重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 1 Our Winter Holidays-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:30f7f).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Our Winter Holidays_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:30f7f)
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hobbies 爱好 Brainstorm.头脑风 暴比一比谁最棒 Tip: Think about the hobbies we learned. 回忆上学期我们学过哪些爱好的单词,以大组为单 位,说得最多的大组得一颗星. Look and say. 抢答 PPT出示图片,全班同学站起来 抢答与图片有关爱好的短语. play table tennis watch TV go skating do homeworkplay football go shopping listen to music play chess do sports visit an art show What do you usually do on Sundays? 周日你常常做什么? What do you usually do on Sundays? 周日你常常做什么? I usually play table tennis. What do you usually do on Sundays? 周日你常常做什么? I usually watch TV. Skys class go skating What do you usually do on Sundays? I sometimes go skating. Skys class listen to English What do you usually do on Sundays? I sometimes listen to English. Skys class What do you usually do on Sundays?I usually/sometimes go skating/listen to English. Tip: Talk with your partners. 小组用以上图片和短语练习对话 . Show time 1.Speak fluently. 语言流畅,表现自然大方. 2. Add other words or sentences. 对话创编 . Look and find. 找一找不同. go do visit playwatchlisten wentdidvisitedplayed watched listened 动词原形 动词过去式 Look and read. 一起来读一读以下单词. go do visit playwatchlisten wentdidvisitedplayed watched listened 动词原形 动词过去式 Look and say.老师说动词原形,学生答出相应的动词过去式. go do visit playwatchlisten Look and match.将动词原形和动词过去式配 对. go do visit playwatchlisten didvisitedplayed 动词过去式 wentwatchedlistened What did you do last Sunday? 上个周末你做了什么? Skys class I played chess. What did you do last Sunday? played chess Skys class I listened to music. What did you do last Sunday? listened to music Skys class I did sports. What did you do last Sunday? did sports Skys class Pair work.Pair work. Tip1: Work in pairs. You ask, and I answer.同桌两人一组,你问我答. A:What did you do last Sunday? B:Yes. I played football. Tip2: 运用listened to music, did sports, went shopping, played chess等词组. 课题 Unit 1 Our Winter Holidays Lesson 1课时课时1 学习目标 1.掌握描述已过去的假期计划的短语,听说读写以下单词:visited the Great Wall、went to the zoo、did homework、played football. 2. 与他人合作学习,在交流中掌握新学句型:What did you do yesterday? I went to the zoo/did homework/played football. 3.通过观察合作交流,感知理解一般过去时和一般现在时动词的变化和用法. 4. 了解西方文化习俗,懂得、学会分享和关心他人. 学习重点学习重点目标 1学习难点学习难点目标 2、3 教具、学具准备:教具、学具准备: 多媒体,导学精要 学习过程学习过程修改修改 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greeting. 教师使用简单的指令语如 attention、have a rest 和问候语如 welcome back 与学生交流. 2. Lead- in A. 教师出示 PPT,展示和中国新年相关的图片,由中国新年引入寒假. B. 老师图片展示自己的寒假 C. Free-talk.与学生交流,倾听学生寒假中所做的事情 Step 2 Presentation 1.Look and say.火眼金睛. 观察动词原形和动词过去式的变化,请同 学们说出变化. 2.PPT 图片呈现四个生词短语.并放在语境中向学生输入生词. 3.Self-Study: A:尝试自己读单词. B:查阅单词表写出每个短语的中文含义. C:老师校对短语答案. 4.Listen and follow. 自学. Listen to the tape and follow one by one. 老师教读,并在教读过程中检测学生是否学会单词读音,采取一列 抽读,小组抽读或者单个学生抽读形式检测. 互学:小组内读单词. 展学:小组展示读单词.座位上读即可,但要求组长有口令. 自学:Listen to new words by yourselves and follow the tape. (每个单词 3 遍) 老师教读单词,每个单词两遍。学生跟着老师读。 互学:Try to read them in your group. Group leaders tell us their own problems and solve them in the class. 展学:I will invite two groups to read words. Step 3 Practice 1. Card 游戏. 老师出示 4 个词组 visited the Great Wall、went to the zoo、did homework、played football,学生看到图片说出相应的短语, 老师采取大组捆绑评价方式. 2. Listen and number. 听单词,标出正确的顺序. 老师校对答案. 3. 图片呈现句型.What did you do yesterday? A、 图片呈现句型加单词. visited the Great Wall. What did you do yesterday? I visited the Great Wall. A、 图片呈现句型加单词. did homework. What did you do yesterday? I did homework. A、 图片呈现句型加单词. played football. What did you do yesterday? I played football. A、 图片呈现句型加单词. Went to the zoo. What did you do yesterday? I went to the zoo. 教学过程中采取大组和单个同学抽问. Step 4 Consolidation 1. 击鼓传花游戏. 全班同学传递老师的四张图片,并拍手说 What did you do yesterday?当老师说停止时,拿到卡片的同学站起来,回答全 班同学的问题. 2. Group work. 小组合作练习对话. What did you do yesterday? I played football. 板板 书书 设设 计计 1. 单词: visited the Great Wall、went to the zoo、did homework、played football 2. 句型: What did you do yesterday? I went to the zoo/did homework/played football. 教教 学学 后后 反反 思思
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