外研版(三起)四上Module 4-Unit 1 Do you want some rice -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:5007d).zip

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Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? Lets chant! food Chinese Chant: Fast food , fast food , Chinese fast food! noodles rice baozi fast food Listen , point and find “Do you want.?”and underline(画线) it. DamingDaming : Do you want some : Do you want some _ ? _ ? rice LinglingLingling : : No,thank you.No,thank you. want 想要 some 一些 Picture2 DamingDaming : Do you want some : Do you want some _ ? _ ? noodles LinglingLingling : : Yes,please.Yes,please. Picture3 Read picture3 and picture5 , and answer the questions. 1. What is he doing? 2. What does Amy want? noodlesingHesmaking noodles. 1. What is he doing? make 制作 Amy wants some rice / noodles. 2. What does Amy want? VS + noodles with tomato and egg tomato egg + noodles with meat and potato meat potato VS noodles with tomato and egg Picture6 Lets listen and repeat! Pay attention to your pronouncition (语音) and intonation(语调). Role play noodlesfish Do you want some? applesbananas Yes,please . No,thank you . jiaozi rice Pair Work Food/Nam e LiuyufeiXuanyuhanCuijiner rice noodles fish milk Make a survey Group Work Do you want some? Yes,please . No,thank you . He/She wants some. Im hungry. We should keep a healthy diet! (我们应该保持健康的饮食!) (不挑食!) healthy food more sportshappy life+ = What have we learnt today? (今天我们学到了什么?) l. Read the text fluently. 2. Use the sentences“Do you want some .? -Yes ,please./ No,thank you.”to talk with your friends. 外研社三起点英语四年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? (一)教学目标 1.语言知识目标:掌握句型 Do you want some? Yes,please.No,thank you .What is he doing? He is making noodles. 掌握词汇:some, want, food, egg, tomato, potato, make. 2.语言技能目标:能用 Do you want to some? 询问别人,并用 Yes,please.No,thank you. 对别人的询问做出回答,以及了解中西的的文化差异。 3.情感态度与价值观目标:通过各种形式多样的活动,以及在 prty 的真实环境下,教授新 知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。了解中西的文化差异。 4.学习策略目标 1)通过英语小游戏,活跃学生思维,积极参与课堂学习活动。 2)通过看动画,听录音,感知文本内容,学会捕捉文中重要信息的技巧。 3)通过角色表演小活动,增强对所学英语的体验,培养正确运用所学英语解决实际问题的 能力。 4)通过小组合作,积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 (二)教学重点、难点 1 灵活运用 Do you want to some?以及做出回答:肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thank you. 2掌握词汇 some, want, food, egg, tomato, potato, make. (3)、教学策略(Teaching strategies) 1. 任务型教学法:让学生带着问题看动画。 2. 以旧带新教学法:运用学生已有知识经验,在自由交流中自然导入。 3. 情境创设法:创设合理的情境,进行语言操练。 (4)、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、食物图片等。 (五)教学过程 Step1:warming-up 1、 Greeting. 2、 Free talk 3、 Sing a song Im listening to music (sing and do the actions) 4、 Say a chant Noodles and rice are very very nice. (设计意图:通过 free talk 和 sing a song 来进行热身,将学生带入一个英语环境当中,同 时边唱边跳能够使学生变得活跃,学生由于年龄特征好变现,乐表演,所以相当积极投入) Step 2:New lesson 通过 chant Noodles and rice 引出本模块的主题,同时学习 fast food, 并用 chant 复习 food, fast food, Chinese fast food. 教师:noodles and rice ,both of them are food, please read after me,food,please look,hamburgers,and sandwiches,all of them are fast food. Amy and Daming are playing in the park,they are talking about fast food,now they are hungry,do they want some food?what do they want?Now lets learn about it.(引出课文,听录音) 1、 listen, point and “Do you want.?” and underline it.(第一遍听录音,让学生用手 指着, 来整体感知课文) 2、 跟学生一起找“Do you want.?”的句子及答语。 Picture2 Do you want some rice? No, thank you. Picture3 Do you want some noodles? Yes, please.(ppt 展示,并呈现句型 Do you want.? Yes, please./No,thank you.) 老师板书 Do you want some rice? 同时画上笑脸及哭脸,询问学生,if you want ,how to answer?Good Yes ,please.If you dont want,how to answer?Clever, No ,thank you. 3、 Read picture 3 and picture 5, and answer questions. Q1: What is he doing? Q2: What does Amy want? She wants rice or noodles. 讲授单词 make 以及句子 Hes making noodles. 讲授单词 egg, tomato, potato, noodles with egg and tomato, noodles with meat and potato. 然后到 Picture6 Its very nice. 4、 listen ,point and repeat.(听读指) 5、Role play. 小组内分角色读 Step 3:Exercises 1. Pair work. 教师出示关于食物的图片(noodles,rice,fish,milk,coffee,meat) 通过教师出示的图片让学生操练句型 Do you want some? Yes,please. No,thank you. 2. Group work. Make a survey.(出示表格) Step4:Summary What did you learn today? Any questions? Healthy food+more sports=happy life (让学生自己总结一下今天本堂课所学的知识,同时教师再次点拨,情感升华:不要挑食!) Step5.Homework 1. Read the text by themselves. 2. Use the sentences Do you want.? Yes, please./No,thank you. to talk with your friends. Blackboard Design Module5 unti1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some.? Yes, please.(笑脸) No, thank you. (哭脸) fast food want some make-making egg tomato potato 课标分析 目标总体描述:一级(三、四年级)对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的 简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线) 。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的 英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单 的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化 习俗感兴趣。 四年级上册在向 级目标努力。我本节课的知识目标和重难点便是根据课程目标要求设定的。 (1) 教学目标 1.语言知识目标:掌握句型 Do you want some? Yes,please.No,thank you .What is he doing? He is making noodles. 掌握词汇:some, want, food, egg, tomato, potato, make. 2.语言技能目标:能用 Do you want to some? 询问别人,并用 Yes,please.No,thank you. 对别人的询问做出回答,以及了解中西的的文化差异。 3.情感态度与价值观目标:通过各种形式多样的活动,以及在 prty 的真实环境下,教授新 知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。了解中西的文化差异。 4.学习策略目标 1)通过英语小游戏,活跃学生思维,积极参与课堂学习活动。 2)通过看动画,听录音,感知文本内容,学会捕捉文中重要信息的技巧。 3)通过角色表演小活动,增强对所学英语的体验,培养正确运用所学英语解决实际问题的 能力。 4)通过小组合作,积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 (二)教学重点、难点 1 灵活运用 Do you want to some?以及做出回答:肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thank you. 2掌握词汇 some, want, food, egg, tomato, potato, make. (三) 、教学策略(Teaching strategies) 1.任务型教学法:让学生带着问题看动画。 2.以旧带新教学法:运用学生已有知识经验,在自由交流中自然导入。 3.情境创设法:创设合理的情境,进行语言操练。 听做 1能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物; 2能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相 应的反应; 3能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等; 4 能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 本节课,学生能够听录音并进行跟读,努力去模仿学生的语音语调。达到了一级目标里边 的说唱目标 1:能根据录音模仿说英语;在操练部分,Pair work 和 Group work 体现了一 级目标里边的说唱目标: 2能相互致以简单的问候; 3能相互交流简单的个人信息, 如:姓名、年龄等; 4能表达简单的情感和感觉,如:喜欢和不喜欢;7能根据图、 文说出单词和短句。 Role Play 环节,学生戴头饰分角色扮演,体现了 玩演目标中:2能做简单的角色表演; 单词的教授环节,引导学生拼读单词,并要求学生伸手指书空,练习书写,加深学生对单 词的掌握。体现了读写目标中的 1能看图识字; 2能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词 语; 4能正确书写字母和单词。
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