北师大版(三起)五上Unit 5 Places-Lesson 1 Our town.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:21387).zip

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  • 北师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Places_Lesson 1 Our town._ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:21387)
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    • 教案21387.doc--点击预览


Warm-up (单击图片可播放动画) Lets chant Lead-in Free talk Presentation Look and match a post office a train station a zoo a supermarket Presentation Talk about the pictures Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is. Its next to the school. Presentation Lets say Presentation Our town Whats that, Ann? Its a map of our town. Presentation Our town Where are we now? We are here, near the train station. Presentation Our town Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is. Presentation Our town Its next to the post office. Presentation Our town How do I get there? Go down the street and then turn left. Presentation Our town Mocky, lets go to the zoo! You can play with your friends there. Great! Lets go! Presentation Our town Turn left here. Presentation Our town Turn right here. Its between the lake and the park. Oh, theres a toilet. I want to go to the toilet. Presentation Our town Here we are. Lets go in. Presentation Our town Oh, no! My friends are in cages. I cant play with them! Mocky doesnt like the zoo. Those monkeys are in cages. Presentation Our town (单击图片可播放动画) Practice Our town Practice Our town Practice Our town Practice Role play Summary (3)能在情景中指认,说出地点名称, 如:train station, supermarket, post office, zoo, lake, park, toilet等。 (2)能跟随录音朗读故事人物对话。 (1)能借助插图理解故事内容,朗读 人物对话。 1/2 Unit5 第第 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 教学目标教学目标 1. 能借助插图理解故事主要内容。 2. 能跟随录音朗读故事人物对话。 3. 能在情景中指认、说出地点名称,如 train station, supermarket, post office, zoo, lake, park, toilet 等。 4. 通过看地图寻找目的地的故事情节,培养看地图、用地图的能力与意识。 教学重点教学重点 借助插图理解并正确朗读故事。 教学难点教学难点 在情景中理解指、问路语言。 教学准备教学准备 课件、音频(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 教学建议教学建议 Get Ready 1. 欣赏图片欣赏图片 教师播放一些地点或建筑物的图片,让学生说出名称。 2. 想一想,说一说想一想,说一说 (1) 教师出示火车站图片及四个单词 a zoo,a Post office,a supermarket,a train station, 引导学生找出与火车站相匹配的单词。 T: Where is it? Can you find the word? (2) 教师运用以上方式依次出示邮局、动物园和超市的图片,并引导学生 找出相应的单词。 (3) 教师将地点单词放入地图中,并尝试运用 Isthere near here?进行询问。 T: Look at this map. Is there a supermarket near here? (4) 播放 Talk about the Pictures 课件,学生跟读。 Enjoy the Story 2/2 1. 导入故事导入故事 呈现故事第一幅插图,让学生看插图,说一说 Ken,Ann 和 Mocky 在干什 么,并将故事中的地图贴在黑板上。 T: What are they doing? Why they are looking at the map? Can you guess? 2. 学习故事学习故事 (1) 播放故事动画,让学生说一说故事中提到了哪些地点。 (2) 出示第二幅图,问学生 Mocky 等人在什么地方,将 train station 贴在地 图上。 T: Where are they? (3) 播放图 3图 5 动画,让学生边看边想:Ken,Arm 和 Mocky 遇见了谁? 他想去什么地方?怎样去呢?在学生回答的过程中,将相应的地点名词 supermarket,post office 贴在地图上,并结合地图说说路线,学习 go down, next to 以及问路句型 How do I get there? (4) 在问题的引导下,让学生关注 Mocky 等人要去哪里及怎样去。 T: Where are Ken, Ann and Mocky going? How can they go there? (5) 播放图 6图 9 动画。让学生边听边试着画出路线图,在学习的过程中 理解 between 和 toilet 的意思。 (6) 播放图 10 动画,引导学生通过观察 Mocky 的表情,让学生推测 Mocky 的感受。根据这一情节,引导学生说一说自己的看法,渗透关爱动物的意识。 3. 模仿表演模仿表演 1播放录音,让学生指人物对话文本,跟读对话。 2让学生独立阅读故事。 3呈现故事主要情节的插图,删去部分对话文本,让学生根据图片和语言 提示,补全对话。 4把学生分成小组,朗读对话。 5结合故事情节内容,借助地图,让学生说一说 Mocky 等人的路线。
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