开场画面,呈现了鲨鱼攻击人类的那一幕。 They returned to play in the seaso

14、ns _ game. 例:他们回来参加了本赛季的首 场比赛。 opening 1. be scared of (sth/ doing) 害怕;对感到恐惧 【同义短语】be frighted of/ be afraid of (sth/ doing) be scared to do 害怕去做某事 People have always been scared of sharks, but Jaws made things worse. It made people frightened of sharks, especially of the great white shark. 2 句意:人类本

15、来就害怕鲨鱼,而电影大白鲨加 深了这种恶劣印象,让人们对鲨鱼,特别是大白鲨, 心生恐惧。 He is scared _ the exams. 例2:他害怕参加考试。 to take He is scared of _ in the darkness. 例1:他害怕在黑暗中行走。 walking 2. make sth worse 使.更糟糕 People have always been scared of sharks, but Jaws made things worse. It made people frightened of sharks, especially of the gre

16、at white shark. 2 Wemustmake_. 例2:我们必须净化河水。 Thegoodnewsmadeus_. 例1:这个好消息使我们兴奋。 excited make作使役动词表示“使;使成为”,用法如下: “make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可 以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词。 therivers clean 1. not only.but (also).”不仅,而且.”在句中常 用来连接两个对等的成分,also可以省略。 This was not only due to fear of sharks, but also finning. 3 句意:

17、这不仅仅是因为人类对鲨鱼的恐惧,还因 为采割鱼鳍。 当连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。 例: 1. NotonlyZhouXiabutalsoherparents_ fond ofwatchingfootballmatches. 2. Notonlyyoubutalsohe_tiredofhaving oneexaminationafteranother. are is Mr Hill _ lecture twice tomorrow. 2.希尔先生预定明天演讲两次。 2. due to 由于;因为;应归于;归因于 be due (to) 应付的,应到的,预期的 This was n

18、ot only due to fear of sharks, but also finning. 3 句意:这不仅仅是因为人类对鲨鱼的恐惧,还因 为采割鱼鳍。 The program failed _ lack of money. 例: 1. 那项计划由于资金不足而失败。 due to is due to 【句法分析】the film Jaws was based on是定语从 句,修饰book。 Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the film Ja

19、ws was based on. 4 句意:鱼鳍采割活动对大白鲨电影的原著作 者彼得本奇利产生了出乎意料的影响。 Paraphrase: Peter Benchley did not expect that finning would have a great effect on him.He was the author of a book, which the film Jaws was based on. effect n.影响;效果;作用 affect vt. 影响;感染 have an effect on/upon sth 对.有影响力 = have an influence on/

20、upon affect sb/sth= influence sb/sth 影响某人、某事 Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on. 4 例1:我认为这种制度不会对我们学校产生很大的影响。 I dont think this kind of system will _ _ our school. effect on have a great 例2:我的嗓子总是受恶劣天气的影响。 My throat _ alw

21、ays _ by bad weather.isaffacted base.on 以为根据”,base A on B be based on “以为根据”; “基于” A be based on B Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on. 4 句意:鱼鳍采割活动对大白鲨电影的原著作 者彼得本奇利产生了出乎意料的影响。 例1:爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的。 Edison _ his ideas _

22、scientific experiment. basedon 例2:那故事是根据现实生活而写的。 The story _ real life. is based on 1. when引导时间状语从句。句型结构如下: .was/were doing sth when sb did sth. 正在做某事时,突然 .was/were about to do sth when sb did sth. 正要做某事时,突然 例1: 我正在读书,这时铃响了。 I _a book when the bell _. In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across

23、 an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea floor was covered with dead sharks. 5 句意:1980年,本奇利在潜水的时候看到了可怕的 一幕:渔民们正在这片海域采割鲨鱼的鱼鳍,海底 遍布着鲨鱼的尸体。 was reading rang 2. come across 偶然发现; 偶然遇见 = drop across/ meet up with When you _ something important, write it down. 例: 当你遇到重要的事情

24、时,把它记下来。 In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea floor was covered with dead sharks. 5 例2:我刚要外出就下起了雨。 I _ go out _ it began to rain. was about towhen come across 例2:布朗医生说,伤口应该用清洁干燥的绷带包扎。 Dr. Brown says cuts should _ a

25、clean, dry bandage. 3. be coverd with 被盖满;充满着 cover.with.用覆盖 _ the fish _ a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry. 例1: 用干净的白布把鱼裹起来使其变干。 In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea floor was covered with dead sharks.

26、5 be covered with Cover with 1. see.as. 把看做 He came to see people as a danger to sharks, rather than the other way round. 6 句意:他意识到人类才是鲨鱼的威胁,而鲨鱼并 非人类的敌人。 例:许多印度尼西亚人将美国总统视为本地人。 Many Indonesians _ the U.S. president _ a native son. see as 2. the other way round 相反 例:你从这个方向卷胶卷,不是从相反的方向。 You slide the film in this way round, _ _. way round not the other


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