外研版(三起)六年级下册Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e1ae9).zip

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Colors (颜色) 小学新标准英语(三起)第一册期末复习 观察10秒钟,说一说你看到的东西的颜色。 black cat Its a cat. What color is it? Its black. Its black cat. Its a car. What color is it? red car Its red. Its red car. mouse Its brown. Its a brown mouse. Its a mouse. What color is it? Point to the pen-Its blue. Point to the book.-Its red. Point to the blackboard.-Its green. - Point and say. What color is it? What color is it? What color is it? What color is it? What color is it? Guessing game 请同学们猜一猜下面12幅图片是什么颜色 。 1 2 3 4 67 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 6 4 3 1 2 76 4 3 1 2 8 76 4 3 1 2 9 8 76 4 3 1 2 10 9 8 76 4 3 1 2 11 10 9 8 76 4 3 1 2 12 11 10 9 8 76 4 3 1 2 5 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 5 4 3 1 2 6 5 4 3 1 2 76 5 4 3 1 8 76 5 4 3 1 9 8 76 5 4 3 1 10 9 8 76 5 4 3 1 11 10 9 8 76 5 4 3 1 12 11 10 9 8 76 4 3 Guessing game Lets chant: Show the pens(老师拿出五颜六色的笔,请同们学说一说看到的颜色.) Guess(pens): What color is it? And spell it. How does a chamelian change color? Cao超链接(变色龙) 让我们来看一看变色龙是如何变色的吧 。 圣诞节到了,四个小朋友将收到圣诞老人送 来的五颜六色的气球,我们来看看吧。 What color can you see? 请同学们说一说看到的颜色 。 Big eyes How many blue balloons? Lets count. 有几个蓝色的气球? Big eyes Whats missing? Big eyes Whats missing? Big eyes Whats missing? Big eyes Whats missing? Big eyes Whats missing? Big eyes Whats missing? What color do you like? What color dog do you like? What color cat do you like? What color cap do you like? chair and desk What color chair do you like? What color desk do you like? 观察一下图片10秒钟(单击时闪烁10次,之后对比两张图片 的小鸟、小狗、小猫、帽子、以及沙发的颜色各有什么不同 。 Whats the difference? Exercise: Color the picture.(给这张图 片涂上你喜欢的颜色) Homework: 1 PEPPEP Book6Book6 RevisionRevision WhatWhat beautifulbeautiful colours!colours! 教学设计教学设计 、 教学目教学目标标与要求与要求 知知识识目目标标: : 能够听、说、读、写单词:red, blue, yellow, green, white, black; jacket, shirt, T- shirt, skirt, dress, jeans, pants, socks, shoes. 能够听、说、认读单词: purple, pink, orange, brown; shorts. 能够听、说、认读句子:What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 在综合性训练中,学生能够结合实际运用 What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 描述身边的物品。 在综合性训练中,学生能够理解与运用一般将来时 be going to。 能力目能力目标标: : 通过 brainstorming 活动让学生复习感知颜色和衣物的有关词汇。 通过服装的图片让学生复习感知衣物的有关词汇。 通过“The Fashion Show”这个环节,介绍学生自己设计的服装的任务,使学生 活用单词及 What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 句型,提 高学生发散性思维的能力。 情感目情感目标标: : 通过对有关颜色和衣物词汇的复习,培养学生的发散性思维,建立自信心,敢 于、乐于向同伴展示自己的能力。 学生通过当“The Fashion Show”使用 What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 句型向朋友介绍自己设计的服装的活动,激发学生对生活的热 2 爱,学会变废为宝。 二、教学重、二、教学重、难难点分析点分析 1、本课时需要重点复习有关颜色和衣物的单词:red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, purple, pink, orange, brown, grey; jacket, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, dress, jeans, pants, socks, shoes, shorts 以及句型:What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 2、本课时的难点部分是本课的 Task time 环节,要求学生以小组为单位介绍自己 设计的服装,要求学生灵活使用 What colour is it? Its 和 What colour do you like? I like 句型与有关颜色和衣物的词汇。 三、三、课课前准前准备备 1、卡纸和记号笔。 2、奖励使用的小卡片。 3、不同颜色的不同服装。 4、学生使用的资料(包括听力习题,可以使用的词汇表和句型表以及家庭作业的 书写练习题)。 3 四、教学四、教学过过程程设计设计 Step1. Warming up Free talk Nameweatherseasoncolour 教师和学生打招呼,互相了解姓名、季节以及颜色。当询问 Whats your favourite colour?时 引出课题 What beautiful colours! Step2. Revision 1. Revise colours(观看颜色短片) 2. 回忆颜色 3. T: What colour do you like? S6:I like T: I like your sweater. Because I like red. Its nice. Oh, you all have a good memory. Youre so great! 教师通过课件呈现有关颜色的短片,并使用颜色短语进行介绍。学生回忆短片中的颜色 并说出,为后面活动的语言输出打下基础。 4. 拼图游戏引出 T-shirt, dress. 5. (学生在纸上写下有关衣物的词汇) T: Which group want to show us your words?(展示学生书写的词汇) Can you read? S1: T: Other groups, can you say any different words? 6T: I have a list for you. Lets read together.(课件展示衣物有关词汇) 通过拼图猜词、小组书写单词比赛、词汇清单等活动激活学生已学过的衣物词汇,体现分 层教学的思路,同时也为后面活动的语言输出打下基础。 Step3. Listening 1. (第一遍,泛听,了解主要内容) Lets listen what they are talking about. 2. (第二遍,精听,判断对错) T: Lets check the answer. No. 1, tick or cross?Ss: Cross. T: Who you correct it? S1: They are going to have the show on Friday. 3. (课件展示听力材料) 4 T: Now practice the dialogue in pairs. Whod like to be Mike? And whod like to be Chen Jie? 理论要结合实际,在已激活学生的旧知颜色、衣物及相关句型的基础上,创设情境,让学 生了解并期望参与时装设计大赛,进一步复习、巩固单词和句型,不但训练学生听读的能 力,而且也为后面活动的语言输出作好铺垫。 Step4. Consolidation & Extension 1. T: The fashion is very interesting, do you think so? Do you want to joint the show? Ss: Yes. (小组活动,谈论服装) 2. T: Its show time! Models! Please come here. 3. T: Who is the best? Group One, Group Two, Group Three, Group Four or Group Five? Who is the best? 4. T: I think all of you are the best. You can all joint our school fashion show this Friday. Look, theyre paper clothes, newspaper clothes.虽然这些原材料可能都是我 们平时生活中的废旧物品,但是你觉得它们好看吗?(好看) 我们要学会变废为宝,热爱我们的生活。 教师通过时装设计大赛做引子,请学生自己设计服装,最后小组上台介绍自己的服装。学 生们通过 The Fashion Show 任务的完成既设计了服装又操练了句型。在这个过程中激发学 生对生活的热爱,学会变废为宝。 5T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes. T: Lets write a letter to our friend. Tell him or her something about the fashion show. Now take out your paper and finish the blanks. 6 T: Youve done so much today. Lets enjoy a colour song and try to sing follow the music. 延续学生对英语学习的兴趣,让学生既能在轻松愉悦的环境中开始课堂学习,也能在轻松 愉悦的环境中结束课堂学习。 Step5. Homework T: You see, English is funny to learn. This is your homework today. Choose one from reading, and one from writing. Reading: a. Read the words related to colours and clothes. b. Introduce your favourite colours and clothes to your parents or your friends. Writing: a. Finish the blanks of the letter. 5 b. Write a letter to your friend talk about the fashion show. 作业设计体现分层布置作业原则,让学生根据自己的能力水平选择作业。
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