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Book 3 Unit 1 重点短语及句子 I 短语 1. in similar situations 在同样的处境下 2. fit in with others 与别人相处融洽 3. in a mess 一团糟 4. help sb.out 帮某人摆脱困境 5. be crazy about 非常喜欢. 6. let down 使失望,辜负 7. point guard 控球后卫 8. on the court 在场上 9. let off steam 发泄怒火 10. be angry with 对某人生气 11. concentrate on 将集中于,专心于 12. be sure to do 一定要 13. apologize to sb. for sth 因为某事而向某人道歉 14. communicate with each other clearly 相互沟通清楚 15. resolve conflicts 解决冲突 16. have a chat with sb. 跟某人聊一聊 17. talk without thinking 说话不加思考 18. make the situation worse 使情况变得更糟 19. move on 继续前进 20. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 21. calm down 冷静下来 22. pull ones weight 尽责 23. raise your concerns in a professional way 以专业的方式提出你的担心。 24. work out 计算出,想出,锻炼,进展顺利 25. be concerned about 关心,担心 26. be satisfied with 对.感到满意 27. enter her homework into a competition 让她的作业参加竞赛 28. tell the truth 说实话 29. look down on /upon 看不起 30. take the lead 带头 31. play her role in Rileys emotional development 在 Riley 的情绪发展过程中起到作用 32. adjust to 调整,使适应 33. by accident 偶然的 34. feel lost and helpless 感到失落和无助 35. run away from 逃离 36. grow up 成长 37. settle down 定居 ,安定下来 38. complain about 抱怨. 39. white lies 善意的谎言 40. tell a lie 撒谎 41. to what extent 在多大程度上 to some extent 在某种程度上 42. make others feel better 让别人感觉好一点 43. protect.from 保护.不受. 44. hide.from 隐瞒,躲避某人 45. even if 即使 46. in advance 提前,事先 47. consist of 由.组成 48. a series of 一系列 49. end with 以.结束 50. in conclusion 总之 II 重点句子 1. Disappointed by his behaviour,I said all this to my best friend 我对他的行为感到失望感到失望,就把这一切告诉了我最好的朋友。 2. This is so totally awkward 这真是太尴尬了。 3.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.Please help! .既尴尬又羞愧既尴尬又羞愧,我无法集中注意力。请帮助! 4.we should always think before we speak. 我们应该三思而后言 5.Thirdly, but perhaps most importantly 第三点,也许是最重要的一点 6.This gives people the wrong signal 这给人们错误的信号。 7. If you think about other peoples feelings as well as your own,youll soon find everything works out. 如果你既考虑自己的感受,又考虑别人的感受,你很快就会发现一切都会迎刃而解。 8. It is believed that EQ plays an even more important role than IQ in peoples lives. 人们认为,情商在人们的生活中起到比智商更重要的作用。 9.Perhaps we are in fact lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others. 也许事实上,我们撒谎只是为了不让别人失望和生气,以免殃及自身。 10.Wouldnt it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice? 尊重她们对你的关心,向他们寻求建议不是更好吗? Book 3 Unit 1 重点短语及句子 I 短语 1. in similar constitutions 2. fit in with 3. in a mess 4. help sb.out 5. be crazy about 6. let down 7. point guard 8. on the court 9. let off steam 10. be angry with 11. concentrate on 12. be sure to do 13. apologize to sb. for sth 14. communicate with each other clearly 15. resolve conflicts 16. have a chat with sb. 17. talk without thinking 18. make the situation worse 19. move on 20. take a deep breath 21. calm down 22. pull ones weight 23. raise your concerns in a professional way 24. work out 25. be concerned about 26. be satisfied with 27. enter her home work into a competition 28. tell the truth 29. look down on /upon 30. take the lead 31. play her role in Rileys emotional development 32. adjust to 33. by accident 34. feel lost and helpless 35. run away from 36. grow up 37. settle down 38. complain about 39. white lies 40. tell a lie 41. to what extent to some extent 42. make others feel better 43. protect.from 44. hide.from 45. even if 46. in advance 47. consist of 48. a series of 49. end with 50. in conclusion II 重点句子 1. Disappointed by his behaviour,I said all this to my best friend 2. This is so totally awkward 3.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.Please help! . 4.we should always think before we speak. 5.Thirdly, but perhaps most importantly 6.This gives people the wrong signal 7.If you think about other peoples feelings as well as your own,youll soon find everything works out. 8.It is believed that EQ plays an even more important role than IQ in peoples lives. 9.Perhaps we are in fact lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others. 10.Wouldnt it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice? Book 3 Unit 2 短语及重点句子短语及重点句子 I 短语 1. good deed 好的行为、善举 2. make contribution to society 对社会做出贡献 contribute to 有助于,导致 3. to ones relief 令某人欣慰的是 4. under control 得到控制 5. Have difficulty/trouble doing sth 做.有困难 6. reach target of 实现.目标 7. be determined to do sth 决定做. 8. ask for help from 向.寻求帮助 9. ask sb. for help 向.寻求帮助 10. persuade sb. to do sth 说服某人做. 11. see. with ones own eyes 亲眼看到 12. turn out 最终结果是. 13. make a difference 有影响 起作用 make some/no/little difference (to.) It makes no difference whether.是否.并没有影响 14. break into a smile 突然笑了起来 15. be grateful to sb. for sth.对某人感到感激 16. set up a foundation 设立基金会 17. benefit from 从.中获益 18. determined attitude 坚定的态度 19. the courage and perseverance 勇气和毅力 20. make his dream a reality 把梦想变为现实 21. worldwide water shortage 世界范围的水短缺 22. make the world a better place 使世界变得更美好 23. solve the problem of water shortage 解决缺水的问题 24. agree with 同意(某人) 、适合 25. those living with disabilities 身有残疾的人 26. take up a mission 承担任务 27. be sensitive to 对.敏感 be sensitive about 对.在意、在乎 28. make wise decisions 做出明智的决定 29. hesitate to do sth. 做某事由于 without hesitation 毫不犹豫 30. trust her with my secrets 相信他为我保密 31. be confident about 对.有信心 32. get nervous 变得紧张 33. come up with good ideas 想出好主意 34. a sense of humour 幽默感 a sense of direction 方向感 a sense of duty/ responsibility 责任感 35. kind of lazy 有点懒 36. cheer sb. up 激励某人 37. environmental protection 环境保护 38. phone enquiry 电话咨询 39. in spite of /despite 尽管 40. save sb. from death 就某人的命 41. at the hands of 受.控制 42. take British nationality 取得英国国籍 43. escape from 逃脱,摆脱 44. be born to .parents/ family 出生在.样的家庭 45. live in terrible conditions 生活在糟糕的条件中 46. in danger 处于危险中 47. keep records of 记录 48. use donated funds 使用捐款 49. serve as 用作,充当,任职 50. for the most part 通常, 大部分时候 51. disappear from peoples memories 从人们的记忆中消失 52. take in 吸收吸纳、收留、理解、欺骗 53. at one point 在某个时候、一度 54. the majority of people 大部分人 55. rise to ones feet 站起身 56. become a respected figure 成为受人尊重的人物 57. receive various honours for his achievement 因为他的成就而获得各种荣誉 58. on the television programme 上电视节目 59. pass away 去世 60. discover a treatment for. 发现(某种疾病)的治疗方法 61. bring sth.to public attention 使公众注意到. bring sth to the attention of the government 使政府注意到. II 重点句子 1. He looked across the classroom at the drinking fountain. 他望着教室那头的饮水机。 2. And why is the water so dirty that it makes them sick? 为什么水如此脏以致于使他们生病? 3. At the same time, a friend of Ryans mother helped make his story go public. 与此同时,瑞恩母亲的一位朋友帮助将他的事迹公布于众。 4.Shes usually very shy ,but shes generous. 她通常很害羞,但是她很慷慨 5.In China,volunteers are also playing an increasingly important role in environmental protection,disability assistance and many other fields. 在中国,志愿者们也在环境保护、伤残救助以及很多其他领域起着越来越重要的作用。 6.we need to not only donate money but also get new ideas. 我们不仅不仅需要捐钱,而且而且需要提出新想法。 7. On leaving school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. 毕业之后,Winton 就去了德国和法国的银行里工作。 Book 3 Unit 2 短语及重点句子短语及重点句子 I 短语 1. good deed 2. make contribution to society contribute to 3. to ones relief 4. under control 5. Have difficulty/trouble doing sth 6. reach target of 7. be determined to do sth 8. ask for help from 9. ask sb. for help 10. persuade sb. to do sth. 11. see. with ones own eyes 12. turn out 13. make a difference make some/no/little difference (to.) It makes no difference whether. 14. break into a smile 15. be grateful to sb. for sth. 16. set up a foundation 17. benefit from 18. determined attitude 19. the courage and perseverance 20. make his dream a reality 21. worldwide water shortage 22. make the world a better place 23. solve the problem of water shortage 24. agree with 25. those living with disabilities 26. take up a mission 27. be sensitive to be sensitive about 28. make wise decisions 29. hesitate to do sth. without hesitation 30. trust her with my secrets 31. be confident about 32. get nervous 33. come up with good ideas 34. a sense of humour a sense of direction a sense of duty/ responsibility 35. kind of lazy 36. cheer sb. up 37. environmental protection 38. phone enquiry 39. in spite of /despite 40. save sb. from death 41. at the hands of 42. take British nationality 43. escape from 44. be born to .parents/ family 45. live in terrible conditions 46. in danger 47. keep records of 48. use donated funds 49. serve as 50. for the most part 51. disappear from peoples memories 52. take in 53. at one point 54. the majority of people 55. rise to ones feet 56. become a respected figure 57. receive various honours for his achievement 58. on the television programme 59. pass away 60. discover a treatment for. 61. bring sth.to public attention bring sth to the attention of the government II 重点句子 1. He looked across the classroom at the drinking fountain. 2. And why is the water so dirty that it makes them sick? 3. At the same time, a friend of Ryans mother helped make his story go public. 4. Shes usually very shy ,but shes generous. 5.In China,volunteers are also playing an increasingly important role in environmental protection,disability assistance and many other fields. 6.we need to not only donate money but also get new ideas. 7. On leaving school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. B3U3 重点短语及句子 重点短语 1. become a reality 成为现实 2. look down at 低头看. look down on 轻视,看不起 3. on the other side of the earth 在地球另一端 4. Instead of 相反,而不是 5. be in conversation with 跟.对话 6. change over time 随着时间的变化而变化 7. the great age of invention 发明的伟大时代 8. golden ages 黄金时代 9. throughout history 从古至今; 在整个历史上 10. four great inventions in Ancient China 中国古代四大发明 11. change the world forever 彻底改变世界 12. for example 比如 for instance 13. advances in virtual reality 虚拟现实方面的进步 14. as well as 除了.以外 in addition to apart from 15. in addition=moreover=besides,=whats more 除此之外,另外 16. important advances have been made in medicine 在医学方面取得了重大进步 17. in terms of 根据,按照;就.而言 18. be capable of 有.能力 19. work as 以.身份工作 20. start with 以.开始 21. lead to 导致,造成 22. at the moment 目前,现在,暂时 23. never say never 别轻易说决不 24. the desire to solve problems 结局问题的愿望 desire to do sth 想要做. desire sb to do sth 让某人做某事 25. beyond recognition 认不出来,无法辨认 26. be named after 以.的名字命名 27. along with 和.一起 28. be regarded as 被看做,被认为是 be recognized as 29. mental disease 精神疾病 30. a cure for . 对于.疾病的治疗 cure sb./sth 治愈某人/某种疾病 cure sb of sth 治好了某人的.疾病 31. Founding Father 开国元勋 32. fly a kite 放风筝 33. attach to 使贴系,粘在 attach importance to 重视 34. electricity shock 电击 35. more than one 不止一个 36. be amazed at/ by 对.感到惊讶 37. establish the truth 证明事实 38. take place 发生 39. die from 死于 40. accepted ideas 广泛接受的想法 41. lead him to come up with his theory of gravity 促使他提出了万有引力定律 42. hit him on the head 砸在他的头上 43. take account of =take .into account 考虑到. give an account of 描述 on account of 因为,由于 on no account 决不 account for 解释,说明;(数量上)占据 44. in ancient times 在古代 45. make it clear that 明确了. 46. contribute to society 对社会做出贡献 47. Impressive stuff 令人印象深刻的东西 48. This was no doubt that 毫无疑问 重点句子 1. Its a pleasure to be hear.很高兴来到这里。 2. thats an interesting point.这是个有趣的观点。 3. .It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling its“legs” 它可以使用 GPS 技术各处旅行,用计算技术控制它的“腿”。 4. what is it that inspires us to invent things? 是什么激励我们去发明东西呢? 5.Benjamin Franklins famous experiment with lightning has introduced generations of children to science. 本杰明富兰克林的著名的雷电实验已经让一代代的孩子们初次了解了科学。 6. In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 事实上,不止一处资料显示,虽然牛顿的灵感确实来源于苹果,但没有证据表明那个苹果恰巧砸到了他的头上。 7. His ideas deeply influence our understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. 他的观点深深地影响了我们对于人与自然党关系的理解。 8. .was first awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903 for her extraordinary work on radioactivity. (她)在 1903 年因为在放射性研究方面出色的成果而被授予诺贝尔奖。 9. .scientists are reaching ways to improve the quality of life for people living with the disease. 科学家们正在研究能提高该病患者的生活质量的方法。 B3U3 重点短语及句子 重点短语 1. become a reality 2. look down at look down on 3. on the other side of the earth 4. Instead of 5. be in conversation with 6. change over time 7. the great age of invention 8. golden ages 9. throughout history 10. four great inventions in Ancient China 11. change the world forever 12. for example for instance 13. advances in virtual reality 14. as well as in addition to apart from 15. in addition=moreover=besides,=whats more 16. important advances have been made in medicine 17. in terms of 18. be capable of 19. work as 20. start with 21. lead to 22. at the moment 23. never say never 24. the desire to solve problems desire to do sth desire sb to do sth 25. beyond recognition 26. be named after 27. along with 28. be regarded as be recognized as 29. mental disease 30. a cure for . cure sb./sth cure sb of sth 31. Founding Father 32. fly a kite 33. attach to attach importance to 34. electricity shock 35. more than one 36. be amazed at/ by 37. establish the truth 38. take place 39. die from 40. accepted ideas 41. lead him to come up with his theory of gravity 42. hit him on the head 43. take account of =take .into account give an account of on account of on no account account for 44. in ancient times 45. make it clear that 46. contribute to society 47. Impressive stuff 48. This was no doubt that 重点句子 1. Its a pleasure to be hear. 2. thats an interesting point 3. .It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling its“legs” 4. what is it that inspires us to invent things? 5.Benjamin Franklins famous experiment with lightning has introduced generations of children to science. 6. In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 7. There is no proof that it hit him on the head. 8. His ideas deeply influence our understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. 9. .was first awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903 for her extraordinary work on radioactivity. 10.scientists are reaching ways to improve the quality of life for people living with the disease. B3U4 重点短语及句子 重点短语 1. make an impression on sb. 给.留下印象 2. share your answer/experience/idea with the class 跟同学分享你的答案/经历/观点 3. get a load of 仔细的看一看. 4. hold up 举起、支撑;阻挡;推迟 5. be made of 由 .制成 6. load sth with sth 用.把 .装满 7. move on 继续前进 8. push around 把.推来推去 9. come up 上升; 走近;提及;发生 10. look into 向.里边看;调查 11. have a mind of ones own.有自己的主意 12. seems to do 好像 13. but then again 可是,然而他 14. laugh at 嘲笑 15. its time to do sth 是时候做. 16. get up close and personal with 近距离亲身感受. 17. throughout his life 整个他的一生 18. take a lifetime 用一生的时间 19. for oneself 亲自 20. reach out 伸出(手) 21. by the way 顺便说一句 22. live broadcast 现场直播节目 23. trim into 修剪成.模样 24. look up 向上看、查询 25. an amazing Chinese art festival 一个令人惊叹的中国艺术节 26. make images out of paper 用纸剪出各种形象 27. with help from the artist 在艺术家的帮助下 28. in the shape of a fish 呈现鱼的形状 29. throw away 扔掉 30. mistake sth for sth 误把.当做. 31. lie in 在于/位于 32. be regarded as 被认为是 33. in the history of Chinese
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