湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx

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湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx_第1页
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湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx_第2页
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湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx_第3页
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湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx_第4页
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湖南省2020-2021学年(2021新牛津译林版)高一下学期英语3月月考试题 完型填空汇编(含答案).docx_第5页
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1、湖南省湖南省 2020-2021 年高年高一一下学期下学期 3 月英语月考试题汇编月英语月考试题汇编 完型填空专题完型填空专题 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市永州六中下学期高一湖南省永州市永州六中下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 Luke is a cute dog, living together with me for five years. We get lots of1in our area during the summer season. Many forests are badly2by fire each year. That hot summe

2、r, not far from our shelter, a forest3fire. It was July, and there had been a heat wave going on for three days. Somehow, Luke rushed toward the forest. There was no longer any hope at that moment to wait for Luke to come back to the4. In fact, I was waiting for firefighters to tell me that he had5i

3、n the forest. Suddenly, a fireman burst into my office and6me that Luke had succeeded in saving four kittens who had been7by the flames. I8accompanied the fireman to the forest to get him back.9we got to the scene of the incident, we didnt see Luke. Then we heard the10of a dog barking in the forest.

4、 I11the barks as Lukes. The firemen12the tracks of the dog until they found him barking loudly by the side of an injured13. Thanks to Luke, four kittens and a fireman were saved. This true story shows us that pets are loving, caring and compassionate. We should love and14them. Little animals can do1

5、5things for humans. 1.A.rainB.sunC.noiseD.fires 2.A.damagedB.removedC.changedD.treated 3.A.madeB.caughtC.setD.burned 4.A.forestB.houseC.areaD.shelter 5.A.lostB.diedC.appearedD.remained 6.A.warnedB.remindedC.informedD.promised 7.A.buriedB.trappedC.controlledD.swallowed 8.A.immediatelyB.slightlyC.appr

6、oximatelyD.particularly 9.A.SinceB.UnlessC.WhenD.Until 10.A.callB.shoutC.voiceD.sound 11.A.understoodB.recognizedC.treatedD.realized 12.A.recordedB.noticedC.followedD.wanted 13.A.firemanB.doctorC.farmerD.teacher 14.A.saveB.raiseC.protectD.hate 15.A.funB.enormousC.littleD.risky 【答案答案】 1.D; 2.A; 3.B;

7、4.D; 5.B; 6.C; 7.B; 8.A; 9.C; 10.D; 11.B; 12.C; 13.A; 14.C; 15.B 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市永州八中下学期高一湖南省永州市永州八中下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 Elizabeth Anionwu, who received four honorary degrees for her excellent work in nursing, has devoted her life to1the lives of thousands in the local community who are2f

8、rom sickle cell disease. Born in 1947 to a 20-year-old Irish student and a Nigerian law student, Elizabeth was3by poverty in her early life, which led her family to put her in an organization4by a woman. It was a childhood filled with5in the organization she was made to stand with a dirty sheet over

9、 her head as a6for wetting the bed. The woman would hit me with a ruler if my arms got tired. Even now, decades later, I still remember that7conduct. But a kind-hearted nursing woman who treated her illness when she was four8her to become a nurse. At 16 she started working as a nurse in the school9.

10、 It was the start of a 50-year10as a nurse and professor. Her11for helping the sick led her, alongside Dr. Misha Brozovic to set up the UKs first sickle cell disease and thalassaemia(地中海贫血症)12centre in 1979. Dame(女爵士) Elizabeth,now72,becametheUKsfirstsicklecelldiseasenursespecialist.She was13involve

11、d in setting up the Sickle Cell Society, which this year14its 41st anniversary. In 2019, Dame Elizabeth was15with the Pride of Britain Lifetime Achievement Award for her great services to nursing. 1.A.increasingB.improvingC.treatingD.perfecting 2.A.leavingB.learningC.retiringD.suffering 3.A.deserted

12、B.ignoredC.troubledD.defeated 4.A.operatedB.abandonedC.donatedD.discovered 5.A.crueltyB.surpriseC.kindnessD.wilderness 6.A.lessonB.punishmentC.lectureD.award 7.A.undesirableB.unimaginativeC.insensibleD.inhuman 8.A.beggedB.requiredC.inspiredD.reminded 9.A.stadiumB.libraryC.campusD.clinic 10.A.journey

13、B.devotionC.developmentD.career 11.A.freedomB.passionC.sympathyD.anxiety 12.A.livingB.restingC.consultingD.exchanging 13.A.currentlyB.fortunatelyC.activelyD.eventually 14.A.celebratedB.hostedC.congratulatedD.remembered 15.A.appointedB.providedC.offeredD.presented 【答案答案】 1-5.BDCAA; 6-10.BDCDD; 11-15.

14、BCCAD 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市永州二十八中下学期高一湖南省永州市永州二十八中下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 Today Im a member of the UN Global Education First Initiative Youth Advocacy Group. It all1when I was in secondary school .I joined a UNESCO club,a(n)2that brings students together to discuss school matters and the pressing

15、 things3them. After secondary school,I volunteered with non-governmental organizations .It was then that I began to4a lot about community development. I participated in projects as to peace and environment.5the development of my community was a great pleasure for me. I met many6as some people took v

16、olunteer work lightly .They felt it7time,or thought working without a salary was8. Even some friends and relatives tried to persuade me to9volunteering. All of these got me to feel very10at some point,but I could not give up11it was an extremely worthwhile cause. I decided not to pay attention to th

17、eir12but to concentrate on my work. One day,a group of young people came to me and said they were all13for the changes I had brought into their lives14peer(同龄人) education. I was so happy and realized when15our own judgment, we could create influences . 1.A.startedB.pausedC.continuedD.worked 2.A.comp

18、anyB.stageC.platformD.opportunity 3.A.impressingB.convincingC.excitingD.concerning 4.A.appreciateB.requireC.watchD.argue 5.A.Taking toB.Attending toC.Committing toD.Adapting to 6.A.conditionsB.barriersC.praisesD.opinions 7.A.killedB.wastedC.occupiedD.saved 8.A.beneficialB.movingC.meaninglessD.curiou

19、s 9.A.quitB.changeC.valueD.consider 10.A.embarrassedB.discouragedC.determinedD.worried 11.A.becauseB.unlessC.even thoughD.as if 12.A.imageB.appearanceC.behaviorD.advice 13.A.famousB.gratefulC.confidentD.eager 14.A.forB.underC.beyondD.through 15.A.thinking aboutB.setting asideC.relying onD.turning do

20、wn 【答案答案】 1.A; 2.C; 3.D; 4.A; 5.C; 6.B; 7.B; 8.C; 9.A; 10.B; 11.A; 12.D; 13.B; 14.D; 15.C 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市东安天成中学下学期高一湖南省永州市东安天成中学下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 The release of the iPhone 11 last September was greeted with open arms. People1for four days just to be one of the first people in the worl

21、d to get their hands on these gadgets. They2up to 800 dollars for the privilege(特权). But a phone, nowadays, is no longer just a practical device, which used to3and call. It has become a symbol of status, and so much more than a telephone. Children as4as five years old have been in Britain carrying r

22、ound5mobile phones. And for what reason? The answer lies in the6that the primary use for mobile phones is no longer a phone. More photos are taken using the iPhone than any camera in the world. As an iPhone7myself, I am never without my phone. I check Facebook, Twitter and my e-mails several times a

23、 day, along with taking8and keeping in touch with friends and family. But do we9our phones too much? I love sharing things that I enjoy and keeping up with my friends lives, but I do think its got out of hand. Instead of talking together, friends sit round10in restaurants scrolling through Facebook,

24、 and we are more interested in photos of special moments than11enjoying them. I think ifs12to make time for each other. Turn off your phone every now and again. One13when you go out with friends is to put all of your phones in the middle of the table, and whoever14his phone first has to pay the bill

25、! Sharing and keeping in touch is15, but dont let your phone become more important than the people in your life. 1. A. beggedB. queuedC. arguedD. bargained 2. A. wastedB. borrowedC. savedD. paid 3. A. textB. driveC. watchD. speak 4. A. cleverB. honestC. youngD. strong 5. A. cheapB. expensiveC. speci

26、alD. large 6. A. factB. excuseC. decisionD. promise 7. A. inventorB. userC. farmerD. worker 8. A. picturesB. risksC. measuresD. turns 9. A. turn toB. depend onC. search forD. give up 10. A. chairsB. tablesC. stagesD. counters 11. A. actuallyB. nearlyC. eventuallyD. gradually 12. A. impatientB. impol

27、iteC. impossibleD. important 13. A. answerB. planC. tipD. name 14. A. touchesB. repairsC. ownsD. steals 15. A. strangeB. hardC. terribleD. great 【答案答案】 1-5 BDACB 6-10 ABABB 11-15 ADCAD 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市东安一中下学期高一湖南省永州市东安一中下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 The Whiting family was enjoying their last day o

28、f the vacation on a sunny beach in Monterey, California, when 10-year-old Haylee got caught in a rip current(离岸流). Haylees mom, Samantha Whiting heard her daughter crying for1. Samantha2into the water to save her daughter but soon the waves were3them both. I was thinking there was no way I was4. I f

29、elt extremely5, Haylee recalled. 6, one beachgoer heard the screams and7into action. I felt like I could help. I got to the mom, who was8, Kevin told ABC7. Kevin took Haylee from her mothers armsleading them both to9on the shore. Haylee suffered no10and the Whiting family headed home the following d

30、ay, grateful to have avoided a tragic(悲剧). However, the family couldnt stop thinking about this11stranger. Last week, Samantha managed to make12with Kevin through the social media. As they talked, Kevin mentioned he was getting13next fall. Samantha set up a GoFundMe page to help Kevin plan the dream

31、 weddinga wedding that Haylee and Samantha both planned on attending so they could thank him. While Kevin was more than thankful for the14, he told ABC7, That girl being saved was15for me. 1.A.helpB.attentionC.serviceD.company 2.A.lookedB.settledC.walkedD.dashed 3.A.leavingB.swallowingC.shakingD.gui

32、ding 4.A.pulled outB.thrown awayC.relied onD.figured out 5.A.terrifiedB.excitedC.embarrassedD.disturbed 6.A.AdditionallyB.ConsequentlyC.ObviouslyD.Fortunately 7.A.putB.gotC.forcedD.sprang 8.A.breathingB.relaxingC.strugglingD.diving 9.A.shelterB.safetyC.victoryD.shade 10.A.sacrificeB.burdenC.injuryD.

33、depression 11.A.generousB.heroicC.rewardingD.appealing 12.A.acknowledgementB.introduction C.contactD.approval 13.A.marriedB.promotedC.awardedD.rewarded 14.A.spiritB.actionC.braveryD.encouragement 15.A.strangeB.enoughC.toughD.real 【答案答案】 1-5.ADBAA; 6-10.DDCBC; 11-15.BCABB 2020-2021 学年度学年度 湖南省永州市东安二中下

34、学期高一湖南省永州市东安二中下学期高一 3 月月考考英语试卷月月考考英语试卷 What were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out with the wrong people and made many1decisions. Apparently, this is the age when teenagers are out of control and2badly. If you

35、re a teenager now, you think this is3criticism or its not your fault. Well, you might be4! Experts have found that its a teenagers brain that is to5. Between the ages of approximately 13 to 19 the brain is still developing in areas that6behaviour. This has a (n)7on learning and multitasking, stress

36、and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision making. This is quite a new8, says Professor Sarah. When I was at university, the dogma(教条) in the textbooks was that the vast brain9goes on in the first few years of life and nothing much changes after mid-childhood. That dogma is completely10. So our brai

37、ns are still developing much later than we originally thought. Is this the perfect excuse for teenagers to11and not get their homework done on time? Its something to do with our prefrontal cortex( 前 额 皮 层 ). Its involved in many high-level cognitive ( 认 知 的)12such as decision-making and planning. Th

38、is region is undergoing large amounts of development during the adolescent years. For a(n)13, this hasnt developed yet. So getting organised to do their homework, for example, can be a bit challenging. I wish Id known about this early instead of telling my14Id left my homework on the bus or that the

39、 dog had eaten it. Now I could say, Sorry sir, my15isnt developed enough for the cognitive task of planning my homework. 1.A.realB.wiseC.badD.good 2.A.dressB.talkC.reactD.behave 3.A.unfairB.practicalC.funD.reasonable 4.A.dullB.rightC.wrongD.precise 5.A.praiseB.blameC.wakeD.call 6.A.controlB.useC.exp

40、ressD.play 7.A.touchB.impactC.roleD.advantage 8.A.wayB.inventionC.discoveryD.job 9.A.explorationB.experimentC.progressD.development 10.A.trueB.unknownC.falseD.satisfying 11.A.get overB.hang aroundC.look aroundD.take off 12.A.interestsB.resultsC.drawbacksD.tasks 13.A.adultB.scientistC.teenagerD.baby 14.A.bossB.teacherC.trainerD.colleague 15.A.knowledgeB.bodyC.identityD.brain 【答案答案】 1-5.CDABB; 6-10.ABCDC; 11-15.BDCBD


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