(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 3 readingppt课件.ppt

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1、(Starting out and understanding ideas) Book 3 Unit 3 The world of science Before Viewing lRead about the inventions from novels and choose those that have become a reality. Harry threw the cloak around his shoulders. Harry looked down at his feet, but they were gone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher

2、s Stone Presently I am going to press the lever, and off the machine will go. It will vanish, pass into future time, and disappear. The Time Machine A faint blue light shot across it, darkening to purple, and presently she could see the image of her son, who lived on the other side of the earth, and

3、 he could see her. The Machine Stops Instead of being printed, the Earth Chronicle is every morning spoken to subscribers, who, in interesting conversations with reporters, statesmen, and scientists, learn the news of the day. In the Year 2889 Thethirdandfourthinventionshavebecomeareality. Peoplenow

4、adayscanhavevideochatswitheachother viamobilephonesandcomputersconnectedtothe Internet. Andmanynewspapershaveofferedtheir readersfreedigitaleditions.Furthermore,livechat roomsmakeitpossiblefor peopletocommunicatewith reporters,statesmen andscientists. a virtual house of mirrors 虚拟镜屋虚拟镜屋 video teleph

5、ony 视频通话视频通话 the cloak of invisibility隐形斗篷隐形斗篷 the time machine 时间机器时间机器 The students talk about the invention which interests them most and give the reason. (A possible answer:) Of all the inventions in the world, the computer is what I am the most interested in. The reason is that computers can do

6、 kinds of work. They are already widely used in industries, science and other fields. With the help of powerful computers, great breakthroughs have been made in different aspects. Besides, in our daily life, many people use the computers to do relaxing things such as playing computer games, listenin

7、g to music and so on. Gone 1.用光了的;消耗掉的用光了的;消耗掉的 Thecakeisallgone.蛋糕都吃光了。蛋糕都吃光了。 2.不复存在的;过去的;不复存在的;过去的; Thedaysaregonewhenwomenworkedforhalfpay. 女性只拿一半薪水的日子一去不复返了。女性只拿一半薪水的日子一去不复返了。 3.失去的;毁坏的;无可挽回的失去的;毁坏的;无可挽回的 agonegoose|agonegosling无法挽救的人(或事物)无法挽救的人(或事物) Thecarisagonegoose.汽车报废了。汽车报废了。 4.死亡的;奄奄一息的死

8、亡的;奄奄一息的 Ifthegoutgetsintohisstomach,heisagoneman. 如果痛风到达了他的胃部,他就必死无疑了。如果痛风到达了他的胃部,他就必死无疑了。 gonegone、lostlost、missingmissing的区别的区别: : gonegone丢了丢了, ,没了没了”, ,含一去不复返的意思含一去不复返的意思, ,也可以表也可以表 示示“死了死了”, ,作表语或宾补作表语或宾补, ,不可以作定语不可以作定语; ; lostlost “ “丢失丢失”, ,含难以找回的意思含难以找回的意思, ,可作定语、表语可作定语、表语 或宾补或宾补; ; missing

9、missing “ “失踪了失踪了, ,不见了不见了”, ,强调某人物不在原处强调某人物不在原处, , 可作定语、表语或宾补可作定语、表语或宾补. . My fever My fever is gone is gone , but I still have a cough., but I still have a cough. ( (发烧消退了发烧消退了, ,但我仍然咳嗽但我仍然咳嗽) ) The parents found The parents found the lost the lost child at last.child at last. ( (家长终于找到了迷路的孩子家长终于找

10、到了迷路的孩子) ) My dictionary My dictionary is missing is missing . Who. Whos taken it away?s taken it away? ( (我的字典不见了我的字典不见了, ,谁拿走了谁拿走了?) ?) gooff 1爆发爆发 Abombwentoffinthetheater一颗炸弹在剧院爆炸了。一颗炸弹在剧院爆炸了。 2(突然)离走(突然)离走 Shewentoffinabadtemper她怒气冲冲地走了。她怒气冲冲地走了。 3终止;消失终止;消失 Theeffectofthedrugwillgooffaftertwoh

11、ours 两小时后这药的效力就将失去。两小时后这药的效力就将失去。 4卖掉;售出卖掉;售出 Thegoodswentoffrapidly那批货很快就卖掉了。那批货很快就卖掉了。 5变坏(质)变坏(质) Youhadbetterputthecakeintherefrigerator,incaseitgoesoff 你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。 6入睡;失去知觉入睡;失去知觉 Grandfathersgoneoffinthechair 爷爷在椅子上睡着了。爷爷在椅子上睡着了。 7突然中断供应突然中断供应 Thelightwentoffasweenteredthe

12、room 我们进屋时停电了。我们进屋时停电了。 8进行;发生;举行进行;发生;举行 Thepartywentoffwithoutanytrouble 聚会顺利进行,没有任何麻烦。聚会顺利进行,没有任何麻烦。 Shehadtheoperationthismorninganditallwentoffquite well 她今天上午动了手术,一切很顺利。她今天上午动了手术,一切很顺利。 The boy fell off from his bikeThe boy fell off from his bike 全倒装句全倒装句offfelltheboyfromhisbikeofffelltheboyfr

13、omhisbike 以地点副词以地点副词here/therehere/there,时间副词,时间副词now/thennow/then及方位副词及方位副词out, in, up,out, in, up, down, away , offdown, away , off等开头,且谓语动词多为等开头,且谓语动词多为be/come/go,be/come/go,常使用完全倒常使用完全倒 装以示强调。装以示强调。 【这些副词可巧记为:这里那里(这些副词可巧记为:这里那里(here/therehere/there)、这时那时()、这时那时( now/thennow/then)、上来下去()、上来下去(up/

14、downup/down)、出来进去()、出来进去(out/inout/in)两离开)两离开 (away/offaway/off)。)。】 Here comes the bus.Here comes the bus.汽车来了汽车来了 Now comes our turn. Now comes our turn. 现在轮到我们了现在轮到我们了 Out went the children.Out went the children.孩子们出去了孩子们出去了 There goes the bell.There goes the bell.铃响了铃响了 【注意注意】若主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。若主语

15、是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。 Away it went.Away it went.它走了它走了 Here you are.Here you are.给你给你 表地点的介词短语或表方位的副词短语位于句首表地点的介词短语或表方位的副词短语位于句首, ,且且 谓语动词是谓语动词是be/come/go/lie/sitbe/come/go/lie/sit、stand/run/walkstand/run/walk等不等不 及物动词时,常用完全倒装。及物动词时,常用完全倒装。 East of the town East of the town lieslies a beautiful lake. Presen

16、t at the a beautiful lake. Present at the meeting were all teachers. meeting were all teachers. In a lecture hall of a university in England In a lecture hall of a university in England sitssits a professor. a professor. Outside the doctors clinic Outside the doctors clinic werewere twenty patients.

17、 twenty patients. West of the lakeWest of the lake are are two villages. two villages. Look at the pictures and talk about what you see in the pictures. Play a game “Find the differences” ( Suggested answers In the past People lived a traditional and simple life. Much manual work is done by hand. Be

18、sides hard living conditions, students studyying way is single and passive. Nowadays Technology is one of the most important factors to promote our society to develop from one era to another. Whether you are aware of it or not, every day at every time technology is greatly influencing the way we liv

19、e and work. Computers, new technology in the 21th century, are the best examples. As the greatest inventions of human beings, they are being used more and more extensively in the world today. Especially when their functions are amplified with the help of internet, computers may even make everything

20、convenient and possible. Now read the passage. Read the title and predict what the passage will we talk about. lInventions in Ancient China were better than those in the West. lA lot of todays great inventions are tech- based. lToday, most inventors prefer working by themselves. lThe desire to solve

21、 problems inspires invention. lA time machine will definitely be invented in the future. Choose the sentences that describe Dr Fairhursts opinions. Ancient China 1 virtual reality the West 2 wearable tech 3 INVENTIONS replacement 4 made by 3D printers recognising 7 5 8 using GPS, computing technolog

22、y and 6 Choose the sentences that describe Dr Fairhursts opinions. 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 3 the flexible battery 4 hearts and bone parts 5 an intelligent walking house 6 solar technology 7 a problem that needs a solution 8 a

23、n incredible desire to think and create 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 8 an incredible desire to th

24、ink and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2

25、 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 5 an intelligent walking house

26、 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 6 solar technology 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3

27、the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 7 a

28、problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the r

29、adio 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a pr

30、oblem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, paper

31、making, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 6 solar technology 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the co

32、mpass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 8 an incredibl

33、e desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and

34、 the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 5 an intelligent

35、 walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam

36、 engine, the telephone and the radio 7 a problem that needs a solution 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 3 the

37、 flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone

38、 and the radio 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing

39、 and the compass 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking,

40、 printing and the compass 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to th

41、ink and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a soluti

42、on 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, pape

43、rmaking, printing and the compass 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a

44、 solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, paperm

45、aking, printing and the compass 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 6 solar techno

46、logy 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the

47、 radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephon

48、e and the radio 1 gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and cr

49、eate 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio 5 an intelligent walking house 4 hearts and bone parts 3 the flexible battery 8 an incredible desire to think and create 7 a problem that needs a solution 2 the steam engine, the telephone and the radio Post-readi

50、ng: Think and Share 1. Work in groups. Think about what else inspires people to invent things. 2. Ask some students to share their opinions with the class. (Suggested answer:) I think that its very important to stimulate peoples interest in exploring science, As we all know, Interest is the best tea


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