外研版(三起)六年级下册Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:7029b).zip

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小学英语六年级语法专项复习小学英语六年级语法专项复习- -特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 (Wh-questionsWh-questions) 1 1、教材分析:教材分析: 复习特殊疑问句。包括其定义,特点,结构等形式。通过各种形式的题型让学 生巩固操练特殊疑问句。 2 2、学情分析:学情分析: 六年级毕业班的学生,已有几年的英语学习经历。在此前的学习中已经对特殊 疑问句的提问和回答有了初步的认识,能进行简单的交流。但如果要利用这些 知识根据事件五要素理解短文,以及写出自己的作文,还存在一定的困难。通 过本节复习课的教学,希望让学生系统掌握特殊疑问句的运用,进而提升基本 的听说读写用技巧,为寻求更高的知识学习运用做准备。另外这一年龄阶段的 孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,因此本课教学将采用小组合作、自主探究、 游戏、竞赛等多种方式来激发学生的学习兴趣与愿望。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: (一)知识与能力目标: 1.复习巩固特殊疑问词的含义,掌握特殊疑问句的问答。 2.学生能通过观察,自己总结归纳特殊疑问句的用法。 3.学生能阅读简短文章,写小作文。 (二)情感目标: 1.培养学生积极参与合作学习的意识。 2.教育学生热爱生活,鼓励学生学好英语,不耻下问。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 1.掌握特殊疑问词及相关问答。 2.能用自己的语言写一篇小作文。 五、教学程序:五、教学程序: StepStep 1 1 warmingwarming upup 1、Free Talk T: Good morning,boys and girls. S: Good morning,Ms Tang. T: How are you? S: Im fine,thank you. 2、Sing the song. (设计意图: 歌曲营造活跃轻松的课前准备,帮助学生适应英语语感,快速投入 课堂学习,Free Talk 帮助学生养成用英语对话的习惯,也为下面的学习做铺垫。 ) StepStep 2 2 复习巩固操练(一)复习巩固操练(一) 1.1. 根据歌曲听第一遍找出疑问句,第二遍回答问题。根据歌曲听第一遍找出疑问句,第二遍回答问题。 T:Where did Lingling go in the song? T:What did she see? T:What did she buy in London? 2.2. leadlead inin 并引导学生总结特殊疑问句结构。并引导学生总结特殊疑问句结构。 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句= =特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ +一般疑问句?一般疑问句? 引导学生说出特殊疑问句的结构,引出本课即将复习的特殊疑问句 Wh- questions,并分组竞赛(W 组与 H 组)。 3.3. 复习呈现。复习呈现。 1) Whats Wh-questions? 2) 用途。 T:My purpose is to ask for people,things ,time,place,reason and so on, so I cant answer with yes or no.(PPT 呈现中文,帮助学生理解其含义) 4.4.游戏:游戏:MagicMagic eyeseyes 复习特殊疑问词复习特殊疑问词 T:Now its the game time, lets review wh-words, please speak out what youve seen. what 什么 who 谁 where 哪里 when 什么时候 why 为什么 how 怎么样 Read them together(齐读)(齐读). 5.Classify.5.Classify.(疑问词分类)(疑问词分类) 6.Story6.Story time.time.第一次听音频找出特殊疑问句。第二次看动画,找出问题答案。第一次听音频找出特殊疑问句。第二次看动画,找出问题答案。 ( )1.How was Zooms holiday? A:It was bad. B:It was good. C:It was fun. ( )2.Where did he go? A:To the school. B:To the moon. C:To the cinema. ( )3.How did he go there? A:By train. B:By ship. C:By spaceship. 7.7. LetsLets chant.chant. Questions here,questions there.Questions questions everywhere. When who why, what how where.We learn questions very well. (设计意图:通过一个师生互动的 chant,激发学生兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,进 一步巩固复习特殊疑问词,更重要的是这个活动可以起到承上启下的作用,为 下一环节的多样题型操练做铺垫。) StepStep 3 3 复习巩固操练(二)复习巩固操练(二) 自我挑战,闯关。自我挑战,闯关。 (1)(1) 第一关:外星人语第一关:外星人语 学生头饰分角色表演外星人跟朋友的对话,让全班猜出 Gulu 语。 (2 2)第二关:看图,让学生提问。第二关:看图,让学生提问。 1.1. HowHow isis thethe weatherweather? 2.2. WhoWho areare they?they? 3.3. WhereWhere areare they?they? 4.4. WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? (3)(3) 第三关:看图写句子。第三关:看图写句子。 TheyThey areare _,_, _ and_.Lastand_.Last weekend,weekend, theythey wentwent to_.Theyto_.They wentwent there_.there_. They_.They_. TheyThey took_.Theytook_.They hadhad a a _ time.time. 设计意图:发挥自主学习和小组合作的精神,通过不同题型的操练,帮助学生 巩固升华特殊疑问句,提高学生听说读写用综合能力。 StepStep 4 4 SummarySummary Be sensitive and eager to learn, always ask questions.敏而好学,不耻 下问! StepStep 5 5 homeworkhomework TalkTalk aboutabout whatwhat youyou diddid lastlast weekend.weekend. (和你的朋友们讨论你上周做了什么。)(和你的朋友们讨论你上周做了什么。) WhoWhereWhat Who is the winner? 设计意图:贴近生活,让学习回归生活。在做中学,用中学,学中用。 StepStep 6 6 HandwritingHandwriting onon blackboardblackboard RevisionRevision:Wh-questionsWh-questions ( (特殊疑问句特殊疑问句) ) 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句= =特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ +一般疑问句?一般疑问句? wh-wordswh-words whenwhen howhow WhoWho whatwhat wherewhere whywhy 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 Wh-questions Enjoy a song and find out wh-questions. 欣赏歌曲,找出特殊疑问句。欣赏歌曲,找出特殊疑问句。 Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet in London? What did you buy in London? 圈出不同的特殊疑问句圈出不同的特殊疑问句 1.Where did you go? 2.What did you see? 3.Who did you meet in London? 4.What did you buy in London? ListenListen againagain andand findfind outout thethe answers.answers.( (听第二遍,听第二遍,找出答案。找出答案。) She went to the park. She saw lots of places. She didnt buy anything at all. She had a lovely time. Where did Lingling go in the song? What did she see?What did she buy?How was Linglings holiday? 回答问句回答问句 WhereWhere did Lingling go in the song? WhatWhat did she see? WhatWhat did she buy in London? HowHow was Linglings holiday? 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 特特殊殊疑疑问问句句 + 一般疑问句一般疑问句 ? 结构结构 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 Wh-questions Revision(复习课复习课 ) Competition 比赛比赛 WhatWhat is is WhWh-questions?-questions? Hello, boys and girls! 我我的的名名字字叫叫特特殊殊疑疑问问句句。我我的的特特点点是是用用疑疑问问 词词开开头头,由由于于疑疑问问词词是是w或或h作作词词首首,例例如如 what,where,when,who,how等等,所所以以有有人人 给给我我起起了了个个绰绰号号WH疑疑问问句句。我我的的结结构构是是 特特殊殊疑疑问问句句词词+一一般般疑疑问问句句。我我的的用用途途是是对对 句句子子的的某某一一成成分分进进行行提提问问,因因此此不不能能用用yes 或或no来进行简单回答。来进行简单回答。 when why where who what What do you want to eat? (你想吃什么?你想吃什么?) I want to eat an ice cream. (我想吃一个冰激凌。我想吃一个冰激凌。) 问具体的问具体的 、 、 、 、 等,因此不能用等,因此不能用 yes或或no来进行简单回答。来进行简单回答。 人人_ 事事_ 时间时间_ 地点地点_原因原因_ wh-wordswh-words 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 whatwhatwhowhowherewherewhenwhenwhywhyhowhowwhatwhat colourcolourhowhow oldoldhowhow manymanyhowhow muchmuch whatwhat 什么什么 wh-wordswh-words whowho 谁谁wherewhere 在哪里在哪里 whenwhen什么时候什么时候whywhy为什么howhow 怎样怎样 howhow oldold多大多大whatwhat colourcolour 什么颜色什么颜色 howhow manymany 多少(可数)多少(可数) howhow muchmuch多少(不可数),多少钱多少(不可数),多少钱 问时间:问时间: 问人:问人: 问事物:问事物: 问价格问价格: 问数量问数量: 问地点:问地点: 问原因:问原因: 问颜色:问颜色: 问情况:问情况: 问年龄:问年龄: Classify wh-words(特殊疑问词分类特殊疑问词分类): whatwhat whowho wherewhere whenwhenwhywhy howhow howhow oldold whatwhat colourcolour howhow manymany howhow muchmuch StoryStory timetime Listen and find out wh- questions. (听录音,找出特(听录音,找出特 殊疑问句)殊疑问句) Zoom:AmZoom:Am I I nownow onon thethe moon?moon? I I cantcant believebelieve it!it! SheShe mustmust bebe Change(Change(嫦娥嫦娥).Oh,there).Oh,there is is thethe rabbit.Itsrabbit.Its timetime toto go.go. Good!Good! HereHere comescomes a a spaceship.spaceship. Zip:Zip: HowHow waswas youryour holiday?holiday? Zoom:ItZoom:It waswas fun.fun. Zip:Zip: WhereWhere diddid youyou go?go? Zoom:IZoom:I wentwent toto thethe moon.moon. Zip:Zip: HowHow diddid youyou gogo there?there? Zoom:ByZoom:By spaceship.spaceship. Zip:Zip: WhatWhat diddid youyou see?see? Zoom:Zoom: I I sawsaw Change,Change, thethe rabbitrabbit andand thethe tree.tree. Zip:Zip: DidDid youyou taketake anyany pictures?pictures? Zoom:Zoom: Yes,IYes,I did.Oops,did.Oops, wherewhere diddid I I putput thethe pictures?Oh,Itpictures?Oh,It waswas a a dream(dream(梦梦). ). 找出特殊疑问句找出特殊疑问句 ( )1.How was Zooms holiday? A. It was bad. B. It was good. C. It was fun. ( )2.Where did he go? A. To the school. B. To the moon.C. To the cinema. ( )3.How did he go there? A. By train. B. By ship. C. By spaceship. C B C Watch the Story and answer. (看故事动画并回答问题。)(看故事动画并回答问题。) Lets have a rest(休息)(休息)and a chant for us! LetsLets chant!chant! QuestionsQuestions here,here, questionsquestions there.there. QuestionsQuestions questionsquestions everywhere.everywhere. WhenWhen whowho why,why, whatwhat howhow where.where. WeWe learnlearn questionsquestions veryvery well.well. Self-challenge! 自我挑战!自我挑战! 第一关!第一关! Hello,Hello, I I amam anan E.T(E.T(外星人外星人). ). I I speakspeak GuluGulu language(language(语言语言). ). CanCan youyou understand(understand( 理解理解) ) GuluGulu? ? are you? Im fine, thank you. (问情况)(问情况) Gulu: How 猜出猜出Gulu语语 Gulu is your mum? She is in the room. (问地点)(问地点) Gulu:Where 猜出猜出Gulu语语 Gulu 谁愿做一名外星人?谁愿做一名外星人? are you? Im Lingling. (问人)(问人) Gulu: Who 猜出猜出Gulu语语 Gulu is your T-shirt ? Its blue. (问颜色)(问颜色) Gulu gulu:What colour 猜出猜出Gulu语语 Gulu gulu 恭喜成功占领第一关!恭喜成功占领第一关! 第一关!第一关! 勇闯第二关!勇闯第二关! 第二关!第二关! who what how where -How is the weather? - -Its sunny. Look and ask Wh-questions.(看图提问)看图提问) 1 . 2 . 3 . 恭喜成功占领第二关! 第二关!第二关! 勇闯第三关!勇闯第三关! 第三关!第三关! 3.How did they go? 怎样去?怎样去? 4.What did they do? 做了什么?做了什么? WritingWriting PartPart (看图用(看图用5句话写出他们上周的活动。)句话写出他们上周的活动。) a beautiful park Simon DamingSimons mum have a picnic 1.Who are they? 他们是谁?他们是谁? 2.Where did they go? 去了哪里?去了哪里? They are _, _ and_. Last weekend, they went to_. They went there_. They_. They took_. They had a _time. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 好心提示好心提示 : on foot 5.What did they take? 带去了什么?带去了什么? take some food 第三关!第三关! 恭喜小朋友们占领智慧之峰! Summary(总结总结) BeBe sensitivesensitive andand eagereager toto learn,learn, alwaysalways askask questions.questions. 敏而好学,不耻下问!敏而好学,不耻下问! Homework Talk about what you did last weekend. (和你的朋友们讨论你上周做了什么。) what, where, who, when, how. Who is the winner?
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