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    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 teenager life 知识清单 .docx--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening and speaking 课件 .ppt--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册unit 2 travelling Around 知识清单.doc--点击预览
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1 / 7 必修一 Unit 1 Teenager life 知识清单 1. Volunteer n、志愿者 vi/vt 自愿 voluntary 自愿的、志愿的 (1)做志愿者:work as a volunteer (2)做志愿工作:do volunteer work (3)自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth (4)自愿为某事效劳 volunteer for sth (5)做一名志愿者绝不是容易的事. Being a volunteer is anything but an easy job. 2.debate .n.辩论;争论 vi/vt 辩论;争论 (1)关于、进行辩论 debate on/over (2)和、辩论 debate with sb (3)在争论中 under debate (4)人们对校车安全问题议论纷纷。There has been much debate on the safety of school buses. 3.prefer 更喜欢 (1)更喜欢某事:prefer sth. (2)更喜欢做某事 prefer to do/doing sth (4)喜欢 A 多于 B prefer A to B (5)比起做 B 更喜欢做 A prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than B (6)比起徒步旅行,许多男孩更喜欢踢足球。 Many boys prefer playing football to hiking Many boys prefer to play football rather than hike. 4. 内容;目录;主题;满足;满足的;满意的;使满意 2 / 7 (1)在内容和形式上 in content and form (2)满足的表情 a content expression (3)对、感到满足、满意 be content with/ (4)愿意做某事 be content to do sth (5)尽情地;心满意足地 to ones heart content (6)使某人、自己对、满意 content sb with sth 5.suitable 合适的;适用的 (1)对、适合的 be suitable for sth/doing sth (2)适合做某事 be suitable to do sth (3)这些鞋不适合在乡下散步。These shoes are not suitable for walking in the country. (4)我认为我不适合这个岗位。I dont think I should be suitable for the post. 6.challenge 挑战;艰巨任务challenging 挑战性的,考验能力 (1)做某事的挑战 the change of doing sth (2)面对挑战 face a challenge (3)迎接挑战 meet a challenge (4)接受挑战 accept/take up a challenge (5)向某人挑战某事 challenge sb to do sth (6)就我而言,我下定决心接受挑战。 As far as Im concerned, Im determined to take up/accept the challenge. 7. confusing 难以理解的;不清楚的;confuse使糊涂;使迷惑;confused糊涂 的;迷惑的confusion 困惑;混淆 (1)觉得、令人困惑 find sth confusing 3 / 7 (2)对、来说令人困惑的 be confusing for sb (3)对、感到困惑 be confused about (4)使某人困惑 confuse sb (5)把和弄混 confuse A with B (6)困囧地 in confusion 8. Graduate vi/vt 毕业;获得学位, n 毕业生-graduation n 毕业 (1)我们祝贺他从哈佛大学毕业了。We congratulated him on having graduated from Harvard University. ( 2)那是我们毕业后的第一份工作。It was my first job after graduation. 9. recommend 建议;推荐;介绍 ( 1)向某人推荐、介绍某物 recommend sth to sb ( 2)推荐某人做(某职位)recommend sb for (3)推荐某人作为、recommend sb as (4)建议做某事 recommend doing sth (5)他建议我们读一读那部小说。He recommended that we should read the novel. 10.停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等) (1)休学、退学 quit school (2)辞掉工作 quit ones job (3)离职 quit office (4)戒烟 quit smoking (5)那位组长经常在晚上七点左右就停止学习去散步。 The group leader often quits studying to take a walk at about seven pm. 11.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的 n responsibility 责任;义务 4 / 7 (1)对、负责 be responsible for (2)负责做某事 take the responsibility of/for doing sth (3)有做某事的责任 have a/the responsibility to do sth (4)他仍然觉得对病人的死亡负有责任。 He still felt responsible for the patients death. 12.Schedule. n. 工作计划;日程安排 安排;预定 (1)按预定时间 on schedule (2)提前 ahead of schedule (3)落后于预定时间 behind the schedule (4)你已经安排了考试日程吗? Have you made the examination schedule. 13.Expert n.专家;行家 adj 熟练的;内行的;专家的 (1)在、方面是行家 an expert on/at /in (2)在、方面在行 be expert at /in doing sth. (3)西蒙不仅是我们的校长,也是一名教育专家。 Simon is not only our headmaster, but also an expert in education. (4)琳达在寻找有用的学习信息方面很在行。 Linda is expert in/at finding useful information about study. 14.attract vt. 吸引;引起、的注意, 有吸引力的事物 Attraction, n. attractive 吸引人 的 (1)吸引很大的兴趣 attract a lot of interest (2)吸引某人的注意 attract ones attention 5 / 7 (3)喜爱 be attracted to (4)被、吸引 be attracted by (5)对孩子们有吸引力 be attractive to children 重点短语 1. Clean up. 打扫(或清除)干净 ( 1)整理、收拾: tidy up ( 2)整理,放晴 clear up (3)除去、扫除 clean off (4)我打算在这个夏天毕业后把我的旧书清理干净。 I plan to clean up my old books after I graduate this summer. 2. Sign up(for sth )报名(参加课程) (1)签名 sign ones name (2)签到,签退 sign in/out (3)示意某人做某事 sign to sb to do sth (4)、的迹象 a sign of (5)要报名成为会员,请填写这张表格。 To sign up for membership, please fill in the form. 3. Focus on 集中;特别关注 (1) 注意 留意 pay attention to (2)集中于;专心于 concentrate on (3)把心思集中在 focus ones mind on (4)聚精会神于 focus ones attention on 6 / 7 (5)今天,我们要重点讨论师生之间的新关系。 Today, we are going to focus on the new relationship between teachers and students. 4. Be addicted to 对、入迷 ( 1)习惯于 be used to (2)注意 pay attention to (3)期盼 look forward to (4)致力于 devote oneself to 重点句型 1. 引导状语从句 (1)我会自己想方法改进,这样我明年就能入选球队了。 Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year. (2)查尔斯认为很多人想要赚许多钱,因为这样的话他们就不会再有任何烦恼了? Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries. 2.make it+adj+不定式 (1)但是花太多时间在网上是不健康的,使得很难集中注意力在生活中的其他事情上。 But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things. (2)计算机技术让很多人可以在家里工作。 Computer technology makes it possible for many people to work at home. 3 这/那是因为 This/that/it is because (1)I guess its because they are adults and cant understand me. 7 / 7 我想是因为他们都是成年人了,不能理解我。 (2)He practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day. This is why he makes great progress in English.= The reason why he makes great progress in English is that he practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day. 他天天练习说英语,每天至少三个小时。这是他英语进步的很大的原因。 4 too .to.太、而不能、 (1)There is a girl I like in my class, but Im too shy to talk to her. 班上有个我喜欢的女孩,但是我太害羞了,不敢和他说话。 (2)You are too young to understand such things. 你太年轻,不懂得这样的事情。 Unit 2 Travelling Around In this unit, you will Read about tours to Peru and China Listen to people discuss their travel plans. Talk about preparing for travel and hoe to make reservations for a trip. Write a travel plan Learn about travelling at home and abroad. Look and discuss 1.Where do you think the travellers in the photo are? 2.Do you like travelling? Who do you like to travel with? 3.What places have you travelled to ? What words can you use to describe your trips? Section A listening and speaking New words and phrases LISTENING PART 1 P = PaulM = Meilin P: Hey, Meilin! So what are you doing for the coming holiday? M: Im travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle. P: Europe? Oh,Ive always wanted to go there! M: Yes,me,too. Im so excited. Im planning to visit France and Germany. P: Thats wonderful! Do you have your passport and visa already? M: I already have my passport,and I am applying for my visa tomorrow. Once I get the visa,well book flight tickets online. P: So how do you plan to travel around?M: Were renting a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe! LISTENING PART 2 P = PaulM = Meilin M: So what about you,Paul? Do you have any travel plans? P: Yes,actually! My parents are taking me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang! M: Lijiang? Thats quite famous in China. P: Yes. One of my fathers friends lives there. He invited us to visit. M: Oh,thats nice! So whats the weather like there? P: It should be pleasant during the day,but it might be cold at night,so Im taking a few light sweaters and a coat. M: Whatre you planning to see there? P: Well,I know Im definitely going to see the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain. Other than that,Im not sure. Im buying a Lijiang guidebook today,actually. 必修一 Unit.2 Travelling Around 1. 重点单词 1. Apply vi 申请;请求; vt 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂) application. n. 应用;用途;申请- applicant. 申请者 申请 apply for 向某人申请某物 apply to sb for sth 把某物应用到某物中 apply sth to sth 致力于 apply oneself to 求职信 a job application 申请信 a letter of application 2 pack 收拾(行礼) 包装;打包行李 n 纸包;包裹。 一包,一帮,一群 a pack of 将装箱打包 pack sth up The walk is expected to last all day, so bring a ( pack ) _packd_lunch. 3.Amazing. Adj 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的;amaze-使吃惊;惊讶的; amazed 惊奇的;惊喜的-amazement. n 惊异;惊愕 对。大为吃惊的 be amazed at/by/that 因做某事而感到吃惊,惊讶 be amazed to do sth 令某人惊奇的是 to ones amazement 惊讶地 in amazement 让人吃惊的,古代的认们能够建造出如此伟大的建筑。(it 作 形式主语) It is amazing that the ancient people could have built such great architecture. 4. Arrange vt/vi 安排,筹划arrangement n.安排,筹备 安排做某事 arrange to do sth 为某人安排某事 arrange sth for sb 为、做安排、准备 make arrangements for 谈妥,达成协议 arrive at an arrangement The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged_. 5. Recognize vt 辨别出,承认; 认可;认识;认知recognition 识别;承认,认出 通过。认出、recognize.by/from 把、看作、recognize .as 认不出来 beyond/out of recognition. 大家都承认他是比赛中的最佳选手。 Everyone recognized him as/to be the best player in the match 6. type n 类型;种类;vi/vt 打字 这种 那种类型的 of this/that type 一种 a type of 各种类型的 all types of 是某人喜欢的类型 be ones type 把、键入、(计算机)type.into. 7. Admire vt 钦佩;赞赏;赞美; 羡慕-admiration n 钦佩;受人 钦佩的人、物 -admirable. adj 令人羡慕的 欣赏某人做某事 admire sb for sth I admire him for his success in his business. We expressed admiration for Shaw as a young coach. 8. contact 联络;联系 n 联系;接触 .通过电子邮件/电话与某人联系 contact sb by emile/telephone .与某人取得联系 make contact with .与某人保持联系 keep in contact with sb .使某人接触某物 bring sb into contact with sb 使某人失去联系 lose contact with sb 9. credit 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷 为某人带来荣誉;某人值得赞扬;在某人名下 to ones credit 获得学分 receive a credit 因为、而获得赞扬或表扬 receive a credit for 信用卡 a credit card 10. detail 细节,详情-detailed 详细的 详细地 in detail 详细叙述,逐一说明 go into detail 11. request 请求;要求 要求得到、make a request for 按照要求 by request 应某人的要求 at sbs request 要求某人做某事 request sb to do sth 向某人索要某事 request sth from sb 我的老师要求我经常使用英语。My teacher requested me to use/that I should use English frequently. 12. View n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt 观看;注视;考虑 在视线范围内 in view 不在视野 中 out of view 进入视野 come into view 对、一览无余 have a good view of. 乍一看;初见 at first view 鉴于,考虑到,由于 in view of 把、看作、view .as. 13. Sight. n 景象;看见;视力;视野 进入视野,出现在眼前,看见 come into sight 看不见,消失 lose sight of/out of sight 失明 lose ones sight 在视野内,看得见 in/ within sight 初见,乍一看 at first sight 一看见、at the sight of. 14. Comment v/n 评论 对某事加以评论 comment on sth; make a comment/comments on sth ,不加评论 without comment 她丈夫对她的新发型没做任何评论,这令她有点失望。 Her husband made no comment on/about her new hair-style, which made her a little disappointed. 2.重点短语 1. Take control of 控制;接管 他虽然已到退休年龄,但仍大权在握。 Hes reached retiring age,but he is still firmly in control. 谁能管住这些淘气的孩子? Who can take control of these naughty children? 这些孩子自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。The children are completely out of control since their father left. 2. Make up 虚构;弥补;形成,组成;化妆;讲和;和好 Five doctors and ten nurses make up the medical team. The medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses. 汤姆编故事来逗乐他弟弟。 Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother. Caroline doesnt have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work. Check in 在旅馆登记住宿;住宿;报到;签到;接收并登记。 Check out 结账离开,核实无误。 3重点句型 一全部倒装 Below are two texts about Peru. Look through them quickly. 以下是秘鲁的两篇短文。快速浏览它们。 Especially amazing is the incas dry stone method of building. 特别让人惊奇的是印加人的干石建筑法。 句式仿写 这些书中有我最喜爱的故事书。Among the books is my favourite book. 2强调句型: .It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru. 正是因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。 句式仿写 .是我明天要去青岛。 It is I who am going to Qingdao tomorrow. 3引导的从句 课本原句 Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new high way connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. 沿着连接库斯科到的的喀喀湖的新公路,你可以欣赏美丽的乡村。 仿写 .当我到达学校门口时, Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe, 句式扩展 虽然你聪明,Clever as you are,I think you will fail if you dont work hard, 据今天的报纸报道,那位著名的音乐家下周要来我们的城市举办 音乐会。 As is reported in todays newspaper, the famous musician is to give a concert in our city. 3. Can hardly/cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事 我听说这是一个令人惊叹的景象,我迫不及待的想去。 I have heard that it is an amazing sight, and I cant wait to go. 毕业生迫不及待地要离开学校去工作。 The graduates cant wait to leave school to work. Unit 5 Languages around the world 一重点单词一重点单词 1.attitude 态度;看法态度;看法 1对、对、 、的态度、的态度: attitude to/towards 2态度问题态度问题:an attitude problem 3一个消极、积极的态度一个消极、积极的态度:a positive/negative attitude 4如果有一个认真的学习态度,你很快就会赶上别人的。如果有一个认真的学习态度,你很快就会赶上别人的。 If you have a serious attitude to your studies, you will catch up with others soon. 2.refer vi 提到;参考;查阅提到;参考;查阅; vt 查询;叫、查询;叫、 、 、求助于、求助于-reference. n 提及;涉及;参考;查阅提及;涉及;参考;查阅; 1指的是;描述;提到;查询指的是;描述;提到;查询:refer to. 2把、把、 、 、成为、成为、 、: refer toas 3关于;根据、关于;根据、 、而论、而论:in/with reference to 4查字典查字典: refer to the dictionary 5当我说有人犯了严重的错误,我指的不是你。当我说有人犯了严重的错误,我指的不是你。When I said someone made a serious mistake, I wasnt referring to you. 3. base vt 以、以、 、 、为据点,以、为据点,以、 、为基础、为基础 n 底部;根据底部;根据 1以、以、 、为基础;以、为基础;以、 、 、为根据、为根据: base.on/upon 2将(总部)设在、将(总部)设在、 、 、base sth in 3在、在、 、 、底部;在、底部;在、 、 、基础上、基础上: at the base of. 4. vary v.变化变化-variety(植物,语言等的)变体;异体;多样化植物,语言等的)变体;异体;多样化- -various. adj 各种各样的各种各样的 1许多的;大量的许多的;大量的: a variety of=varieties of 2在两种情况之间变化、更迭交替等在两种情况之间变化、更迭交替等:vary betweenand 3从、从、 、到、到、 、不等;在、不等;在、 、 、到、到、 、之间变化不同于、之间变化不同于:、 、 、vary fromto 4随、随、 、 、而变化、而变化:vary with 5不同于:不同于:vary in 6这个动物园里有各种各样的动物,每周都吸引着许多游客。这个动物园里有各种各样的动物,每周都吸引着许多游客。 There are a variety of/varieties of/various animals in this zoo, attracting a lot of visitors every week. 5. major 主要的;重要的;大的主要的;重要的;大的 n 主修课程;主修学生主修课程;主修学生 主修;主修; 专门研究专门研究 majority .n 大多数;大部分大多数;大部分 1一个很大的变化:一个很大的变化:a major change 2一个大城市一个大城市:a major city 3主修:主修:major in 4大多数:大多数:the majority of 5占大多数:占大多数:be in the majoriety 6在大学,苏珊主修政治,但毕业后她当律师。在大学,苏珊主修政治,但毕业后她当律师。 At university, Susan majored in politics, but the world as a lawyer after graduation. 6. means. n 方式;方法;途径方式;方法;途径 1一种、一种、 、 、的方式、的方式: a means of 2当然可以当然可以: by all means 3依靠,利用、依靠,利用、 、 、方式、方式: by means of 4决不决不: by no means =not、 、 、 by any means 5你可以通过给那些有困难的人钱或者衣服来帮助他们。你可以通过给那些有困难的人钱或者衣服来帮助他们。 You can help those in trouble by means of giving them money or clothes. 7.regard n. 尊重;关注;尊重;关注;(pl)问候;致意问候;致意 vt 把、把、 、 、视为;看待、视为;看待 1把、把、 、 、看做;认为、看做;认为、 、 、是、是: regard.as 2用、用、 、 、对待、对待 regard .with 3代、代、 、 、向某人问候、向某人问候 give ones regards to 4关于;有关关于;有关: with/in regard to 5斯蒂芬、霍金因其伟大的成就而被认为是世界上最伟大的科学斯蒂芬、霍金因其伟大的成就而被认为是世界上最伟大的科学 家之一。家之一。Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the greatest scientists in the world for his great achievements. 8.apprecuate vt 欣赏;重视;感激;领会欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi 增值增值 1感激(某人)做某事感激(某人)做某事: appreciate doing sth 2如果、如果、 、 、我、我们将非常感激、我、我们将非常感激 we would appreciate it if 3感谢;感激感谢;感激: in appreciation of 4如果你给我一些关于如何改掉那些坏习惯的建议,我将非常感如果你给我一些关于如何改掉那些坏习惯的建议,我将非常感 激。激。 I would appreciate it if you give me some tips on how to get rid of those bad habits. 9.struggle n/v 斗争;奋斗;博斗斗争;奋斗;博斗 1努力争取努力争取: struggle for/to do sth 2同、同、 、 、博斗、博斗: struggle with 3为反对、为反对、 、 、而斗争;与、而斗争;与、 、 、抗争、抗争: struggle against 4挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来: struggle to ones feet 5在这么短的时间内独自完成这项任务对他来说是一场斗争。在这么短的时间内独自完成这项任务对他来说是一场斗争。 It was a struggle for him to finish the task by himself in such a short time. 10.equal n 同等的人;相等物同等的人;相等物 adj. 相等的;相同的;同样的;平相等的;相同的;同样的;平 等的等的 vt. 等于;比得上;敌得过等于;比得上;敌得过 1与、与、 、 、相等;平等;胜任、相等;平等;胜任: be equal to. 2同工同酬同工同酬: equal pay for equal work 3在、在、 、方面无人能敌、方面无人能敌: be without equal/have no equal in 4如果所有其它条件相同如果所有其它条件相同: all/other things being equal 5既然彼得能胜任这个职位,你为什么不让她负责这个部门呢?既然彼得能胜任这个职位,你为什么不让她负责这个部门呢? Now that Peter is equal to this position, why dont you ask him to ask him to take charge of this department. 11.demand n. 要求;需求要求;需求 vt 强烈要求;需要强烈要求;需要 vi 查问查问 1要求做某事要求做某事: demand to do sth 2要求某人某事要求某人某事: demand sth of/from sb 3非常需要的;受欢迎的非常需要的;受欢迎的: in ( great ) demand 4一经要求一经要求: on demand 5满足某人的要求满足某人的要求: meet/satisfy ones demands 7经理在会议上要求下星期一完成这项工作。经理在会议上要求下星期一完成这项工作。 The manager demanded at the meeting that the work should be completed next Monday. 12.describe vt 描写;描述描写;描述 description n. 描写;形容描写;形容 1描述、描述、 、 、give/provide/issue a description of 2难以形容的难以形容的: beyond description 3把、把、 、 、描述为、描述为:describeas 4你能给我简单的描述一下整个事件吗?你能给我简单的描述一下整个事件吗? Could you give me a simple de
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