冀教版(三起)五上Unit 3 A Travel Plan-Lesson 18 Billy Bee-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:902fa).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Travel Plan_Lesson 18 Billy Bee_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级优课_(编号:902fa)
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Watch a video One day, the queen bee is very sick. She needs special honey to save her. But its in Honey Flower City. Its far from here. Who can help her? Read and answer Lets help the queen. He invites Benny bee to go with him. ? ? ? Billy bee Benny bee Look and guess Why do we help the queen bee? What does the queen bee need? Where is the honey? Is it far from here? Ask and answer Lets help the queen. He invites Benny bee to go with him. Okay! Its 20 kilometers to the Honey Flower City. Come back before 2:00. Listen and find Watch a video Look and compare Watch the video and answer Think and answer Which bee do you like best? Why? Homework What do they do tomorrow? Please write some sentences and draw a picture for it. Draw and write Billy bee helps the monkey to bring the bananas back. Billy bee helps the bird back home. How about your story? 教学 环节 教师活动学生活动设计意图 “Billy Bee” 教学设计 课题 名称 Lesson18 Billy Bee 学习者 分析 本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生。五年级学生喜欢积极参与课堂活动,一些 学生能较熟练的运用英语,但还是有部分学生掌握不是很好。通过教师的引导。 学生能逐步读懂并理解故事。 教学 分析 学习内 容分析 本课是一篇故事课,这一单元的主要知识点都融在了故事当中,学生在有趣阅读 的过程中,既要巩固单元知识,又要提高阅读能力。 知识与 技能目 标 1. 学生能够通过图片及故事, 复习巩固本单元重点单词及词组:invite,fast, slow 等, 巩固句子:“ Its far from here. How far is it? Its about 20 kilometers. May we take a bus? May we go there by train?”等;了解单词及词组含义如:queen, sick, kind, get, feel tired, fly hard. 2. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下听懂故事并作出适当反应。 3. 学生能够在老师的帮助和图片的提示下,读懂故事,并养成按意群阅读的习 惯。 4. 学生能在图片和老师的帮助下,朗读并表演故事。 情感态 度目标 通过学习故事,使学生感悟到帮助他人,友爱待人的重要性。 教学 目标 学习策 略目标 1. 能够借助图片感知故事,阅读故事。 2. 通过小组合作,竞赛和表演等形式,让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣,通过学 习让学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。 3. 通过小组活动,让学生学会自主学习,合作学习。 教学 准备 多媒体,故事中人物形象小贴图,黑板,关键词或者关键短语卡片,彩色吸铁石,激光笔, 导学案。 评价 方式 1 以分组竞赛并计分的形式对学生进行学习过程的评价。 2.教师对学生注重鼓励性,有针对性,多层次的评价及引导。 。 Step 1: .Class opening. ( 2 分钟) Greetings Let the class guess what little animal it is by giving a riddle. Greetings Listen and guess. . 猜谜游戏是深受学生喜 爱的的课堂活动之一, 用游戏开课,吸引学生 的关注,尽快融入新的 课堂。 Step 2: Story: Billy Bee. . 1. Pre- reading activities 5 分钟 1.Show a video of the bees(What do you know about the bees?) 2.Show the picture of “ queen bee” (She is the queen bee, too. Is she beautiful? Is she happy? Why?) Stick the picture on the blackboard. 1. Watch the video and answer the question。 2. Look at the picture and pay attention to the unhappy queen bee. 1. 通过视频使学生了 解蜜蜂的科普知识,引 入本课的主人公蜜蜂, 为故事的阅读与理解扫 除障碍,降低难度。同 时,吸引学生用期待心 进行下一步的阅读。 2. 从上一个环节自然 过渡到故事中的蜂后, 通过观察蜂后的表情, 引入本故事的起因,设 疑,使学生带着问题读 故事,增加了学生学习 本课的兴趣。 2. While- reading activities 20 分钟 1. Picture 1 let them listen to the story of picture1 and ask some questions .( The queen bee isnt happy. Why? What does she need? Where is it? Is it near here? ) Stick the picture of Honey Flower City and special honey on the blackboard. Listen to the story and answer questions. 通过层层深入的问题, 加深学生的理解和印象, 使学生感受到了寻蜜的 紧迫性。为读后活动做 好准备。 2. Picture 2 and 3 Show pictures of the discussion between Billy bee and Benny bee. (Billy invites Benny to go with him. Does Benny want to go? What can he ask? ) Stick the picture of Billy and Benny on the blackboard. Let students role play the dialogue between Billy and Benny. Listen to the voice of the queen bee and ask questions. (How far is it to the Honey Think, guess and talk: what can Benny ask? Role play in class Listen and answer the questions How far is it to the Honey Flower City? When do they need to come back? 通过让孩子们猜测 Benny 会提问什么问题 可以让孩子们的语言能 力得以发展。 使学生进入角色,给学 生主动权,增添了角色 扮演的趣味性和探索性, 为故事的发展奠定了基 础。 通过蜂后可怜的声音和 给出的两个问题,使孩 子们意识到任务的难度, 为后文两只小蜜蜂快速 飞,飞的累等情节做好 了铺垫。 Flower City? When do they need to come back?) Stick the words of the queen bee on the blackboard. 3.Picture 4and 5 Let the students watch the video. Show the pictures of Bennys expression and let the students pay attention to Bennys expression. (Who is he? Look at his face. How does he feel? How does he feel now?) Let the students have a short play. Give the script to the students and inform the students of the expressions and the actions. The script: Students: fly fly get the honey/ fly fly save the queen Teacher Chen: They fly for fifteen minutes. They fly very fast. They see a bus. Benny bee: Its too far! May we take a bus? Billy bee: No, the bus is slow. Students: fly fly get the honey/ fly fly save the queen Teacher Chen: They fly very high. They fly over the mountains. They fly Watch the video Compare the expressions of Benny. Have a short play 通过看视频了解两只小 蜜蜂的旅途,能够通过 蜜蜂的声音,表情,动 作感受飞行的整个过程, 为后面观察小蜜蜂的表 情和表演做好铺垫。 通过对比 Benny 表情的 变化,感受两只小蜜蜂 旅途的劳顿,推动情节 发展。 通过小剧本,在生生互 动,师生互动的情节下 表演两只小蜜蜂的对话, 表情,动作,使学生在 快乐中运用语言,体会 故事,学习英语,达到 了英语表达的目的。 over the sea. Benny bee feels cold and tired. Benny bee: May we go there by train? Billy bee: No, there is no train. Students: fly fly get the honey/ fly fly save the queen Teacher Chen: Billy bee flies in front of Benny bee. They fly very hard. Benny bee:_ _ _. Billy bee:_ _ _ . Stick the cards: fly fast, fly high, fly hard on the blackboard. 4. Picture 6and 7 Show the video of Picture 6, 7, and ask some questions. (Do they arrive at Honey Flower City? When do they arrive home?) Stick the cards: get the special honey, arrive home at 1:55, save the queen. 5. Let the students read the passage loudly. Watch the video and answer the questions. Read the story loudly. 通过观看视频,了解故 事的结果,与前面的设 疑相呼应 把上一环节中学生讨论 的信息加以整理,做到 整体把握故事大意。为 下面表演作准备。 : 4. Post reading Activity 11 分钟 1. Let the students to retell the story. 2. Ask students to answer the question. (Which bee do you like best? Why? ) 3. Count the points of each team. Retell the story in class. Think and answer the question. 利用黑板上的关键词复 述课文,使学生能够增 强利用关键信息概括文 章的能力, 深刻理解 文章脉络和故事情节。 这一环节是对整课内容 的升华,是情感价值观 目标的体现。 Step 3: Class closing Homewo rk Draw and write. ( Billy Bee and Benny Bee are busy helping others. What do they do tomorrow? Please write some sentences and draw a picture for it. ) 巩固本节课所学内容。 板书设计板书设计: Its 20 kilometers to the Honey Flower City. Come back before 2:00. fly fast high hard arrive get special honeyarrive home at 1:55save the queen
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