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1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(六六) .阅读理解 A The clothes you wear.The food you eat.The color of your bedroom walls.Where you go and how you get there.The people you hang around with.What time you go to bed.What do these things have in common ? Youre asking.Theyre just a few examples of many hundreds of things that your

2、 parents controlled for you when you were a child. As a kid, you didnt have a say in everything; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night.And its a good thing,tookids need this kind of protection on their own. Butkidswill gr

3、ow up and become teens.And part of being a teen is developing your own identityone that is separate from your parents.But as you change and grow into this new person who makes your own decisions,your parents have a difficult time adjusting(调整) In many families,it is this adjustment that can cause a

4、lot of fighting between teens and parents.And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger arguments, because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe,no matter how old you are. The good news about fighting with your parents get more

5、comfortable with the idea that their teens have a right to certain opinions.It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles,though.In the meantime,focus on communicating with your parents. Sometimes this can feel impossiblelike they just dont see your point of view and n

6、ever will.But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents. Keep in mind, too, that your parents were teens once and that in most cases, they can relate to what youre going through. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。作者针对青少年成长中的烦恼,表达了 自己的看法。 1In the first two paragraphs,the writ

7、er Acomplains that parents control kids too much Bproves that kids have no right to give their opinions Cdescribes how carefully parents look after kids Dexplains that it is necessary for parents to control kids D推理判断题。 第一段列举了父母控制孩子日常生活的几个例子, 第二段 作者表达观点:小时候从早上的饮食到晚上的睡衣,孩子自己没有发言权,一切 由父母决定,这是好事,孩子本身就需

8、要这份关爱,所以选 D。 2Alot of fighting breaks out between teens and parents because Aparents arent used to losing control of kids Bteens like to have everything decided Cparents blame teens for not respecting them Dteens are eager to develop their own identity A推理判断题。第三段提到孩子会成长为青少年,有了自己的见解,遇事 要自己做决定了,孩子逐渐长大

9、,做父母的一时难以调整心态,对孩子还不能放 手; 第四段中表明, 此时对于孩子的一贯的关爱, 在孩子看来有“管制”的感觉, 于是出现矛盾冲突了。由此推理可知 A 项正确。 3In the writers opinion,parents control teens in order to Aprevent them from having their own ideas Bprotect them from being hurt Cmake them respect parents in the family Dmake sure that children have a good future

10、 B细节理解题。根据第四段信息句“.your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe,no matter how old you are.”不管孩子多大了,父母 对孩子保护的心理不会改变。 4What might be the most suitable title of the passage? AWhat Do Parents Control Their Children for? BHow Parents Take Care of Children? CHow to Get Rid of Your Parent

11、s Control? DWhy Do I Fight With Parents So Much? D标题归纳题。 作者写本文的目的是帮助解决青少年在成长过程中与父母 发生冲突的烦恼,针对为什么会发生如此多的冲突进行分析,并且表达了自己的 看法,故选 D。 B “We said no to the invitation to the birthday party because my child says theyre not even friends.” When I read the above words,I felt heartache. I know birthday parties

12、can be like a trouble,but lets believe the parents who sent that invitation werent trying to get more gifts for their kids or make things more complicated (复杂的) For some kids,managing school and friends is easy.Maybe you have a child whos outgoing,selfconfident or maybe you have a child who doesnt h

13、ave any problems.However,for some kids,school and friends can be very difficult. Abirthday party is a fun,exciting and good opportunity.It is a chance for the kid on the sidelines to play with other kids who dont play with him/her at school or who dont call him/her a friend. Sometimes even when the

14、birthday party and the theme have been decided on and the difficult decision about whom to invite has been made,there can still be doubts.Those invitations can stay untouched in the bottom of the childs backpack for days,because he/she is too scared to hand them out. I dont know your child,and I don

15、t know you.I do know there are parents who lie awake at night wondering if their child will have the courage to hand out the invitations in the morning;I do know there are parents who hope they can depend on other parents to teach their children to be kind enough to show up. Maybe youll never have t

16、o be one of the parents who find it hard.I know what thats like,because I have children who find it easy.But I also have a child who doesnt.And because of that,weve become a family that says yes to every invitation we receive. Sometimes a birthday party invitation is not just a birthday party invita

17、tion; its also an invitation to be a friend. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。作者认为我们不应该拒绝同学们生日聚 会的邀请, 因为生日聚会对于那些性格内敛的小朋友来说是共同玩耍和交朋友的 好机会。 5Whats the authors attitude toward the words in Para.1? AWorried.BSad. CInterested.DExcited. B观点态度题。 根据第二段“When I read the above words, I felt heartache.” 可知,作者感到很心痛。 6What can we

18、learn from the passage? AChildren are very different from each other. BSome children at school need special attention. CChildren should be encouraged to play games. DNot all children can handle school problems well. D推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,有的孩子不开朗、不自信,他们不 会交朋友,不会处理学校的事情。 7To some children,what does a birth

19、day party mean? AAchance to have some fun outdoors. BAchance to get many gifts from others. CAchance to play and make friends with others. DAchance to invite other children to their homes. C推理判断题。根据文章第五段“It is a chance for.who dont call him/her a friend.”以及文章最后一段可知, 生日聚会对于性格内敛、 不擅长交朋友的孩子来 说是一个交朋友的好机

20、会。 8What does the author mainly want to tell us? AKids really love going to parties. BKids should learn to make friends. CSome kids arent good at making friends. DWed better accept birthday party invitations. D推理判断题。阅读全文可知,一位母亲拒绝参加孩子同学的生日聚会, 这让作者感到心痛。作者认为对于很多性格内敛的孩子来说,生日聚会是交朋友 的好机会,建议我们不要拒绝别人的生日邀请。

21、.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 The term “helicopter(直升机) parents” is a description of parents who are hovering(盘旋) over their children in a state of extreme concern.They always show up to solve their childrens problems,protect them from real or imagined harm,resolve stressful situations,offer ad

22、vice and get them out of trouble,even if they behave wrongly.Although out of love and concern , it can have harmful effects on their childrens emotional development and future independence. Children learn through their mistakes.But if you intervene(干涉,介入) at first sign of struggle and finish your ch

23、ilds homework,hell miss out on valuable learning opportunities. Youre sending him the message that he needs to be perfect and failure is not an option;otherwise you wouldnt always take over from him. By constantly rescuing your child from stressful situations,youre sending him a message that you don

24、t believe hes able to take care of himself.Children develop selfesteem(自尊) by learning how to complete challenges on their own.If you are always intervening,he will miss this vital stage in his growth.As a result,your child may lack the confidence necessary to do well in school , pursuing hobbies an

25、d interests,and developing friendships. If youre always taking care of everything for your child, itll be more difficult for him to become independent.As an adult,he might find it hard to take care of himself, because he has never developed coping skills to deal with lifes challenges.He might suffer

26、 from irrational(不理智的) fears, anxiety and depression, which could lead him to drop out of college or frequently change jobs , according to Dr.Michele Borba.Instead of developing healthy relationships,he might seek a partner who will take care of or control him,as his parents did. You can help your c

27、hild become more independent by allowing him to complete tasks and challenges on his own without your intervention.Even if he fails at first, dont interfere(干涉,干预) encourage him to start again.Show that you have faith inhisabilitiestosucceedwithoutyourhelp.Allowhimtolearnnatural consequences( 后 果 )

28、Evensmallthingscanhelphimbecomemore independentmaking his own bed,preparing his own lunch,shopping for his own clothes and doing homework without your help. 参考范文 “Helicopter parents”parents getting deeply involved in childrens life, actually do big harm to childrens growth.Under overprotection,child

29、ren miss the lessons taught by failures and mistakes,fail to build up their selfconfidence and become weak in competence and emotions,which consequently makes it hard for them to face real life challenges.Therefore , parents should learn to let go and encourage children to be independent,starting from small things.


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