牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 3 My friends-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:903f1).zip

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三年级英语 第 1 页 共 2 页 Unit3 作业作业 一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。16 1. Cc 2. Jj 3. Hh 4. Ff 二根据情境,选择正确的答案。24 ( )1.和别人再见时,别人会说: A.Good afternoon. B.Goodbye. ( )2.向别人介绍你的女性好朋友时,你可以说: A.Hes my friend. B.Shes my friend. ( )3.向别人介绍杨玲时,你会说: A.Shes Yang Ling. B.Hes Sam. ( )4.向别人介绍刘涛时,你会说: A.Hes Wang Bing. B.Hes Liu Tao. ( )5.向别人介绍他也是你的朋友时,你会说: A.Shes my friend. B.Hes my friend too. ( )6.你想知道她是不是蒂娜时,你会说: A.Are you Tina? B.Hello,Tina. ( )7.你和杨玲打招呼时,杨玲可以说: A.Hello,Tim. B.Hello,Yang Ling. ( )8.向别人介绍自己的姐姐时,你自己会说: A.This is my sister. B.Hes my brother. ( )9.向别人迈克时,你会说: A.Hes Tim. B.Hes Mike. ( )10.Shes Helen. my friend too. A.Shes B.shes ( )11.-Hello,Im Helen.-Hello, Mike. A. B.Im ( )12. -ThisTina.Shes my sister. A.is. B.am 三句型匹配。15 ( )1.Shes Su Hai. A.Hes my friend. ( )2.Hi,Im Sam. B.Shes my friend too. 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ -装-订-线- 三年级英语 第 2 页 共 2 页 ( )3.Hes Wang Bing. C.Shes my teacher. ( )4.Goodbye,class. D.Hi,Im Bobby. ( )5.This is Miss Li. E.Goodbye,Miss Li. 四翻译下列句子。14 1.Goodbye,class. 2.This is Tina. 3.Shes my sister. 4.Shes my friend. 5.Are you Su Hai? 6.Yes.I am. 7.Hes my friend too. Unit 3My friends Fun time and Cartoon time 周成丽周成丽 Step1. Warming-up 1.sing a song 2.Warm-up T:Good morning. S1: Good morning. T: How are you? S2:Im fine, thank you. T:Are you *? S3: Yes, I am. T:Are you *? S4: No, I am not. Im *. T: Is he your friend? S5: Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. T: Do you have a friend? S6: Yes. T: Can you introduce your friend? S6: She is *. She is my friend.(问三组学生) T: I have two friends. They are Bobby and Sam. They are good friends. They often go fishing together.(这时候屏幕出现这句话的英文和中文翻译。) 3.音标学习。 T: lets go fishing with them. a.让学生完成 PPT 上面的英文三字经英标 b.让学生跟读英标。 Step 2 presentation 1. 出现新人物 Tina. T: Look, this girl is scared. Who is she? Why is she scared? Lets watch the video and answer the question. 屏幕出现选择题: Who is she? A: She is Bobbys sister. B: She is Bobbys friend. S7: She is Bobbys sister. Choose A. T: How do you know? Please open your books and turn to page (学生自读,找出相 应的句子。) 2. 跟读 “This is Tina. Shes my sister.” 3. 学习 sister T: what does sister mean? (出现选择题) What does sister mean? A:姐姐 B:妹妹 C:姐姐或妹妹 Read after the tape. “sister” 4:Why is Tina scared? S8: 因为老鼠怕猫? T: Because “Fat cats eat rats”. 5.Think and guess T: What will happen next? S10:* T: I think Bobby will introduce Sam to his sister. How can Bobby introduce his friend, Sam? S11: This is Sam. He is my friend. Step 3 Act out 1.学生自读,并背诵 Cartoon time. 2.学生配音。 3.学生上台表演,老师打分。 Step 4 Fun time 1. 老师介绍自己的朋友 T:Do you know I have two good friends? 出现朋友的图片,并介绍: She is *. She is my friend. She is *. She is my friend, too. 2. 教学 too What does “too” mean? A:也 B:二 3.制作卡片并介绍朋友。 T: Now, take out your card and stick the photos of your friends on the card. Please show your card and introduce your friends. 教师提供模板: Hello, Im *. This is *. She/He is my friend. This is *. She / He is my friend, too. We are good friends. Step 5 Homework. 1. Recite cartoon time. Introduce your friend or your sister and brother to your classmates. Unit 7 (Period 2 ) Movie ticket 电影票 智力快车节目来到我们班里啦! 只要闯过关,就能获得最新电影 的入场券! 好消息! This is my sister. Thissister my is . Tip: 闯关秘籍 快乐火车要开啦!可是“乘客们”都 排错队伍了,只有把单词连成完整 的句子才会过关哦! 读句子的时候,要注意语音语调哦! Happy train 连词成句 Yes, please. Yesplease, . Happy train 连词成句 Nice to meet you. you Nice meet . to Happy train 连词成句 Would you like a hot dog? Wouldyou hot dog? likea pass 过关 Happy train 连词成句 Movie ticket 电影票 What shall we prepare for the film? 看电影之前要准备什么呢? 我们可以带一些食物(food) 和饮料drinks去看电影,但 要保持电影院的整洁哦! Talking time What food would you like? 你想要哪些食物呢? Lets go to the snack bar. 我们一起去小吃店选吧! Julys snack bar Try to buy food Miss Dings snack bar 丁老师的零食店 试着买食物吧 Snack Bar 小吃店、快餐店 Talk time: Buy food (买东西). Would you like.? Yes,please./No,thank you. What about.? C u s t o m e r ( 顾 客 ) : H i / H e l l o ! M i s s S u n : N i c e t o m e e t y o u . M i s s S u n : W o u l d y o u l i k e ? C u s t o m e r ( 顾 客 ) : N o , t h a n k y o u . M i s s S u n : W h a t a b o u t ? C u s t o m e r ( 顾 客 ) : Y e s , p l e a s e . M i s s S u n : T h i s i s f o r y o u ( 给 你 ) ! C u s t o m e r ( 顾 客 ) : T h a n k y o u . G o o d b y e ! 这些句子可以帮 助你买到食物。 Cartoon time. Bobby And Sam Cartoon time What are they sharing? 他们正在分享什么? Watch and answer Cartoon time Watch and answer What are they sharing? 他们正在分享什么? eggcake hot dog 1. Bobby would like an egg. 2. Mr Dog would like a hot dog. Watch and judge 哭脸还是笑脸? Would Dog like a hot dog? 小狗想要一个热狗吗? A No.B Yes. 为什么狗不想吃热狗呢?Why? 请畅所欲言,可以用中文表达! 害怕 Would Dog like a hot dog?小狗想要一个热狗吗? A No.B Yes. Read and think (读后想) A hot dog isnt a roast dog. 热狗不是一只烤热的狗。它是一种食物。 Lets read! (做优秀的读者,读出小狗语气的变化吧!) 开心 开心 疑惑 Tip:狗的情绪有什么变化呢? 请仔细观察每幅图片上狗的面部表情吧! 为什么Mr.Dog会有这样的表情呢? Read by yourselves and choose. ( 自己小声读短文并选择) A. He is scared(害怕) of the hot dog. B. He doesnt like(不喜欢)the hot dog. ,做好记号。 Reading tip: 阅读短文, 首要理解。 遇到疑问 老师讲解,认真倾听。 Reading time .有感情地跟读,并注意模 仿语音语调,并注意观察人 物的动作表情哦! Reading time 这是什么? Reading time 它是一只热狗。 Reading time Happy Reading 选择你喜欢的方式,朗读课文 自己大声朗读小组内齐读 和同伴分角色读 . Tip: 语音准确 注意指读 声音响亮! Show time 模仿我最像,表演我最棒! 语音准确、声音响亮、表情可爱、动作丰富 Rules: 1.三人小组合作,每人扮演一个角色。 2.台上的演员注意表情、动作,台下的演员要 注意倾听、积极回应哦! Cartoon time. The end 剧终 下部电影预告 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 圣诞节快到了,你想送什么样的 礼物给家人和朋友呢?是好吃的 食物、好看的服装还是好玩的玩 具?和同桌讨论一下吧! Lets go shopping to buy these goods! 我们一起去购物这些东西吧! Happiness is from sharing! 快乐来自分享 A _, a _ I can see. A _, a _ For you and me. 给你也给我。 An _, an _ I can see. An _, an _ For you and me. 给你也给我 Say a rhyme cakepie cakepie egg egg ice cream ice cream Say a rhyme abut sharing.说说有 关分享的小诗. 1. 当你初次见到某人时,可以说: Nice to meet you. 2. 当你问别人要不要吃蛋糕时,可以说 : Would you like a cake? What about a cake? 3. 当别人问你是否想吃 蛋糕时,你可以说: Yes,please. No,thank you. I can read and act the story. I can say the rhyme. I can offer people food. I can use “No, thank you.” and “Yes, please.” . . Happiness is from sharing. 快乐来自于分享 热狗的由来 德国人将香肠改良成用手就可以吃的 方式,就是把香肠夹入面包中,这样既卫 生又方便,所以很受欢迎。当时有一位漫 画家,觉得面包中露出的香肠很像小狗的 舌头。于是HOT DOG由此得名。
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