(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修三Unit 7 Art writing workshop %26reading club练习含解析.doc

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1、UnitUnit 7 7ArtArt WritingWriting WorkshopWorkshop 2. 中国画的特点; 3. 著名的中国画家。 注意: 1. 可适当增加细节, 以使结构完整, 行文连贯; 2. 词数 80 个左右。 参考词汇: 专栏 column中国画 Chinese painting Dear editor, _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Hua 遣词造句 完成句子 1. 我很高兴收到你的邀请。(invitation) I Im m veryvery gladglad toto receivereceive youryour invitation.invitatio

2、n. 2. 在校报专栏介绍中国画是我的荣幸。(honor) ToTo introduceintroduce ChineseChinese paintingpainting inin thethe columncolumn ofof ourour schoolschools s newspapernewspaper isis mymy honor.honor. 3. 中国画可以追溯到 2 000 多年前。(date back to) ChineseChinese paintingpainting cancan datedate backback toto moremore thanthan 2,

3、2, 000000 yearsyears ago.ago. 4. 中国传统绘画中最受欢迎的题材主要有三种。(consist of) ThreeThree majormajor kindskinds ofof subjectsubject mattermatter consistconsist ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular themesthemes ofof traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese painting.painting. 5. 三种主要的题材是鸟和花, 人和乡村的风景, 山和海。(major, kinds

4、 of) ThreeThree majormajor kindskinds ofof subjectsubject mattermatter areare birdsbirds andand flowers,flowers,peoplepeople andand landscapeslandscapes ofof thethe countryside,countryside,mountainsmountains andand sea.sea. 6. 在中国绘画史上, 有许多著名的画家。(there be 句型) ThereThere werewere manymany famousfamous

5、 painterspainters inin thethe historyhistory ofof ChineseChinese painting.painting. 7. 如今, 中国画越来越受欢迎。(popular) Nowadays,Nowadays,ChineseChinese paintingpainting isis becomingbecoming moremore andand moremore popular.popular. 8. 中国画在世界上享有很高的声誉。(highly thought of ) ChineseChinese paintingpainting isis

6、 highlyhighly thoughtthought ofof throughoutthroughout thethe world.world. 句式升级 9. 把第 2 句改为 it 作形式主语的句式。 ItIts s mymy honorhonor toto introduceintroduce ChineseChinese paintingpainting inin thethe columncolumn ofof ourour schoolschools s newspaper.newspaper. 10. 把第 4、5 句合并为定语从句。 ThreeThree majormajo

7、r kindskinds ofof subjectsubject mattermatter consistconsist ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular themesthemes ofof traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese painting,painting,whichwhich areare birdsbirds andand flowers,flowers,peoplepeople andand landscapeslandscapes ofof thethe countryside,countryside,

8、mountainsmountains andand sea.sea. 11. 用 such as 扩充第 6 句。 InIn thethe historyhistory ofof ChineseChinese painting,painting,therethere werewere manymany famousfamous painters,painters,suchsuch asas TangTang Bohu,Bohu,QiQi Baishi,Baishi,XuXu Beihong,Beihong,andand soso on.on. 12. 把第 7、8 句合并为并列句。 Nowad

9、ays,Nowadays,ChineseChinese paintingpainting isis becomingbecoming moremore andand moremore popularpopular andand highlyhighly thoughtthought ofof throughoutthroughout thethe world.world. 完美成篇 Dear editor, Im very glad to receive your invitation. Its my honor to introduce Chinese painting in the col

10、umn of our schools newspaper. As an important part of Chinese culture,Chinese painting can date back to more than 2, 000 years ago. Three major kinds of subject matter consist of the most popular themes of traditional Chinese painting,which are birds and flowers,people and landscapes of the countrys

11、ide,mountains and sea. In the history of Chinese painting, there were many famous painters,such as Tang Bohu,Qi Baishi,Xu Beihong,and so on. Nowadays,Chinese painting is becoming more and more popular and highly thought of throughout the world. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【话题拓展】 1. 话题词汇 (1)inspiratio

12、nn.灵感; 启发 (2)techniquen.技巧 (3)productionn.(电影、戏剧)上映 (4)exhibitionn.展览; 展览会 (5)displayn. 陈列 (6)uniqueadj.独特的 (7)abstractadj.抽象的 (8)artisticadj.艺术的 (9)seriesn.一系列 (10)appreciatevt.欣赏 (11)preciousadj.宝贵的; 珍贵的 (12)appeal to吸引 (13)true to life逼真的 (14)on exhibition/display在展览 (15)range from . . . to . . .

13、范围从到 (16)apply . . . to . . .把应用于 (17)sense of beauty美感 (18)on show 在展出中 (19)abstract art抽象艺术 (20)studion.制作室 (21)self-portraitn.自画像 (22)sketchn.草图; 素描 (23)shaden.暗影 (24)paintingn.油画; 绘画 (25)galleryn.画廊; 美术馆 (26)art gallery 艺术馆 2. 话题句式 (1)Some classic works not only offer us joy and excitement,but a

14、lso encourage us to think critically. 一些经典作品不但让我们喜悦和兴奋, 而且鼓励我们批判性地思考。 (2)Art is much less important than life,but what a poor life without it! 艺术远没有生活重要, 但是没有艺术, 生活是多么乏味啊! (3)The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their works. 这次展览为当地艺术家们提供了展示他们自己作品的机会。 (4)Most people invited t

15、o the opening ceremony were famous artists. 被邀请参加开幕式的许多人是著名的艺术家。 (5)Last week,I was off to the gallery,where many abstract oil paintings,ranging from the 13th century to the 20th century,were exhibited. 上周我去了画廊, 里面有很多抽象派油画在展出, 这些作品时间跨度从 13 世纪到 20 世纪。 (6)It was a fascinating painting,with clever use

16、of color and light. 这是一幅吸引人的绘画, 色彩和光线的使用都十分巧妙。 (7)By popular consensus,this is the most valuable painting in the world it is impossible to calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the market. 人们一致认为, 这是世界上最有价值的画如果把它放到市场上, 也无法估算它的价格。 阅读体验素养深化 Reading Clubs 1 欣赏 *(2019北京高考)For many stude

17、nts,Wilsons help is not only appreciatedappreciated,its also entirely necessary for them to be able to complete their college education. 对 于许多学生来说, 威尔逊的帮助不仅值得赞赏, 而且对于他们完成大学教育也是完全必要 的。 *I I wouldwould appreciateappreciate itit ifif you help me out of trouble. 假如你帮我摆脱麻烦的话, 我将不胜感激。 *I dont appreciateap

18、preciate beingbeing treated like a second-class citizen. 我不愿被人当作二等公民。 *We would appreciateappreciate youyou lettingletting us know of any problems. 如有任何问题, 请告诉我们, 我们将很感激。 *She shows little appreciationappreciation of good music. 她感受不到美好音乐的妙处。 【导图理词】 【巧学助记】 I would appreciateappreciate it very much i

19、f you can give me a hand again. Meanwhile, I want to express my appreciationappreciation to you for your helping me before. 如果你能再帮我一次, 我将不胜感激。同时, 我想感谢你之前对我的帮助。 appreciate 表示“感激”时, 后面要跟动词-ing 形式作宾语, 而且后面的宾语一般是事情或 it, 不跟 sb. 。appreciate sb. 意为“重视, 赏识某人”, 如果表示“感激某人”用 thank sb. 。 (1)语法填空。 Id appreciate

20、your writingwriting (write) me back as soon as possible. I would appreciate itit if you could give me some advice on how to solve these problems. Here I sincerely express my appreciationappreciation (appreciate) for helping me find the lost suitcase. (2)I would appreciateappreciate itit if you could

21、 pay in cash. 假如你能支付现金的话, 我将不胜感激。 (3)We appreciateappreciate beingbeing treatedtreated with respect. 能够受到尊重我们不胜感激。 2. faithfullyadv.忠实地, 忠诚地 *He has supported the local team faithfullyfaithfully for 30 years. 他忠实地支持了当地球队 30 年。 *I havehave greatgreat faithfaith inin youI know youll do well. 我对你有信心我知道

22、你会干好的。 *You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you do not keepkeep faithfaith withwith them. 如果你对朋友不守信, 那你就不能指望他们信任你。 *She had beenbeen faithfulfaithful toto her promise to guard this secret. 她一直信守诺言保守着这个秘密。 (1)faithn.信任; 信心; 善意 have/lose faith in sb.对某人有/失去信心 keep/break faith with sb. 信守/违背

23、对某人的承诺 (2)faithfuladj. 忠实的; 守信的 be faithful to sb. /sth.忠诚于某人/某事 (1)语法填空。 History is the best teacher. It faithfullyfaithfully (faith) records the development path of each country and foretells the future to us. Besides,it is also very important that friends should be faithfulfaithful (faith) to eac

24、h other. I have lost faith inin that company,but I kept faith withwith the manager. (2)同义替换。 If we are confident in (=IfIf wewe havehave faithfaith inin) ourselves,nothing can defeat us. 如果我们自信的话, 就没有什么可以打败我们。 3. as well as 同一样好; 也, 和 *He plays the guitar asas wellwell asas you. 他的吉他弹得和你一样好。 *You ar

25、e able to work at home, asas wellwell asas at the office. 你可以在家工作, 也可以在办公室工作。 *People with disabilities have got a vote asas wellwell,you know. 你知道, 残疾人士也拥有投票权。 (1)as well as, in addition to, besides 等都可以表示“也; 除外(还有)”。当其连 接两个名词、两个名词短语或两个代词作句子的主语时, 谓语动词的形式与其前面的主语保 持一致。 (2)as well 可以单独使用, 经常放在句尾, 意思接近

26、于 too, 但不用逗号隔开。 (1)He grows flowers asas wellwell asas vegetablesvegetables. 他既种菜又种花。 (2)Some equipment as well as a number of maps and books hashas beenbeen offeredoffered toto thethe areaarea since the mudslide occurred. 自泥石流发生后, 一些设备连同大量的地图和书籍已经被送到了这个地区。 (3) Andys face paled with disappointment;p

27、erhaps withwith angeranger asas wellwell. 安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白, 也许还掺杂着气愤。 4. averageadj. 平均的, 一般的n.平均数 *AverageAverage earnings are around 20 000 per year. 年平均收入约 2 万英镑。 *Parents spend an averageaverage of $220 a year on toys for children. 父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为 220 美元。 *We received 20 calls a day onon averagea

28、verage. 我们平均每天接到二十个电话。 above/below (the) average在一般水平以上/以下 on (the/an) average 按平均数计算; 平均地 up to the average达到平均水平 【巧学助记】 Toms work at school is aboveabove (the)average(the)average, while Harrys is belowbelow (the)(the) averageaverage. 汤姆在学校的功课在一般以上, 而哈利的功课在一般以下。 (1)What is thethe averageaverage rai

29、nfallrainfall of August in your country? 你们国家八月份平均降水量是多少? (2)OnOn averageaverage, people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do. 一般来说, 不抽烟的人比抽烟的人身体健康。 (3)Their language development and reading is belowbelow averageaverage. 他们在语言发展和阅读能力上都低于一般水平。 5. expressiveadj. 富于感情的; 明确表露想法的 *People from

30、certain cultural backgrounds in the United States seem to be more facially expressiveexpressive than others. 来自美国某些文化背景的人似乎比其他人更善于面部表情。 (1)beyond (ones) expression/words 难以言表 (2)expressvt.表达; 表示; 表露 adj.迅速的 n.特快列车, 快递服务 express ones . . . . . . for/about/to. . . 表达某人对的 (1)语法填空。 Only in his dreams do

31、es he give expressionexpression(express) to his fears. Teachers have expressed their concern aboutabout the changes. (2)We were allowed to expressexpress ourour opinionsopinions freely on the meeting. 会上允许我们自由地发表我们的观点。 (3)The scenery was beautiful beyondbeyond expressionexpression. 那风景漂亮得无法形容。 6. ad

32、mirationn.敬佩; 羡慕 *The Pompidou Centre in Paris is showing its respect and admirationadmiration for the artist and his powerful personality with an exhibition bringing together over 200 paintings, sculptures,drawings and more. 巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心展出了 200 多幅油画、雕塑、素描 等作品, 表达了对这位艺术家及其强大个性的尊重和赞赏。 *Reading her biogr

33、aphy,I was lost in admirationadmiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. 读她的传记, 我对多丽丝莱辛在文学上所取得的成就钦佩不已。 *Dont forget to expressexpress admirationadmiration forfor the baby. 不要忘了表达对那个婴儿的赞美。 *The school is widely admiredadmired forfor its excellent teaching. 这所学校教学优秀, 得到了广泛的赞誉。 *We st

34、opped to admireadmire thethe sceneryscenery.我们中途停下来欣赏风景。 *She never married but had many admirersadmirers. 她从未结婚, 不过追求者不少。 (1)have/express admiration for表达对的钦佩 (2)admirevt.钦佩, 羡慕; 欣赏 admire sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事羡慕某人 admire the scenery欣赏美景 (3)admirern.爱慕者; 赞赏者; 钦佩者 (1)语法填空。 I dont agree with her

35、,but I admire her forfor sticking to her principles. (2)I admireadmire himhim forfor his courage.我佩服他的勇气。 (3)We hadhad admirationadmiration forfor thethe policemenpolicemen, who behaved bravely in the action. 我们对 警察在这次行动中英勇的表现表示钦佩。 7. permissionn.允许; 许可 *(2019江苏高考)But Naomi would have to ask Steves

36、permissionpermission. 但内奥米必须征 得史蒂夫的同意。 *I didnt askask forfor permissionpermission or approval. 我没有去请求别人的许可或赞同。 *If my father will givegive meme permissionpermission I shall spend a few months abroad.如果我 父亲同意, 我将在国外待几个月。 *Cash machines permitpermit youyou toto withdraw money at any time. 取款机让你实现随时取款

37、。 *Does she permitpermit doingdoing such a thing?她允许做这样的事吗? (1)without permission未经允许 with ones permission在某人允许的情况下 ask for permission请求许可 give sb. permission 许可某人 (2)permitvt.允许, 许可n.许可证 permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 weather/time permitting 天气/时间允许的话 【巧学助记】 In the office, we d

38、ont permitpermit smokingsmoking. If you want to smoke, you must askask forfor permissionpermission. In other words, you are not permittedpermitted to smoke withoutwithout permissionpermission. 在 这间办公室, 我们不允许抽烟。如果你想抽烟的话, 你必须请求许可。也就是说, 未经许可, 你不可以抽烟。 permission 为不可数名词, 而 permit 用作名词时, 则为可数名词, 意为“许可 证”。

39、 (1)语法填空。 The rules of the school do not permit parkingparking (park) near the school gate. Weather permittingpermitting (permit),we will go hiking this Sunday. My father completed high school at the age of 16 when my grandmother again begged my grandfather to permit my father toto gogo (go) to coll

40、ege. When you are in,please dont touch the machines without permissionpermission (permit). (2)Without a drivers permit, you are not permittedpermitted toto drivedrive thethe carcar. 你若没有驾 驶证, 就不允许开车。 (3)I need to call my mother and askask forfor permissionpermission before we go out. 我们出去之前, 我得给我妈妈打

41、个电话征得她的同意。 (4)GiveGive yourselfyourself permissionpermission to take a break when you need one. 当你需要休息的时候, 允许自己休息一下。 8. It is said that the two artists admired each other. 据说这两位艺术家互相欣赏。 【句式解构】 本句是一个带有主语从句的复合句, 其中 It is said that. . . 意为“据说, 听 说”。 *GreenGreen isis saidsaid toto bebe the most restful

42、color. =ItIt isis saidsaid thatthat green is the most restful color. 据说绿色是最使人感到悠闲的颜色。 *ItIt isis reportedreported thatthat many a new house has been built in the disaster area. =ManyMany a a newnew househouse isis reportedreported toto havehave been built in the disaster area. 据报道, 灾区已经建 设了许多新房。 *It

43、It isis saidsaid thatthat carbon dioxide is heating the earth twice as quickly as previously feared. =CarbonCarbon dioxidedioxide isis saidsaid toto bebe heating the earth twice as quickly as previously feared. 据说二氧化碳正以先前所担忧的两倍的速度加热着地球。 (1)用于本句型的动词还有 think,believe,expect,report,consider,suppose 等。 (

44、2)It is said/thought/believed/reported/considered/supposed/. . . that . . . =Sb. /Sth. is said/thought/believed/reported/considered/supposed/. . . to do sth. =people +say/think/believe /report/consider/suppose. . . that. . . 据说/大家认为/人们相信/据报道/大家普遍认为/据推测 (3)Sb. /Sth. be said to do . . . 意为“据说”, 其中, 不定

45、式根据情况可用一般式 (to do)、进行式(to be doing)和完成式(to have done): Sb. /Sth. +be+过去分词+ (1)语法填空。 ItIt is said that Tom has committed himself to working for our company. On this day,the moon is said toto bebe (be)its biggest and brightest. People believe thatthat arriving at your friends home early is polite in C

46、hina. (2)一句多译。 据说汤姆已经从国外回来了。 ItIts s saidsaid thatthat TomTom hashas beenbeen backback fromfrom abroad.abroad. TomTom isis saidsaid toto havehave beenbeen backback fromfrom abroad.abroad. 【要点拾遗】 1. threateningadj.(行为)带有威胁的 *He reads of the threateningthreatening foreign situation,the mounting nation

47、al debt,rising taxes,falling market,scarce housing,and cancer. 他阅读了解到国外形势的威胁、 不断增加的国家债务、不断增加的税收、不断下降的市场、稀缺的住房和癌症。 *People who engage in threateningthreatening behaviour should expect to be arrested.参与威 胁行为的人应该被逮捕。 *The attacker threatenedthreatened them withwith a gun. 袭击者用枪威胁他们。 *He said army offic

48、ers had threatenedthreatened toto destroy the town. 他说军官们已威胁要摧毁这座小镇。 *The increase in racial tension constitutes a a threatthreat toto our society.种族间紧张 状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。 (1)threatenvt.威胁, 恐吓 threaten sb. with . . .用威胁某人 threaten to do sth.威胁要做某事 (2)threatn.威胁, 恐吓 a threat to sb. /sth.对某人或某事的威胁 (1)语

49、法填空。 He tied her up and threatened her withwith a six-inch knife. Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities toto the environment. David threatened toto reportreport (report) his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid. (2)句式升级。 He was threatened by terrorists an

50、d didnt dare to vote for the president. (用过 去分词短语作状语) ThreatenedThreatened byby terrorists,terrorists,hehe didndidnt t daredare toto votevote forfor thethe president.president. 2. messn.混乱; 肮脏vt.弄乱, 弄脏 *(2019天津高考)Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messesmesses others dont want


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