1、ModuleModule 3 3 ThingsThings wewe dodo UnitUnit 7 7 OpenOpen DayDay (第三课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、通过 look and read 的短文阅读,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用核心句型, 培养阅读技能。 2、通过后续练习,帮助学生操练本单元的核心句型,介绍学校开放日的活 动安排。 教学重、难点 词汇:show 句型: First,.Next. then.after that. finally. 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 德育教育:Make a plan before you do something.做事情要
2、有计划。 教学过程: 第一次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、出示学生平面图或单词卡片,教师与一名学生示范 回答,然后学生两人一组互相问答,以复习上一课时的新 授词汇。 S1: What is this? S2: This is an art room. S1: What can you see in the art room? S2: I can see many pictures, shelves and chairs. S1: What can you do in it? S2: I can draw pictures in it. . While-task
3、 procedures 1、借助多媒体展示 look and read 的六幅图片,并将 其次序打乱。或者将学生分组,将六幅图发给每位小组, 让学生边听边按顺序排列图片。然后,请学生根据排列好 的图片回答问题。 T: Where are they? S1: They are at Happy Primary School. S2: They are in the classroom. S3: They are in the art room. . 2、学生独立阅读课文的六段文字,然后将其与图片配 对。教师也可以打乱六段文字的顺序,让学生阅读课文, 按正确的顺序重新排列六段文字。 3、学生听课文
4、录音,然后回答以下问题。 1) When do the parents come to Happy Primary School? 2) Where do the parents visit first? 3) Where do they visit next? 4) Where do the parents go then? 5) What do the parents do in the library? 6) What do the parents do finally? 4、学生阅读课文,然后教师和学生一起完成之前出示 的邀请函,请学生根据邀请函以小组或个人形式复述课文 内容,鼓励有能力的学生独立完成任务。 5.Post-task activities Make a Mind Map. 6.德育教育:Make a plan before you do something.做事情要有计划。 7.Homework 作业: Write an article about your school Open Day. Above 45 words.