北师大版(三起)五上Unit 2 Animals-Lesson 3 Have fun.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:80986).zip

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1 The Tiger and the Cat 教学设计 1、教学内容分析 本篇阅读选自领先阅读 X 计划 ,本书是北京师范大学外文学院王蔷、陈 则航教授主持研究的十二五规划 2011 年度教育部重点课题 中国中小学生英 语分级阅读体系标准研制的研究成果配套实验教材。本篇阅读围绕:tiger 和 cat 利用可以让他们变小的神奇手表展开了一场蜗牛与小车之间的特殊比赛。 最终坚持比赛的 cat 和他的蜗牛获得了胜利,在比赛过程中过于得意自信的 tiger 输掉了比赛。本篇阅读主旨是引导学生体会坚持做一件事情就是一种成 功。 2、学情分析 学生在之前已经学习过中文版的龟兔赛跑动作慢但是坚持不懈的乌龟 获得了比赛,而沾沾自喜的兔子却失败了,这个中心主旨与本篇阅读有异曲同 工之处,学生掌握起来不会太陌生。 3、教学目标 1. 能理解文章大意,能用正确语调朗读、叙述文本; 2. 通过看故事封面、看图预测故事、推测故事大意等活动发展简单的阅读技能, 尝试评价故事,并表达自己的观点; 3. 能把课堂上的课堂指导策略应用到自己阅读文本中去。 4、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:能够读懂并理解故事大意,能用自己的语言概述课文。 2. 教学难点:理解部分词汇,joke, shot off, like a rocket 等。 5、教具准备 视频、课件、单词卡片、评价图 6、教学步骤 课前展示:由两名展示同学引导同学们演唱歌曲 Step1Step1 BeforeBefore thethe storystory 1.Free talk 2 T:Your voice is so beautiful, do you know whats the song sing about? S:Animals. T:Yes, you are right! Today well learn a story with animals. 【设计意图】:课前引出“动物”的话题,为今天阅读主人公老虎和猫咪出场 埋下伏笔,同时有同学们引导全班唱跳做 1 分钟展示也是一个学生亮点展示的 机会。 2.Guess (1)Who(tiger and cat)/What(race) T:Lets look the cover then answer my questions , what can you see in the cover? Who can you see?(展示阅读的海报,并请同学们根据海报内 容猜一猜,主人公和故事发生了什么,教师在黑板上粘贴“what”和“who”的 标识) S:They are tiger and cat they are talking about the race! T:You are so clever, now I need two students to help me to put the words on the blackboard, who can help me?(请同学上台把人物和事情对应 的答案贴到黑板上) T:Yes, the tiger and the cat are having race. Do you know race? All of us have race right?(在 PPT 上展示学生运动会比赛的照片)This is running race, our school had a school sports day. Did you enter the running race? How did you feel the running race? S:I am excited/interested/hard-working. T:When you are running very hard but you cant be the winner, how do you feel? S:I feel very sad and tired. T:When you feel sad and tired, did you stop running? S:No, I didnt. T:Thats great, keep going on, never give up ! 【设计意图】:让学生在进入阅读前根据海报猜测故事。为进入文本做引导, 3 也提供阅读文本时需要注意的五要素中的“who” 、 “what” 。对于“race”的学 习展示学生学校运动会的照片以引导,同时学习永不放弃的体育精神。 (2)Buggy race 通过前面学生猜测到了“race”在此基础上进行“buggy race”的教学。 教师展示 buggy 的图片: T:As we all known, we have lots of race, such as running race, do you know any other races? S:Horse race./Bicycle race./Boat race. T:Well done! Today we will learn a reading about race, but its not running race or bicycle race. Its a buggy race. T:Do you know buggy? S:No. T:Where are the Words monsters? We dont know this word, can you help us? Whats the meaning of this word? S:It is a small car. 【设计意图】:在词汇教学 buggy 时,请求阅读圈中单词大师的帮助,来解答 单词的意思。也引导学生观察并尝试描述 buggy 的样子,加深学生对词义的理 解。 Step2Step2 LearnLearn thethe storystory (1)Guess the title T:(刚才已经知道了故事是关于老虎和猫咪进行比赛的,再次深入学习。 ) What did cat ride? S:A snail. T:How can a snail move, fast or slow? S: Slow. T: What did tiger drive? S: A buggy. T: Yes, this is a race between a snail and a buggy. It should be interesting. Are you ready for learning? 4 S: Yes! T: Now lets guess the result, who will win the race? Why? S: I think the cat will be win. Because the snail is large and strong, maybe its a fast snail.(Maybe the car will be broken, or without the oil. Or the tiger will sleep just like the rabbit in the story ) S:I think the tiger is the winner. Because he use a car and the snail is slow.(If the car is broken he can run fast!) 【设计意图】:事先对故事进行一个猜测,你认为谁会赢呢?原因是什么呢? (认为谁会胜利就把他的头像贴在自己身上) (3)about the story T:Now lets begin our reading. It was a sunny day. Tiger and cat were free. They get a magic watch, it can make them become big or small .Do you want to be small? Think about you all have a magic watch push the buttons, you will be small!(我们都有这个可以变小的魔 法,我们一起来表演变小吧) T:Now we like the tiger, we are small, we can get a ? S:A buggy. T:Yes,we get a buggy, the buggy is very small, we call it micro-buggy. What did the cat have? S:A snail. T:Yes,when the tiger sees the cat is on the snail to join the race, what will he talk to the cat?(引导学生猜测老虎看见猫骑着蜗牛时会说的 话) S:Ha ha ha its a joke! Its too funny. T:(展示阅读文字)A snail to ride on? What a joke! (请同学通过表演的模式,模仿老虎的语气说这句话,强化理解 What a joke. 表达的意思。 )Now the race starts, tiger is sure he would finish the race. 5 T:At the beginning of the race, who is fast? Who is behind? Read the page then answer my question. S:The tiger is first, the cat is last. T:How was cats snail? How was tigers buggy? Can you read the sentence of the book? T:Tiger shots off like a rocket. Cat on her snail was very slow, what do you want to say to cat? S:Fighting cat! Fighting snail! T:The cat on her snail is very slow, but does she stop in the race? Does she go on steady? Read the next page. S:No,the cat doesnt stop. Shes go on steady in the race. T:Yes,but who stopped? S:The tiger stopped. T:What happened? Why does tiger stop? Can you read the words? S:Tiger stopped and saw a dragonfly. At the same time, cat went on all steady. T:He thought he was the winner. He sat there with a happy grin. Tiger was sure he would win. S:Yes,he went off in his buggy, sure as ever he would win. T:At the end of the race, who won the race? Can you read? S:Cat said: I win! Tiger said: Oh no! (请同学们分角色扮演,朗读老虎和猫的话) T:What is the secret?(让同学快速找出比赛结果,然后通过阅读找出 cat 胜利的秘密) Slow and steady is (the secret). Slow and steady (never fails). Slow and steady (beat the buggy) Step3Step3 PracticePractice thethe storystory 1. Read the story 6 2. Summary the story. (根据板书中的示意图,回顾故事) Step4Step4 TalkTalk aboutabout thethe storystory (教师呈现问题) T:Do you like the story? Which one do you like? The tiger or the cat? If you are the tiger, can you win the race? How would you do in the race? (情感升华,了解主题,你喜欢老虎还是猫咪?为什么?如果你是老虎你会赢 得比赛吗?你会怎么去做?) 【设计意图】:通过角色分析的方式让学生结合故事情境表达自己的观点,强 化理解。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework Read the story. Role play with your parents. Choose one same passage to read, use “what who where when how” 【设计意图】通过课后与家人一起角色扮演进行课文再次复习,教一教自己的 父母今天的学习内容,对于学习内容的再一次运用。 7、板书设计 The Tiger and the Cat Where: ? When: Sunny day Tiger buggy How Fast Stop the race Small Steady never fails what At first: fast At last: fail At first: slow At last: win
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