(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx

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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx_第1页
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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx_第2页
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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx_第3页
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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx_第4页
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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1 Extended Reading & Project (p. 11-14) 核心词汇解读+当堂检测 (含答案).docx_第5页
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1、2020-2021 学年牛津译林版学年牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit 1Food Matters Extended Reading 未固定牢的; 宽松的(opp: tight); 疏 松的; 不严谨的; 散漫的 loosen vt. 松开;(规 律/限制等)放宽 loosely ad. 松散地; 散漫地; 粗略地 looseness n. 松弛, 散 漫;放荡 let sth. loose 释放;放任 a loose button/tooth 松动的纽扣/牙齿 a loose shirt 宽松的衬衣 have a loose tongue 嘴巴

2、不紧(随便乱说) break/cut loose from 从逃脱/挣脱 come loose 变松 The horses are loose in the field. 那些马在原 野里解除了缰绳。 If the structure of your speech is loose and confuse, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. 如果你的演讲结构 松散混乱,很可能你的思维也同样混乱不清。 2.expandv. 增加,扩大;扩展,发 展(业务); (使)膨胀; 详谈,详述 expansion

3、 n. 扩大; 扩张;扩充;膨胀 expandable a. 普通用语,主要指物体由于外力或内力的作 用而使面积、体积、数量等变大;也可以用 于抽象事物。 expand ones business 扩大营业业务量 expand knowledge of foreign countries 增加对外国的了解 expand domestic demand 扩大内需 可扩展的;可扩充的;可 膨胀的 When you heat a metal, it expands. 金属遇热膨胀。 I repeated the question and waited for him to expand. 我重复了一

4、遍问题,等着他详细回答。 3.multiple a. 数量多的,多样的 n. 倍数 multiply v. 乘,(使)相乘; (使)大量增加; (使)繁殖 multiple murders 多起谋杀 suffer multiple injuries 多处受伤 16 is a multiple of 8. 16 是 8 的倍数。 multiply the risk of being injured 受伤的风险 成倍增加 4plain a. 朴素的,简单的; 清楚的;易懂的; 平常的;相貌平平的 坦白的;直率的 n. 平原(pl. plains) a plain but elegant dress

5、 朴素淡雅的连衣裙 a plain fact 显而易见的事实 a plain-looking girl 一个相貌普通的女孩 be plain with sb. 坦白地对某人说,直说 the plains of central Canada 加拿大中部大平原 in plain clothes 穿便服 make it plain/clear that C. 清楚地表示 Johnmadeitplainthatitwasnotan appropriate time to watch TV. John 说得很清 楚这个时间不适合看电视。 slice n. 薄片,片; 部分, 份额 v. 把切成片;切开,

6、割 slice of bread/ham 一片面包/火腿 cut the meat into thin slices 把肉切成薄片 a big/ large slice of income 收入中的一大部 破分 slice (up) onions 把洋葱切成片 A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder. 一块 玻璃划破他的肩膀。 a slice of life 反映现实生活的电影(戏剧/书) 5.property Cn. 性质,特性; n. 所有物,财产, Un. 不动产 The plant has the property of healing bu

7、rns. 这种植物有治疗烫伤的特性。 intellectual property 知识产权 Information is our most important property. 知识是我们最重要的财产。 6.appropriate a. 合适的,恰当的 inappropriateopp 不恰当的;不相称的 appropriately ad. 恰当地;合适地 be appropriate for / to sth. 对合适/相称 Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion. 她的衣服完全适合该场合。 7.estimate vt.估算;估价 unde

8、restimate vt. 低估 overestimate vt. 高估 estimate sth at sth/ to be 估计为 sb. estimate /It is estimated+(that)-C. (据)估计 They estimate the cost to repair at800. 他们估计维修费用为 800 美元。 We estimate his age to be anywhere between 40 and 50. 我们估计他的年龄在 40 到 50 之间。 makeadetailed/rough/conservative estimate of 做个详细/粗略

9、/保守的估计 at a rough estimate 粗略估计;大略说来 8consume vt. 消耗;消费;耗费 consume some time in doing sth. (正式用语)吃;喝 烧毁,毁灭 consumer C 消费者;用户;客户 consumption U 消费(量);消耗(量) time/energy-consuming 耗时的、耗能源的 把时间用在做某事上 consume all ones energies 耗尽某人所有的精力; consume ones fortune 挥霍其财产 They consumed what was left in the fridge

10、. 他们把冰箱里剩下的都吃光了。 The hotel was quickly consumed by the big fire. 这个旅馆很快被大火吞噬了。 9essential a. 极为重要的,不可或 缺的; 本质的,根本的 n. 必需品;要点,纲要 essentially ad. 本 质 上 ; 根 本 上 (basically) essence n. 本质,精髓 be essential for/to sth. 对极为重要 It is essential for sb to do sth.= It is essential that sb (should) do sth 某人做某事是绝

11、对必要的。 A clear conscience is absolutely essential to happiness. 问心无愧是快乐必不可少的因素。 It is essentialthat you get a visa before you travel to the USA. = Its essential that you (should) get 到美国旅游之前拿到签证是必不可少的。 There is no essential difference between the two methods. 这两种方法本质上并没有本质 的不同之处。 stimulate vt.刺激;激发;促

12、进; 使兴奋 The project is intended to stimulate students interest in science. 这个项目旨在激发学生对 科学的兴趣。 appetite n. 食欲,胃口 渴望, 爱好 have a good / bad appetite 胃口好/坏; lose on5tes appetite= have no appetite 没胃口 spoil ones appetite for sth. 破坏食欲 have an appetite for sth. 爱好某物;有的欲望 He has an appetite for reading. 他喜欢

13、看书。 delicate a. 易损的;易碎的;脆弱 的(fragile); 纤细的; 精致的;精美的;优美的; 微妙的;需小心处理的 a delicate vase = a fragile vase 易碎的 delicate fingers 纤细的手指 a delicate gift/design 精致的礼物/精美的设计 the delicate international situation 微妙的国际形势 The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.眼睛是人体最娇贵的器官之一。 emphasisn. (pl. emphas

14、es) 强调,重视; 重读;重音;加重语气 emphasize vt. 强调, 重视; 重读;加重语气 putemphasis/stresson sth=emphasize/stress sth. 强调/重视某事 The emphasis should be on the first syllable. 重音应在第一个音节上。 Its necessary to lay emphasis on (=emphasize) discipline both at home and in school. 无论在 家里还是在学校,都有必要强调纪律 mixture n. 混合;混合物 mix v. 混淆,弄

15、乱;搅匀,拌合 mixed a. 混合的;混杂的 a mixture of all kinds of gases mix sth. up with sth 把把和和混淆混淆 mixed feelings/ emotions 复杂的心情 Canada is mixture of many cultures and races. 加拿大是一个多文化、多种族融合的国家。 edge n. 边缘; 刀刃; 优势 at/on the edge of 在的边缘棱,刃; have a sharp/dull edge 刀刃锋利/不锋利 have/gain an/the edge on/over. 比占优势; 胜

16、过 lose ones edge as 失去作为的优势; on edge 紧张不安的,烦躁的 on the edge of ones seat 异常兴奋;极为激动;有浓厚的兴趣 The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world. 太阳再天边缓缓升起。 I cant beat you at tennis, but I have/gain an edge on you in ping-pong.我打网球不如你, 但打乒乓球我比你强。 apart ad. 零散地;成碎片地 分开地; 相隔地;相距地 fall apart 破碎,破裂;崩溃 t

17、ake sth apart 拆开,拆散 His marriage fell apart. 他的婚姻破裂了。 tell sth. /sb. apart 把区分开 live apart from sb. 不与生活在一起 be born one month apart 出生相差一个月 set sb./sth apart 使突出;与众不同 The buildings stood several miles apart. 这些楼之间相隔数英里远。 I cant tell the twins apart. 我区分不开这对双胞胎。 Im sorry, the cup just came apart in m

18、y hands. 抱歉,这个杯子竟在我手上碎了。 apart from 除外(别无); 除外(尚有) Apart from them,I had no one to talk to. 除了他们,没有人和我说话。 Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for? 除了用来取暖,火还有什么用处? 二、当堂反馈二、当堂反馈 (一)单词拼写(一)单词拼写 1. He is a man of m_ interests, so he always has fun weekends. 2.Achilds vocabulary e_ through ex

19、tensive reading. 3. Obviously, the boy noticed his shoelace come l_, but he decided to ignore it. 4. No matter how p_ and boring today is, it is at the mercy of our hands. 5. After playing football for an hour, he stopped and drank a large glass of water with a s_ of lemon. 6. I didnt feel that this

20、 was a(n) _ (合适的) time to mention the subject. 7. It is _ (估计) that 80 of all conversation in English is small talk. 8. Dont allow your kid to spoil his _(胃口) by eating between meals. 9. A law often results from choices rooted in fundamental social concepts like liberty and _ (所有权). 10. Most of the

21、transparent animals are extremely _ (娇弱的) and can be damaged by simple touch. 1. multiple2. expands3. loose4. plain5. slice6. appropriate7. estimated8. appetite9. property10. delicate (二)单句语法(二)单句语法 1.A_ loaf and an egg are far from enough for the young man. (slice) 2. The close football match had t

22、he audience on _ edge of their seats. 3. He had a deep voice, which set him _from others in our small town. 4. The use of films and multimedia is intended _students interest in a subject. (stimulate) 5. It is _ to wear white at a wedding celebration because it is the traditional colour for funerals.

23、(appropriate) 6. Its common sense that gas and oil _ always increases in cold winter.(consume) 7. The middle-aged man regretted _ the best years of his life in prison. (consume) 8.Itis_forhigh-newtechnologyenterprisestostrengthencompetitive power.(essence) 9. We can not put enough _ on the importance of protecting the environment. (emphasize) 10. When expecting the results of the exam, she felt a strange _ of excitement and fear. (mix) 1. sliced2. the3. apart4. to stimulate5. inappropriate6. consumption7. having consumed8. essential9. Emphasis10. mixture


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