冀教版(三起)五上Unit 3 A Travel Plan-Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great!-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:609bc).doc

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1、Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great 导学设计 教材分析教材分析: 本课是选自冀教版小学英语五年级上册第三单元的第一课 时。本课主要带领我们重新复习了北京的一些著名景点。通过学生李 明去北京旅游,介绍了北京的一些著名的景点及特点。 学情分析学情分析:在本册第二单元中,学生已经学过关于中国的一些著名景 点的表达方式,比如说:Tiananmen Squarethe Palace Museumthe Great Wall.对于景点描述的词语例如oldbeautifullongbigfamous 等 等也都有所接触,所以本课相对于学生来说不太陌生。对于小组活动 中的输出问题, 要想让学

2、生语言输出, 教师要做好相应的铺垫和练习。 在情景中逐层的、有梯度的呈现知识,进行有效的操练,使学生活学 活用。 导学目标:导学目标: 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标: 1. 学生能听懂会说单词:travel 、interesting 2. 能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型 There are many interesting places in Beijing. This is _. It is _ 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 学生在介绍北京的名胜的同时,感受祖国的伟大,教育学生要保 护环境,保护文化遗址,要文明旅行。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.学生能听懂会说单词:travel 、intere

3、sting 2.能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型 There are many interesting places in Beijing. This is _. It is _ 教学难点:能够谈论和旅行有关的信息,并介绍旅游景点。 学习策略学习策略: 采用以学生为主体, 情景教学, 分组合作等相结合的方法。 针对教材内容的特点,考虑学生能力水平的高低和兴趣爱好的异同, 鼓励他们小组互助合作,给不通层次的学生都有锻炼的机会,能进行 有效的学习。 导学过程:导学过程: Step 1:Class Opening 1. Greeting T: Hello ,boys and girls. My nam

4、e is Sunny . Whats your name? (设计意图:因为是陌生的孩子上课,所以课前和孩子互相问候, 询问彼此的名字,拉近老师和学生的距离,同时让学生慢慢熟悉 老师说话的节奏。 2. Leadin T: Look at this picture . Guess ,Who is she ? Where is she ? Ss:_ Step 2: New concepts and practice T:I love to travel toNanchang. I love to travel to Snaya. So ,whats the meaning of travel?(板

5、书并朗读 travel .) Ss:_ T:Who can say a sentences with travel? S_ (设计意图:通过用老师自己的旅游照片引入,学习新单词 travel , 让学生从生活实际出发,并运用新单词描述自己想去旅游的地方,让 学到的知识更贴近学生的生活。 ) Step 3: Do you want to travel to Beijing ? Before we go to Beijing , lets watch a vedio to know about Beijing.Ok? When we watch the vedio, please remember

6、 what places you can see in the vedio. (播放视频资料) T:OK .what places do you see? Ss: T: There are many interesting placces in Beijing .Do you know “interesting ”?(出示图片) Look,This is an interesting book. This is an interesting cartoon. What is the meaning of interesting? Ss: T: Can you introduce any int

7、eresting books or cartoons to your classmates? Ss: T:There are many interesting places in Beijing . So Beijing is great. (出示课题) Today ,we will talk about Beijing . (设计意图:通过视频的播放,让学生先整体感知北京的雄伟。并自 然引出 interesting 一词。) Step4: do you know Li Ming wants to travel to Beijing .lets have a look what places

8、does Li Mingwant to go. 活动一:听录音跟读,并准备小组展示。 (任选一种展示) 展示 a 小组合作读课文 展示 b 根据课文内容补充句子。 (1) Li Ming loves to travel to_. (2)There are many interesting places in Beijing, They are_、_and_ (3)Li Ming wants _ and _to come,too. (设计意图:此部分有关名胜的内容,学生在本册第二单元已经学过, 所以通过听录音,自主阅读课文的方式让学生获得所需知识,锻炼学 生自主学习的能力。) Step 5: L

9、ook at the picture .What is this ?(PPT 播放 Tianan men Squarethe PalaceMuseumthe Great Wall .) 并运用句型:this is _. It is_ 来介绍这三个景点。 教师示范怎样介绍景点 Hello . There are many interesting places in Beijing. This is _.it is_. Welcome to Beijing . 学生通过老师的示范,分组合作,尝试介绍北京的几个景点。 (设计意图:通过多种形式让学生体会到故宫、天安门和长城的有名 有趣。视频的播放更给

10、学生视觉上的冲击,体会我国古建筑的宏伟。 ) Step6 延伸拓展 All we know ,now here is Xiong an New Area ,Now it is very famous .There are many interesting places near thexiong xian . for example ,Baiyangdianis in Xiongxian . There are many beautiful flowers there.we also have Songliaoguzhandao ,langyashang ,so can you introdu

11、ce Xiongxian for the visitor ? Step 7 we know the Great Wall ,the Palace Museum and Songliao guzhanzhao are oldbuildings. The y are very precious. So we need to protect them.(播放视频:保护文物) (设计意图:这一部分的设计,就是为了让学生把知识从课本上应用 道我们的实际生活中来,真正让学生用语言做事。 ) Step 8: Homework Do you want to travel?Please write a passage about your travel 板书设计: Beijing Is Great! I love to travel . There are many interesting places in Beijing . This is _. It is _.


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