重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 2 Welcome to Our Farm-Story corner-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:30008).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Welcome to Our Farm_Story corner_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:30008)
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How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have nine apples. How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have twelve apples. Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Apples. 12. Self-learning 自学自学 Task 1:Read and circle. 任务任务1:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。 Group-learning 互学互学 Discuss . 组内解决疑难组内解决疑难 Step1 Organise 组长主持组长主持 Step2 Ask 提出、解决疑难提出、解决疑难 Step3 Record 记录共同疑难记录共同疑难 Step4 Report 汇报疑难汇报疑难 Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. apples many sharekind Task 2:Fill in the blanks.任务2:送单词回家,填写在横线上。 apples many share kind Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Lets act 演一演演一演 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): Sharing(分享) is a good quality, which will bring you happiness(幸福) and joy(快乐). The more we share with others, the more happiness we will get. 1. Share the story with your friends and family. 与家人朋友一起分享这个故事 2. Give a name to the story. 为这个故事取一个恰当的名字。 Animal Kingdom l Lets share the apples, Pig. share 分享 / e / Lets share the pears. Lets share the cakes. Lets share the books. Lets share the strawberries. Oh, youre so kind! kind 友善的 /kand/ Mum, youre so kind! Dad, youre so kind! . Hey,thats not right! right 正确的 / rat / Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. applesmanysharekind 学情分析:学情分析:四年级的孩子具有活泼好动、爱说、爱模仿、兴趣广泛的特征,通 过一年多的英语学习,他们在听、说、读、书写方面都具备了一定的基础技能, 能够进行简单的语言交流。因此在设计教学活动时,我选择一些趣味性强的活 动,与他们已有知识水平接近,符合学习的认知规律及学生的心理特征。 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课的教材来源于小学英语重大版四年级下册 Unit2 Story Corner。这是一 节阅读教学课,故事以动物分享苹果为主线,穿插礼貌用语“Thank you!” “You are so kind!”和表示数量的单词。从实际的学情出发,以教材为本, 对故事内容作了适当删减处理。 设计思路:设计思路: 在课一开始让学生通过快速反应的游戏,复习旧知,让学生在抢答中完成对动 物、数字等知识的再现。创设动物运动会的任务情景,让学生在电子绘本中找 到故事发生的时间、地点和故事人物。再通过读前、读中和读后活动,采用学 生自学、小组互学、全班展学的方式,一步一步让学生感知故事、理解故事, 最后创编故事,让学生在真实的环境中进行简单交际,感受分享带来的快乐。 学习目标学习目标 1.能听、说、认读 kind,share; 2.能理解并运用重点句型“One for.” , “Lets share.” , “Oh, youre so kind.” 3.能有感情地复述故事或表演故事片段。 4.能体会待人友善,乐于分享的快乐。 学习重点学习重点 有感情地复述故事。 学习难点学习难点 kind,share 的读音 教具、学具准备:教具、学具准备: ppt,电子绘本,视频,头饰,苹果 学习过程:学习过程: 一、一、Warm-upWarm-up 课前热身课前热身 1. (贴动物到黑板) 2. T: This group,you are rabbit, you are pig,this group, you are horse, you are sheep.When I call your name,please show me your hands.Hello,Rabbit!Good morning,Pig!Hi,Horse!Nice to see you,Sheep! 给每个大组一个头饰,让前排一个孩子戴上,提示他们自己的角色。 3. T: There are many apples. Do you want to get them?If you do a good job, you can get one apple.If very good, get two. When the class is over, we will see which group is the winner. Clear? 4.Before our class, lets sing a song.(ppt 播放) Are you ready? Ss: Yes. (设计意图设计意图:通过唱歌进行课前热身,复习已学的数字知识,为后面的教学作 铺垫。另外采用动物分组竞争苹果的方式,把课堂评价与教学内容结合起来, 激发孩子学习积极性。 ) 二、二、GreetingGreeting andand Revision.Revision.问候及复习问候及复习 1.T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see you again, teacher. T:Sit down ,please. 2.Quick response. T: I heard that youre very clever.Really? I will check your memory. If you know these pictures and words, please stand up and speak loudly. (ppt 呈现动物,水果闪图) T: Well done, boys and girls.One apple for you!(评价跟上,贴苹果评价跟上,贴苹果) (设计意图设计意图:通过 Quick response 游戏激趣,复习梳理旧知,为后面的故事 教学作铺垫。 ) 三、Pre-reading.读前活动 1.T: Sheep,Pig, Lion,Horse,Rabbit are animals.They live in the forest.Look!What are they doing? Have a look.(播放视频) T: Oh,they are having a sports meeting.Whos the winner? Ss: T: Is that right?(点击出示狮子送盒子图) Thats right. Rabbit is the winner. the Lion King gives him a gift. Whats in the box? 2.T: OK, watch the video.(播放故事视频) When you enjoy the video, please think about these two questions Q1:Whats in the box?Q2: How many? 抽生答 (设计意图设计意图:通过自制电子绘本 Sports Meeting 补充本课故事教学内容,让 孩子明白 rabbit 的盒子是怎么得来的,显得故事更完整,同时为后面的故事 教学埋下伏笔,并指导孩子带着问题听故事内容。 ) 四、While-reading.读中活动 1.Self-learning(自学):circle the difficult words. T: Please take out your paper, finish Task1 ,read the story by yourself and circle the difficult words. (师示意导学单) (设计意图设计意图:通过自读故事,让孩子对故事进行整体感知,圈出自己不会的地 方,了解学习难点在哪里。 ) 2.Group-learning(互学):discuss and solve T:Now,we will discuss. Group leaders,please stand up and look at the procedures.请组长站起来,看组织流程。(提醒组内记录疑难,准备汇报) T:Well,now, please discuss with your group members. T:Which group has questions?S:Here.(用红外线笔指,一个一个解决) T: This word, wholl try?Who wants to be the little teacher? 教 3 遍, 其他生跟读 share 1.教读 2.抽读 3.贴卡片 4.补充句子板书 5.教句子带动作 6.抽生抽 组读 7.拓展:齐读,生齐读,生看图齐说,抽生说 kind 前 6 同,7 生读,处理上略一些 (设计意图设计意图:小组内交流各自不会的地方并互相帮助,相互学习,解决一般的 问题;再以小组为单位,对不能解决的问题向全班和老师寻求帮助,扫清阅读 障碍。 ) 3. 3. Lets enjoy the story.分图讲解。 T: OK, listen to the story together ,try to say and do. 4.Read the story. T: Now,lets read the story , Im the Lion King,you are Rabbit,you are Are you ready? (设计意图设计意图:开展学生个体自学和组长带领下同伴互学的教学活动,鼓励学生 发现并自主解决故事中生词和句子,培养学生自学能力;同时开展层级教学, 当有个体、小组不能解决的问题,由学生自行归纳收集,然后全班开展学习活 动,充分尊重学生的生成问题,体现“一切以学生为本,以学生的能力发展为 本”的教学思想。 ) 五、Post-reading.读后活动 1. Task 2 Fill in the blanks. T:Can you remember the story?Look, some words are lost.Please help them go back home. T:Look at your paper,Do Task 2, put the words in the right place. T:Lets check.Wholl try? T:If you did all right,please put up your hands. (评价跟上,贴苹果评价跟上,贴苹果) (设计意图设计意图:送单词回家的游戏用来检测孩子是否学懂故事并掌握重点单词 share,kind。 ) 2. Group-work(小组合作):Group Show T:In the story,Rabbit is so kind.When he gets the apples,he shares them with his friends.My friend Lily is kind ,too.She shares her birthday with others.Lets have a look.播放学生录的视频 T:So,boys and girls,how about you?If you get something,for example,toys,ice cream,.will you share with your friends?or family? T:Now Ill give you 5 minutes,try to create and act out your own story. First,please look at the rules.出示规则,提醒学生创设情境并加 动作表演。 Please look at Task 3 on your paper. You can use the words in this story or you may use other words and sentences as you like. Group Show. How many apples can they get?(加苹果) (设计意图设计意图:让学生展开想象并创编故事,小组合作创演故事,每一个孩子都 能亲身体验并参与其中,培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助 互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受英语故事学习的乐趣。 ) 六、情感教育。 T:Sharing(分享) is a good quality, which will bring you happiness(幸福) and joy(快乐).The more we share with others, the more happiness we will get.Lets share a video. (设计意图设计意图:通过小视频的分享,让孩子体会待人友善和与人分享的快乐。 ) V. Homework. 1. Share the story with your friends and family. 2. Give a name to the story. (设计意图(设计意图:通过分享故事和为故事取名字,锻炼孩子的英语表达能力和对故 事的整体概括能力。 ) 板书设计:板书设计: 教学反思:教学反思: 重大版四年级下册 Unit2 Story Corner 的教学内容是动物分享苹果的故 事,让孩子在故事的学习中感受分享带来的快乐,懂得用 Youre so kind.Thank you.等礼貌用语。 为了体现故事的整体性,在课堂活动的设计上,我补充了自制电子绘本 Sports Meeting,让孩子明白 rabbit 的苹果是怎么得来的。然后根据故事教 学课的特点,把课堂教学环节分为 Pre-reading,While-reading 和 Post- reading。 一、Pre-reading:复习旧知 激发兴趣 主要通过分组和介绍课堂评价方式让孩子明白分组和评价,然后通过快闪 视频来复习学过的知识。快闪视频把文字、图片与音乐结合,韵律十足,孩子 积极性高涨,顺利进入英语课堂的学习。 二、While-reading:以学定教 适当点拨 通过自学勾画疑难、小组互学解决疑难,老师当堂适当点拨,解决孩子遇 到的困难。在了解学情的同时,对于重难点单词 share,kind,采用教读抽 读贴词卡板书,补充句子带动作教句子抽生、抽组读拓 展造句的方式,由易到难,如抽丝剥茧般突破难点。 为了帮助孩子理解文本,在分图讲解时,加入了动作,让孩子通过动作的 模仿来加强理解和记忆,为后面的创编环节打下基础。 三、Post-reading:知识迁移 情感升华 小组合作创编环节,为了让孩子明白老师的要求,我用了一个视频做范例, 还通过图片的方式,帮助孩子创造情境进行创编。最后,通过小男孩分享肯德 基的视频短片,让孩子明白分享能带来快乐,从而升华课堂主题。 四、不足之处及改进措施 这节课孩子整体积极性较高,但在思维训练上花的时间不够。如可以通过 文本挖空的形式,对孩子进行听力训练,同时这也是一种思维训练。对语音语 调语感的训练还不到位,可以通过 rules 作要求,在表演的要求上,让孩子注 意这些细节。还有就是阅读策略的渗透还不够,可以通过 tips 的方式来进行 渗透。 How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have nine apples. How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have twelve apples. Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Apples. 12. Self-learning 自学自学 Task 1:Read and circle. 任务任务1:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。 Group-learning 互学互学 Discuss . 组内解决疑难组内解决疑难 Step1 Organise 组长主持组长主持 Step2 Ask 提出、解决疑难提出、解决疑难 Step3 Record 记录共同疑难记录共同疑难 Step4 Report 汇报疑难汇报疑难 Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. apples many sharekind Task 2:Fill in the blanks.任务2:送单词回家,填写在横线上。 apples many share kind Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Lets act 演一演演一演 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): Sharing(分享) is a good quality, which will bring you happiness(幸福) and joy(快乐). The more we share with others, the more happiness we will get. 1. Share the story with your friends and family. 与家人朋友一起分享这个故事 2. Give a name to the story. 为这个故事取一个恰当的名字。 Animal Kingdom l Lets share the apples, Pig. share 分享 / e / Lets share the pears. Lets share the cakes. Lets share the books. Lets share the strawberries. Oh, youre so kind! kind 友善的 /kand/ Mum, youre so kind! Dad, youre so kind! . Hey,thats not right! right 正确的 / rat / Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. applesmanysharekind How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have nine apples. How many apples do you have? 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8 6,7,8 6,7,8 We have twelve apples. Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Q1: Whats in the box? Q2: How many? Apples. 12. Self-learning 自学自学 Task 1:Read and circle. 任务任务1:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。:自读故事,在导学单上圈出疑难。 Group-learning 互学互学 Discuss . 组内解决疑难组内解决疑难 Step1 Organise 组长主持组长主持 Step2 Ask 提出、解决疑难提出、解决疑难 Step3 Record 记录共同疑难记录共同疑难 Step4 Report 汇报疑难汇报疑难 Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. apples many sharekind Task 2:Fill in the blanks.任务2:送单词回家,填写在横线上。 apples many share kind Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Good work, Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow, apples! How many? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. Lets share the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so kind! Thank you very much. One for Horse, one for me. One for Rabbit, one for me. One for. Hey,thats not right! Ha! Ha! Ha! Lets act 演一演演一演 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): 1.Speak. 会表达会表达 2.Act. 有动作有动作 3.Create. 会创编会创编 Rules for act (展学要求) Rules for audiences (观众要求)(观众要求) 1.Watch 文明观看文明观看 2.Comment 合理评价合理评价 Task3 Show 小组展示小组展示 pears cakes books balls What(分享什么) mother father sister brother friend Who(和谁分享) nice dear delicious yummy I have apples. I like apples. Have an apple ,please. I love you. More expressions.(更多可用的词句): Sharing(分享) is a good quality, which will bring you happiness(幸福) and joy(快乐). The more we share with others, the more happiness we will get. 1. Share the story with your friends and family. 与家人朋友一起分享这个故事 2. Give a name to the story. 为这个故事取一个恰当的名字。 Animal Kingdom l Lets share the apples, Pig. share 分享 / e / Lets share the pears. Lets share the cakes. Lets share the books. Lets share the strawberries. Oh, youre so kind! kind 友善的 /kand/ Mum, youre so kind! Dad, youre so kind! . Hey,thats not right! right 正确的 / rat / Good work,Rabbit! This is for you . Thank you. Wow,_ ! Lets _the apples, Pig. Oh, youre so_ _! Thank you very much. How_ ? 1,2,3,4. 12 apples. applesmanysharekind Unit 2 Story Corner 1. (贴动物到黑板) 2. T: This group,you are rabbit, you are pig,this group, you are horse, you are sheep.When I call your name,please show me your hands.Hello,Rabbit!Good morning,Pig!Hi,Horse!Nice to see you,Sheep!给每个大组一个头饰,让前排 一个孩子戴上,提示他们自己的角色。 3. T: There are many apples. Do you want to get them?If you do a good job, you can get o
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