沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-8 Reading signs-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:a2892).zip

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教学反思教学反思 本节课选自沪教 2011 课标版三年级起点六年级英语下册 Module 3 Things we doUnit 8 Reading signs(读标识) 。标识和 我们的日常生活息息相关,理解标识的含义,遵循公共场所的规则, 识别判断哪些事可以做、哪些事不可以做,我们的生命安全会得到 很大程度的保障。因此在本课开始的时候,我播放了交通事故短片 的报道,一方面让学生懂得遵守公共场所规则的重要性,另一方面 揭示了本节课的主题。同时,我还呈现了五年级上册 Unit 12 Fire 中 学过的禁令标识,让学生更进一步地了解标识。接着,借助多媒体 重点教授 Look and learn 中的六个标识。通过对六个标识的仔细观察, 识别判断哪些事可以做、哪些事不可以做。并采用多种教学方式, 多种感官参与,帮助学生彻底掌握这六个标识。在牢记六个标识的 基础上,进行拓展。要求学生看图说出相应的 Sign, 并思考在哪些 公共场所可以看见这些标识,并用简单的句子进行描述。 (I can see this sign in the hospital/restaurant/school/library/cinema/parkIt says It means)接着,通过多媒体向学生们展示更多的标识,帮助学生 拓宽眼界。最后,通过一些练习题达到巩固新知的目的。 本节课也存在很多不足之处。首先,学生的英语语言表达能力 还是有所欠缺。其次,日常生活中的标识有很多很多,而课堂是有 限的,教师不可能面面俱到,这就需要在课下做大量的作业。 10 Period 1 Module 3 Things we do sign san 教学目教学目标:标: 1. 能识别公共场所标识并描述其含义。 2能通过识别标识判断哪些事可以做、哪些事不可 以做。 3. 在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。 教学重点教学重点: 1.词汇: look out , no smoking , no swimming , keep quiet. 2. 句型: Look out for children. Look out for animals. Dont walk on the grass. 教学难点教学难点: : 能用can,must和should说说可以做和禁止做的事情。 What are signs for? give information indicate the location show directions tell us what to do and what not to do Read and match Dont walk on the grass. . Look out for children. Look out for animals. Keep quiet. No smoking. No swimming. Dont walk on the grass. Where can you see these signs? at the underground station Talk and share in the museum Where can you see these signs? Talk and share in the hospital Where can you see these signs? Talk and share in the street Where can you see these signs? Talk and share in the library Where can you see these signs? Talk and share in the zoo Where can you see this sign? Talk and share I can see this sign near a school. It says: Look out for children. It means there are children nearby and we must drive slowly. We shouldnt drive fast. Where can you see this sign? What does it say? We should look out for children. shouldshould 表示建表示建该 ,含,含该“ “该该” ” Do not smoke. I can see this sign in the hospital/restaurant/school/library/ cinema/park . It says Where can you see this sign? What does it say? I can see this sign in the library. It says: No smoking. We mustnt smoke. mustnt表示禁止,不允表示禁止,不允 该, ,“不可以,不能不可以,不能” Do not swim. Where can you see this sign? What does it say? I can see this sign in the park. It says: No swimming. It means we shouldnt swim in the lake. Its dangerous! I can see this sign near the pond/in the park/. It says It means we should/shouldnt/must We mustnt swim. Watch the animals! Where can you see this sign? What does it say? I can see this sign in the zoo/on the farm/. It says It means we should/shouldnt/must I can see this sign in the zoo. It says: Look out for animals. It means we should watch the animals. Because the animals are our friends. We should look out for animals! Do not talk. Where can you see this sign? What does it say? I can see this sign in the hospital/library/. It says It means we should/ shouldnt/must I can see this sign in the hospital. It says: Keep quiet. It means we shouldnt talk. Patients need to have a rest. Where can you see this sign? What does it say? I can see this sign in the park/at school/. It says It means we should/shouldnt/must I can see this sign in the park. It says: Dont walk on the grass. It means we should keep off the grass. We mustnt walk on the grass. More signs to learn I can see this sign in It says It means Watch/Mind your hands. No fireworks.No eating or drinking. Do you know these signs? Where can you see them? Dont feed the animals. No parking.No spitting. More signs to learn No litter.No photos.No pets. More signs to learn No leaning.No climbing. More signs to learn More signs to learn Watch your step!Caution! Electricity! Look and match in the cinema in the library in the park in the zoo at the underground station 1 2 3 45 Think and choose 1 Which sign can you see in the cinema? 2 Which sign can you see on the train? 3 Which sign can you see in the library? 1. Read and recite the phrases in “Look and learn”. 2. Finish the “Think and write” on page 53. keep quiet We should not smoke. We should not eat or drink. . 10 Module 3 Things we do Oxford Oxford EnglishEnglish Look and match in the cinema in the library in the park in the zoo at the underground station 1 2 3 45 Think and choose 1 Which sign can you see in the cinema? 2 Which sign can you see on the train? 3 Which sign can you see in the library? keep quiet We should not smoke. We should not eat or drink. . 教材版本:沪教 2011 课标版三年级起点六年级英语下册 教学内容: Module 3 Things we doUnit 8 Reading signs(第一课时) 授课时间:40 分钟 讲课人:教学目标:1. 能 识别公共场所标识并描述其含义。 2能通过识别标识判断哪些事可以做、哪些事不可以做。 3. 在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。 教学重点:1.词汇: look out , no smoking , no swimming , keep quiet. 2. 句型: Look out for children. Look out for animals. Dont walk on the grass. 教学难点:能用 can,must 和 should 说说可以做和禁止做的事情。 教学方式:任务式教学 教学准备:多媒体课件 教学过程: Step 1. Lead-in(两种方式) 1. 播放交通事故短片 T: Hello, boys and girls. Before the class, I want to share a video with you. Attention, please. Tell me what do you learn from this video? S1:Safty is the first. S2: We should follow the signs. T: Great! (活动目的:通过观看交通事故的短片报道,使同学们得出结论:识别交通标 识的重要性。并由交通标识为入口,导入本课内容。教师板书课题:Unit 8 Reading signs) 2. 复习导入 呈现五年级上册 Unit 12 中学过的禁令标识(Dont smoke!)和(Dont play with matches!),鼓励学生用不同的句式来说说这两个标识的含义。 T: What are these? S1: Theyre fire signs. T: What does Sign 1 mean? S1: It means “Dont smoke!” S2: It means “We mustnt smoke.” T: These signs tell us we mustnt do or cant do something. (活动目的:联系旧知,一方面起到巩固已有知识的作用,另一方面为将要 学习的知识打下基础) Step 2: Look and learn 1. 教师用多媒体出示 Read and match 内容,要求学生自主完成。 (活动目的:通过图文配对,初步认识 Look and Learn 中六个标识所描述的含 义。 ) 2. 教师用多媒体出示 Look and Learn 中的六个标识。请学生仔细观察六个标 识有什么不同,并讨论如何将它们分成两大类。 T: The signs on the lift tell us we must do these things. The signs on the right tell us we mustnt do these things. Look out for children. (当心孩子。 ) Look out for animals. (当心动物。 ) Keep quiet. (保持安静。 ) No smoking. (禁止吸烟。 ) No swimming. (禁止游泳。 ) Dont walk on the grass. (勿践踏草坪。 ) 3. 准确读出上述六个标识。可采用以下方式方法进行。 原声跟读。播放原声,学生模仿跟读。 图文配对。板书六个标识内容,准备多张标识图片(至少 6 张) ,挑选 学生上讲台,将图片贴在正确的英文后面。回答正确的学生领读句子。 快速反应。选出一位小老师,小老师挑选标识图片,快速闪现图片内容, 学生用英文快速回答,并解释其描述的含义。回答迅速且正确的学生给以 掌声鼓励。 分组进行,两人一组。首先观察书中的六种标识,说一说都是什么意思。 然后读一读标识下面的英文表达。最后一人指标识,另一人说出其英文含 义。也可以一人说英文,另一人快速指出标识。 Step 3: 1. Talk and share (教师出示标识图片,帮助学生思考:在哪些公共场所可以看到这些标识图片) T: Where can you see these signs? What does it say? S1: I can see this sign in the hospital/restaurant/school/library/cinema/park It says It means (活动目的: 看图说出相应的 sign, 并用简单的句子进行描述。 ) 2. More signs to learn (多媒体出示标识图片,让学生说说常见的一些标识,训练学生的语言表达) T: Do you know these signs? Where can you see them? S1: I can see this sign in It says It means Step 4: Consolidation 1. Look and match (将标识和地点配对,并进行简单描述:This signs says I can see it in) 2. Read and tick(勾一勾,观察课本 52 页图片,回答问题。 ) 3. Think and choose(读问题,选择正确的标识。 ) 4. Think and answer(回答问题) Step5: Homework 1. Read and recite the phrases in “Look and learn”. 2. Finish the “Think and write” on page 53. The design on the blackboard Module 3 Things we do Unit 8 Reading signs Look out for children. (当心孩子。 ) =Watch the children. Look out for animals. (当 心动物。 ) =Watch the animals. Keep quiet. (保持安静。 ) No smoking. (禁止吸烟。 ) =Dont smoke. No swimming. (禁止游泳。 ) =Dont swim. Dont walk on the grass. (勿践踏草坪。 ) =Dont talk.=We mustnt walk on the grass.
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