(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 The world of science Language Points 2ppt课件.ppt

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1、 1. A metal key was attached to the string. 绳子上系着一把金属钥匙。绳子上系着一把金属钥匙。 attach v. to fasten or join one thing to another 系系, 贴贴,绑绑 I attached a photo to my application form. 我在申请表上我在申请表上贴上了贴上了一张照片。一张照片。 We attached labels(标签标签) to things after we received them. 收到东西后收到东西后,我们,我们就就先先贴上贴上了了标签。标签。 attached

2、 adj. Please complete the attached application form. 请填写请填写所附所附申请表。申请表。 1) working for or forming part of an organization 附属于;为附属于;为工作工作 At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church. 这些学校曾一度这些学校曾一度附属于附属于教会。教会。 The research center is attached to the University. 2) joining to sth 所附的所附的

3、这家研究中心这家研究中心附属于附属于这所大学。这所大学。 1.1.别忘了在申请表上贴一张近照。别忘了在申请表上贴一张近照。 Dont forget to attach a recent photograph to your application form. Translation 2.2.这医院附属于那所大学。这医院附属于那所大学。 The hospital is attached to that university. 2. More than one generation of schoolchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his s

4、cientific approach to looking for the truth. 不止一代的学生对他的勇敢和探索真理的科学不止一代的学生对他的勇敢和探索真理的科学 方法感到惊讶。方法感到惊讶。 approach n. a way of dealing with sb/sth; a way of doing or thinking about sth such as a problem or a task 方式,方法,态度方式,方法,态度 The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. 学校决定采取另

5、外一种学校决定采取另外一种方式方式解决纪律问题。解决纪律问题。 She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. 她用错误的她用错误的手段手段和他们打交道。和他们打交道。 3. However, neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true. neither. nor. 既不既不也不也不 Neither the students nor the teacher (know) anything about it. 学生和老师学生和老师都不都不知

6、道这件事。知道这件事。 Neither he nor they (be) wholly right. 他和他们他和他们都不都不完全正确。完全正确。 然而,这个故事和实验的细节都不是完全真然而,这个故事和实验的细节都不是完全真 实的。实的。 knows are 当连接两个主语时,当连接两个主语时, 谓语动词单复数应谓语动词单复数应 遵循遵循“就近原则就近原则”。 4. Although it has been proved that Franklins experiment took place, more than one scientist has questioned what reall

7、y happened. 虽然已经证明富兰克林的实验确实发生过,但虽然已经证明富兰克林的实验确实发生过,但 不止一位科学家质疑到底发生了什么。不止一位科学家质疑到底发生了什么。 take place 发生发生;举行举行 Great changes have taken place in China. 中国中国发生了发生了翻天覆地的变化。翻天覆地的变化。 The parade(游行游行) will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 庆祝游行定于星期日庆祝游行定于星期日举行举行,风雨无阻。,风雨无阻。 5. Some have even questioned

8、the story about the apple that fell on Newtons head and lead him to come up with his theory of gravity. 有些人甚至质疑牛顿的故事有些人甚至质疑牛顿的故事苹果落在他的苹果落在他的 头上使他提出了万有引力理论。头上使他提出了万有引力理论。 come up with to suggest or think of an idea or plan 提出;想出提出;想出 Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.

9、有几位成员有几位成员提出了提出了自己的建议。自己的建议。 Its wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea. 你能你能想出想出这么一个主意真是太棒了。这么一个主意真是太棒了。 Hes trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 1. 1. 不管我们是否喜欢,罢工总是要发生的。不管我们是否喜欢,罢工总是要发生的。 A strike is going to take place whether we like it or not. 2.2. 他试图对这个问题提出一个解决办法。他试图对

10、这个问题提出一个解决办法。 Translation 6. In fact, more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple. 事实上,不止一种说法表明,牛顿的灵感确实事实上,不止一种说法表明,牛顿的灵感确实 来自于一个掉落的苹果。来自于一个掉落的苹果。 account n. She gave the police a full account of the incident. 她向警方详尽地她向警方详尽地叙述了叙述了所发生的事情所发生的事情。 While thi

11、s book tells the stories of famous people in history, it also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals. 这本书在讲述历史名人故事的同时,还这本书在讲述历史名人故事的同时,还讲述讲述不不 太出名的人的生活。太出名的人的生活。 a written or spoken description 叙述,报道,描述叙述,报道,描述 Review neither. nor. take place come up with 既不既不也不也不 发生发生;举行举行 提出;想出提

12、出;想出 Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation 各个击破各个击破 Do you know the meanings of the following words and expressions? Can you use them correctly? attach attached approach account neither. nor. take place come up with I. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words and phrases given. attach approach

13、account come up with 1. This is not the perfect solution, but it is the only one I could _. 2. This is a clever _to a common problem. 3. The preface(前言前言) of the book includes _ of the authors life. 4. Please fill out these tags and _ them to your suitcases. approach come up with an account attach I

14、I. Translate the sentences with the help of the key words. 1.1.安娜和我都对篮球不感兴趣。安娜和我都对篮球不感兴趣。 ( (neither. nor.) Neither Anna nor I am interested in basketball. 2.2.会议将按预定的计划举行。会议将按预定的计划举行。 (take place) The meeting will take place as planned. 3.3.我的助手提出了一个非常好的计划我的助手提出了一个非常好的计划。 ( (come up with) ) My assistants have come up with a very good plan. Try to memorize these useful expressions.


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