重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 2 A Terrible Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f0452).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 2 A Terrible Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:f0452)
    • Unit 1 Winter holidays.doc--点击预览
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作业设计 UnitUnit 1 1 WinterWinter holidaysholidays HomeworkHomework 1 1 CopyCopy thethe newnew words:words: enjoy,enjoy, a a littlelittle difficult,difficult, a a beautifulbeautiful place,place, BeijingBeijing Opera,Opera, tooktook manymany picture,picture, visitedvisited mymy friendsfriends 2 2 ReadRead ,listenlisten andand saysay thethe dialoguedialogue afterafter school.school. Students can listen and repeat the new words like : holiday, difficult , place, many. New phrases: Beijing Opera ,a little difficult, enjoy your holidays, take pictures. Watch Wang Hong and Li Ming , then answer the questions. T: What did they do in the holidays? Li Ming: Wang Hong: Homework 1 Copy the new words: enjoy, a little difficult, a beautiful place, Beijing Opera, took many picture, visited my friends 2 Read ,listen and say the dialogue after school. UnitUnit 1 1 WinterWinter holidaysholidays 教学设计教学设计 UnitUnit 1 1 WinterWinter holidaysholidays LessonLesson 1 1 WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin thethe holidaysholidays ? ? 1.1. TeachingTeaching aims:aims: StudentsStudents cancan listenlisten andand repeatrepeat thethe newnew wordswords likelike : : holiday,holiday, difficultdifficult , , place,place, many.many. NewNew phrases:phrases: BeijingBeijing OperaOpera ,a,a littlelittle difficult,difficult, enjoyenjoy youryour holidays,holidays, taketake pictures.pictures. StudentsStudents cancan listenlisten andand repeatrepeat thethe sentences:sentences: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin youyou r r holidays?holidays? I I learnedlearned BeijingBeijing Opera.Opera. DidDid youyou swimswim inin thethe sea?sea? Yes,Yes, I I did.did. No,No, I I didnt.didnt. 2.2. DifficultyDifficulty andand Importance:Importance: TeachingTeaching difficulty:difficulty: StudentsStudents speakspeak freelyfreely thethe sentences:1.sentences:1. WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin youyou r r holidays?holidays? 2.2. I I learnedlearned BeijingBeijing Opera.Opera. 3.3. DidDid youyou swimswim inin thethe sea?sea? Yes,Yes, I I did.did. No,No, I I didnt.didnt. TeachingTeaching importance:importance: 1 1 HowHow toto useuse thethe pastpast tense.tense. 2 2 TheyThey cancan useuse theirtheir ownown expressionsexpressions toto talktalk aboutabout theirtheir winterwinter holidays.holidays. 3.3. TeachingTeaching tools:tools: Pictures,Pictures, CDCD Step1Step1 : : WarmWarm upup TalkTalk aboutabout thethe SpringSpring FestivalFestival inin groups.groups. T:T: WhatWhat dodo youyou usuallyusually dodo atat thethe SpringSpring Festival?Festival? S:S: WeWe StepStep 2 2 : : PresentationPresentation NowNow boysboys andand girls,girls, wewe areare herehere again,again, cancan youyou telltell meme howhow youyou spendspend youryour winterwinter holidays?holidays? T:T: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo atat thethe SpringSpring FestivalFestival ? ? S:S: I I (set(set offoff fireworks,fireworks, eateat jiaozi,jiaozi, visitvisit relatives,relatives, taketake manymany pictures,pictures, gogo toto HainanHainan ) ) ThenThen saysay I I wentwent toto BeijingBeijing inin mymy holidays,holidays, I I tooktook manymany pictures,pictures, andand visitedvisited mymy friends.friends. AskAsk students:students: T:T: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin thethe holidays?holidays? S:S: I I (visited(visited mymy grandparents,grandparents, playedplayed football,football, learnedlearned English,English, tooktook pictures)pictures) StepStep 3 3 : : PracticePractice 1 1 WatchWatch WangWang HongHong andand LiLi MingMing , , thenthen answeranswer thethe questions.questions. T T: WhatWhat diddid theythey dodo inin thethe holidays?holidays? LiLi Ming:Ming: WangWang Hong:Hong: Peter:Peter: 2 2ThisThis timetime getget thethe studentsstudents toto readread thethe dialogue,dialogue, thenthen answeranswer thethe questionsquestions individuals.individuals. 3 3 GetGet thethe studentsstudents toto practicepractice inin pairs.pairs. T:T: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin thethe holidays?holidays? S:S: I I StepStep 4:4: ProductionProduction 1 1 ShowShow somesome pictures,pictures, getget thethe studentsstudents toto makemake somesome dialogues.dialogues. T:T: WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo inin thethe holidays?holidays? S:S: I I 2 2 LetsLets dodo GetGet thethe studentsstudents toto makemake a a listlist aboutabout theirtheir winterwinter holidays.holidays. oror theirtheir photosphotos aboutabout winterwinter trip.trip. TalkTalk like:like: Hi,Hi, ImIm _,_, inin mymy holidaysholidays ,I,I wentwent toto HairbinHairbin withwith mymy family,family, therethere I I wentwent ski,ski, tooktook manymany pictures,pictures, butbut thethe bestbest interestinginteresting thingthing isis dogdog sleddingsledding withwith mymy family.family. StepStep 5:5: HomeworkHomework 1 1 CopyCopy thethe newnew words:words: enjoy,enjoy, a a littlelittle difficult,difficult, a a beautifulbeautiful place,place, BeijingBeijing Opera,Opera, tooktook manymany picture,picture, visitedvisited mymy friendsfriends 2 2 ReadRead ,listenlisten andand saysay thethe dialoguedialogue afterafter school.school.
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