广东版四年级上册Unit 1 School Subjects-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:151f7).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2013年6月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 1 School Subjects_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:151f7)
    • unit3 welcome to my house.docx--点击预览
    • unit3 welcome to my house.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案151f7.docx--点击预览


This is my_. This is my _. The_is _ and_. The_ is_ and_. (clean large small big beautiful tidy) (clean large small big beautiful tidy) There _ in it. There _ in it. I love my_. I love my_. Unit 3 welcome to my house 第一课时 Free talk Talk about the adj. we learned in your group.在小组中讨论 我们学过的形容词。 Sing a song song: A picture of me house ouse h s m bedroom This is my bedroom. . The bedroom is small. The bedroom is big. This is my bedroom. This is my bedroom. kitchen This is my kitchen. The kitchen is clean and large. living room This is my living room. The living room is yellow. The living room is red. This is my living room. There are two pictures in it. This is my living room. There is a sofa in it. The bathroom is large. The bathroom is big. roombath This is my bathroom. There is/arein it. I love my . This is my bathroom. There is/arein it. I love my bathroom. . toilet The toilet is tidy. This is my toilet. There is/are. I love my toilet. big large small beautiful clean tidy garden beautiful The garden is beautiful. This is my garden. There is a chair and some flowers in it. I love my garden. Lets say This is my living room. There is a picture in it. The livingroom is beautiful and clean. I love my living room. This is my bath room. I love my bath room. The bathroom is large and clean. There is a chair in it. This is a _. The_is _ and _. There _ in it. I love the _. Living room Bathroom Bedroom Toilet Study Garden Kitchen big large small beautiful clean tidy This is my _. The_ is _ and _. There _ in it. I love the _. Living room Bathroom Bedroom Toilet Study Garden Kitchen big large small beautiful clean tidy petty lovely This is a _. The _ is _ and _. There _ in it. I love the _. big large small beautiful clean tidy This is my _. The _ is_ and_. (clean large small big beautiful tidy) There _ in it. I love my_. Homework: 1.Get a picture of a room and talk about it. 2.Write about the picture. s Unit3 Welcome to my house 一、教学内容:对特定场所的描述 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:、能够听说认读单词: welcome,house,come,come in,living room,love,study,large,kitchen,beautiful,garden,toilet; 、能熟练运用句子:Welcome to my house. Please come in. There are/is . The is . 2、技能目标:能用 Welcom to my house. Please come in. There are/is . The. is. . 描述自己房子的居室;能用 The living room is nice. I love my living room.在交际 中表达自己的感受。 3、情感与态度目标:培养学生要关心和爱护自己的房子。 三、教学重点、难点: 1单词的认读。 2句型的理解和运用。 四、教学准备: 课件, 外置黑板 教学步骤 设计意图 教 学 设 Step1. Greeting Step2. Warm up: free talk step3. Free talk: show some pictures and talk about them with: There is/are in the picture. Step4. Show the picture of house to lead in the topic: welcome to my house step4. Talk about the house and learn the new words. Try to ask kids to describe the house with” there be”. Step5. Practice: a Talk about the pictures one by one, and then read the sentences together. b. group work: talk about the pictures 通过闪卡游戏复习已学的形 容词,为下一步学习做准备。 通过练习,再次复习 there be 句型,为讲句子做准备。 通过学习 house 引入本节课 的主题,进入情景。 在情境中学习新单词,操练 句子,老师做好板书,为语 段的口译练习做好铺垫。 通过个人一句一句累积,再 进行齐读。不但可以吸引同 学的注意力还可以再次将语 段整体渗透,加深印象。 计 Step6. Development: a. according to the pictures to fill in the blanks. b. writing and show Step 7. Homework: talk about your house and write it down. 听说先行,读写跟后。 在作业中体现课堂知识的延 伸,辅助查漏补缺,各个击 破。
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